Add argument '?all_translations' to show all translations. Cache Types: 1: Unknown cache type 2: Traditional Cache 3: Multicache 4: Virtual Cache 5: Webcam Cache 6: Event Cache 7: Quiz Cache 8: Math/Physics Cache 9: Moving Cache 10: Drive-in Cache Cache Sizes: 1: other size 2: micro 3: small 4: normal 5: large 6: very large 7: no container 8: nano Cache Statuses: 1: Available 2: Temporarily not available 3: Archived 4: Hidden by approvers to check 5: Not yet published 6: Locked, visible 7: Locked, invisible Log Types: 1: Found 2: Not found 3: Note 7: Attended 8: Will attend 9: Archived 10: Available 11: Temporarily not available 13: Locked 14: Locked, invisible Waypoint Types: 1: Parking 2: Stage or reference point 3: Path 4: Final 5: Point of interest Languages: BG: Bulgarian CA: Catalan CS: Czech DA: Danish DE: German EL: Greek EN: English EO: Esperanto ES: Spanish ET: Estonian EU: Basque FI: Finnish FR: French HR: Croatian HU: Hungarian IS: Icelandic IT: Italian JA: Japanese LB: Luxembourgish LT: Lithuanian LV: Latvian NL: Dutch NO: Norwegian PL: Polish PT: Portuguese RO: Romanian RU: Russian SK: Slovak SL: Slovenian SV: Swedish TH: Thai TR: Turkish VI: Vietnamese ZH: Chinese Countries: AD: Andorra AE: United Arab Emirates AF: Afghanistan AG: Antigua And Barbuda AI: Anguilla AL: Albania AM: Armenia AN: Netherlands Antilles AO: Angola AR: Argentina AS: American Samoa AT: Austria AU: Australia AW: Aruba AZ: Azerbaijan BA: Bosnia And Herzegowina BB: Barbados BD: Bangladesh BE: Belgium BF: Burkina Faso BG: Bulgaria BH: Bahrain BI: Burundi BJ: Benin BM: Bermuda BN: Brunei Darussalam BO: Bolivia BR: Brazil BS: Bahamas BT: Bhutan BV: Bouvet Island BW: Botswana BY: Belarus BZ: Belize CA: Canada CC: Cocos (Keeling) Islands CF: Central African Republic CG: Congo CH: Switzerland CI: Cote d'Ivoire CK: Cook Islands CL: Chile CM: Cameroon CN: China CO: Colombia CR: Costa Rica CU: Cuba CV: Cape Verde CX: Christmas Island CY: Cyprus CZ: Czech Republic DE: Germany DJ: Djibouti DK: Denmark DO: Dominican Republic DZ: Algeria EC: Ecuador EE: Estonia EG: Egypt EH: Western Sahara ER: Eritrea ES: Spain ET: Ethiopia FI: Finland FJ: Fiji FK: Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM: Micronesia, Federated States Of FO: Faroe Islands FR: France GA: Gabon GB: United Kingdom GD: Grenada GE: Georgia GF: French Guiana GH: Ghana GI: Gibraltar GL: Greenland GM: Gambia GN: Guinea GP: Guadeloupe GR: Greece GS: South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands GT: Guatemala GU: Guam GW: Guinea-Bissau GY: Guyana HK: Hong Kong HM: Heard And Mc Donald Islands HN: Honduras HR: Croatia HT: Haiti HU: Hungary ID: Indonesia IE: Ireland IL: Israel IN: India IO: British Indian Ocean Territory IQ: Iraq IR: Iran (Islamic Republic Of) IS: Iceland IT: Italy JM: Jamaica JO: Jordan JP: Japan KE: Kenya KG: Kyrgyzstan KH: Cambodia KI: Kiribati KM: Comoros KN: Saint Kitts And Nevis KP: Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of KR: Korea, Republic Of KW: Kuwait KY: Cayman Islands KZ: Kazakhstan LA: Lao People's Democratic Republic LB: Lebanon LC: Saint Lucia LI: Liechtenstein LK: Sri Lanka LR: Liberia LS: Lesotho LT: Lithuania LU: Luxembourg LV: Latvia LY: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya MA: Morocco MC: Monaco MD: Moldova, Republic Of ME: Montenegro MG: Madagascar MH: Marshall Islands MK: Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of ML: Mali MM: Myanmar MN: Mongolia MO: Macau MP: Northern Mariana Islands MQ: Martinique MR: Mauritania MS: Montserrat MT: Malta MU: Mauritius MV: Maldives MW: Malawi MX: Mexico MY: Malaysia MZ: Mozambique NA: Namibia NC: New Caledonia NE: Niger NF: Norfolk Island NG: Nigeria NI: Nicaragua NL: Netherlands NO: Norway NP: Nepal NR: Nauru NU: Niue NZ: New Zealand OM: Oman PA: Panama PE: Peru PF: French Polynesia PG: Papua New Guinea PH: Philippines PK: Pakistan PL: Poland PM: St. Pierre And Miquelon PN: Pitcairn PR: Puerto Rico PT: Portugal PW: Palau PY: Paraguay QA: Qatar RE: Reunion RO: Romania RS: Serbia RU: Russian Federation RW: Rwanda SA: Saudi Arabia SB: Solomon Islands SC: Seychelles SD: Sudan SE: Sweden SG: Singapore SH: St. Helena SI: Slovenia SJ: Svalbard And Jan Mayen Islands SK: Slovakia SL: Sierra Leone SM: San Marino SN: Senegal SO: Somalia SR: Suriname ST: Sao Tome And Principe SV: El Salvador SY: Syrian Arab Republic SZ: Swaziland TC: Turks And Caicos Islands TD: Chad TF: French Southern Territories TG: Togo TH: Thailand TJ: Tajikistan TK: Tokelau TM: Turkmenistan TN: Tunisia TO: Tonga TR: Turkey TT: Trinidad And Tobago TV: Tuvalu TW: Taiwan, Province Of China TZ: Tanzania, United Republic Of UA: Ukraine UG: Uganda UM: United States Minor Outlying Islands US: United States UY: Uruguay UZ: Uzbekistan VA: Vatican City State (Holy See) VC: Saint Vincent And The Grenadines VE: Venezuela VG: Virgin Islands (British) VI: Virgin Islands (U.S.) VN: Viet Nam VU: Vanuatu WF: Wallis And Futuna Islands WS: Samoa YE: Yemen YT: Mayotte ZA: South Africa ZM: Zambia ZW: Zimbabwe Attributes: 1: ONLY AT NIGHT - A43 de: nur bei Nacht en: Only at night es: Sólo por la noche fr: Seulement la nuit it: Solo di notte ru: Ночной 6: ONLY LOGGABLE AT OPENCACHING - A1 de: Nur bei Opencaching logbar en: Only loggable at Opencaching es: Solo loggeable en Opencaching fr: Seulement loggable au Opencaching it: Loggabile solo su Opencaching nl: Alleen bij Opencaching te loggen 7: HYPERLINK TO ANOTHER CACHING PORTAL ONLY - >>>> MISSING A-CODE MAPPING <<<< de: nur Hyperlink zu OC-externen Portalen en: Hyperlink to another caching portal only es: Sólo enlace a otro portal de almacenamiento en caches fr: Lien hypertexte vers un autre portail de mise en cache seulement it: Solo collegamento ad un altro portale di caching 8: LETTERBOX (NEEDS STAMP) - A4 de: Letterbox (benötigt Stempel) en: Letterbox (needs stamp) es: LETTERBOX (necesita un estampador) fr: boîte aux lettres (besoin de timbre) it: Letterbox (richiede un timbro) 9: DANGEROUS AREA - A59 de: gefährliches Gebiet en: Dangerous area es: Zona Peligrosa fr: Zone dangereuse it: Area pericolosa ru: Опасная зона 10: ACTIVE RAILWAY NEARBY - A60 de: aktive Eisenbahnlinie in der Nähe en: Active railway nearby es: Cerca del ferrocarril activo fr: Chemin de fer actif à proximité it: Ferrovia attiva nei pressi ru: Железная дорога 11: CLIFF / ROCKS - A61 de: Klippen / Felsen en: Cliff / Rocks es: Acantilado / Rocas fr: falaises / rocher it: Scogliera / Rocce 12: HUNTING - A62 de: Jagdgebiet en: Hunting es: Zona de Caza fr: Chasse it: Caccia ru: Охота 13: THORNS - A63 de: Dornen en: Thorns es: Espinas fr: Épines it: Spine ru: Колючки 14: TICKS - A64 de: Zecken en: Ticks es: Garrapatas fr: Tiques it: Zecche ru: Клещи 15: ABANDONED MINES - A65 de: Folgen des Bergbaus en: Abandoned mines es: Mina abandonada fr: Mines abandonnées it: Miniere abbandonate ru: Заброшенные шахты 16: POISONOUS PLANTS - A66 de: giftige Pflanzen en: Poisonous plants es: Planta venenosa fr: Plantes toxiques it: Piante velenose ru: Ядовитые растения 17: DANGEROUS ANIMALS - A67 de: giftige/gefährliche Tiere en: Dangerous animals es: Animales Peligrosos fr: Animaux dangereux it: Animali pericolosi ru: Опасные животные 18: PARKING AREA NEARBY - A33 de: Parkplatz in der Nähe en: Parking area nearby es: Parking cercano fr: Zone de parking à proximité it: Parcheggio nei pressi ru: Парковка 19: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - A34 de: erreichbar mit ÖVM en: Public transportation es: Transporte Público fr: Transport public it: Trasporto pubblico ru: Общественный транспорт 20: DRINKING WATER NEARBY - A35 de: Trinkwasser in der Nähe en: Drinking water nearby es: Agua potable en las cercanias fr: L'eau potable à proximité it: Acqua potabile nei pressi ru: Питьевая вода 21: PUBLIC RESTROOMS NEARBY - A36 de: öffentliche Toilette in der Nähe en: Public restrooms nearby es: Aseos públicos cercanos fr: Toilettes publiques à proximité it: Bagni pubblici nei pressi ru: Туалет 22: PUBLIC PHONE NEARBY - A37 de: Telefon in der Nähe en: Public phone nearby es: Teléfono Público en las cercanias fr: Téléphone public à proximité it: Telefono pubblico nei pressi ru: Телефон 23: FIRST AID AVAILABLE - A38 de: Erste Hilfe verfügbar en: First aid available es: Disponible socorro rapido fr: Premiers secours disponibles it: Disponibile pronto soccorso ru: Первая помощь 24: NEAR THE PARKING AREA - A19 de: nahe beim Auto en: Near the parking area es: Cerca de un Parking fr: Près de la zone de stationnement it: Vicino all'area di parcheggio 25: LONG WALK - A21 de: längere Wanderung en: Long walk es: Larga caminata fr: Longue marche it: Lunga camminata 26: SWAMP, MARSH OR WADING - A22 de: sumpfiges/matschiges Gelände / waten en: Swamp, marsh or wading es: Pantano / terreno fangoso fr: Marécage, un marais ou pataugeoire it: Palude o marcita ru: Болото 27: HILLY AREA - A23 de: hügeliges Gelände en: Hilly area es: Terreno montañoso fr: Région vallonnée it: Area collinare ru: Холмистая местность 28: SOME CLIMBING (NO GEAR NEEDED) - A24 de: leichtes Klettern (ohne Ausrüstung) en: Some climbing (no gear needed) es: fácil de subir (sin equipo) fr: Certains escalade (aucun engin nécessaire) it: Arrampicata (attrezzatura non necessaria) 29: SWIMMING REQUIRED - A25 de: Schwimmen erforderlich en: Swimming required es: Requiere nadar fr: Baigner requise it: Nuoto necessario 30: POINT OF INTEREST - A30 de: interessanter Ort en: Point of interest es: Punto de interes fr: Point d'intérêt it: Punto di interesse 31: MOVING TARGET - A11 de: bewegliches Ziel en: Moving target es: Objetivo en movimiento fr: Cible mouvante it: Oggetto in movimento 32: WEBCAM - A12 de: Webcam am Ziel en: Webcam es: Webcam fr: Webcam it: Webcam 33: WIHIN ENCLOSED ROOMS (CAVES, BUILDINGS ETC.) - A31 de: in geschlossenen Räumen (Höhle, Gebäude, etc.) en: Wihin enclosed rooms (caves, buildings etc.) es: en espacios confinados (cuevas, edificios, etc) fr: Dans des pièces fermées (grottes, bâtiments, etc.) it: All'interno di stanze chiuse (caverne, edifici, ecc.) 34: IN THE WATER - A32 de: Im Wasser en: In the water es: En el agua fr: Dans l'eau it: Nell'acqua nl: In het water 35: WITHOUT GPS (LETTERBOXES, CISTES, COMPASS JUGGLING ...) - A58 de: ohne GPS (Letterboxen, Cistes, compass-juggling,...) en: Without GPS (letterboxes, cistes, compass juggling ...) es: Sin GPS (letterboxes, cistes, compass juggling ...) fr: Sans GPS (boîte aux lettres, cistes, boussole jonglage ...) it: Senza GPS (letterboxes, cistes, compass juggling ...) 36: ACCESS OR PARKING FEE - A26 de: Zugangs- bzw. Parkentgelt en: Access or parking fee es: Acceso o parking pagando fr: Frais d'accès ou de stationnement it: Tassa di ingresso o di parcheggio ru: Плата за вход или парковку 37: OVERNIGHT STAY NECESSARY - A69 de: Übernachtung erforderlich en: Overnight stay necessary es: Necesario pernoctar fr: Nuitée nécessaire it: Necessario pernottamento 38: AVAILABLE 24 HOURS - A39 de: rund um die Uhr machbar en: Available 24 hours es: Disponible las 24 horas fr: Disponible 24 heures it: Disponibile 24 ore ru: Круглосуточный 39: ONLY AVAILABLE AT SPECIFIED TIMES - A40 de: nur zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten en: Only available at specified times es: Sólo disponible a ciertas horas fr: Uniquement disponible à des moments précis it: Disponibile solo in certi orari 40: BY DAY ONLY - A41 de: nur tagsüber en: By day only es: solo por el día fr: le jour seulement it: solo di giorno ru: Дневной 41: NOT AT HIGH WATER LEVEL - A48 de: nicht bei Hochwasser oder Flut en: Not at high water level fr: Pas du niveau d'eau élevé it: Non disponibile con alto livello di acqua 42: ALL SEASONS - A44 de: ganzjährig zugänglich en: All seasons es: Todas las temporadas fr: Toutes les saisons it: Tutte le stagioni ru: Всесезонный 43: BREEDING SEASON / PROTECTED NATURE - A46 de: Brutsaison / Naturschutz en: Breeding season / protected nature es: Temporada de reproducción / protección de la naturaleza fr: Saison de reproduction / nature préservée it: Stagione di riproduzione / natura protetta 44: SNOW-PROOF HIDING PLACE - A47 de: schneesicheres Versteck en: Snow-proof hiding place es: Nieve en el escondite fr: Cachette impperméable à la neige it: Luogo a prova di neve 46: SPECIAL EQUIPMENT - A56 de: spezielle Ausrüstung en: Special equipment es: Equipamiento especial fr: Équipement spécial it: Equipaggiamento speciale 47: COMPASS - A49 de: Kompass en: Compass es: Brújula fr: Boussole it: Bussola nl: Kompas ru: Компас 48: FLASHLIGHT - A52 de: Taschenlampe en: Flashlight es: Linterna fr: Lampe de poche it: Lampada tascabile nl: Zaklamp ru: Фонарь 49: CLIMBING GEAR - A53 de: Kletterzeug en: Climbing gear es: Equipo de escalada fr: Matériel d'escalade it: Attrezzatura per arrampicata nl: Klimuitrusting ru: Альпинистское снаряжение 50: CAVE EQUIPMENT - A54 de: Höhlenzeug en: Cave equipment es: Equipación para cuevas fr: Équipement de grotte it: Attrezzatura per grotta nl: Grotuitrusting ru: Пещерное снаряжение 51: DIVING EQUIPMENT - A55 de: Taucherausrüstung en: Diving equipment es: Equipo de buceo fr: Équipement de plongée it: Attrezzatura per immersione nl: Duikuitrusting 52: WATERCRAFT - A57 de: Wasserfahrzeug en: Watercraft es: Barca fr: Motomarine it: Barca nl: Boot ru: Плавсредство 53: AIRCRAFT - A75 de: Fluggerät en: Aircraft es: Aeronave fr: Avion it: Elicottero nl: Vliegtuig 54: INVESTIGATION - A14 de: Recherche en: Investigation es: Investigación fr: Enquête it: Ricerca nl: Onderzoek 55: PUZZLE / MYSTERY - A15 de: Rätsel en: Puzzle / Mystery es: Puzzle / Misterio fr: Puzzle / Mystère it: Puzzle / Mystery nl: Puzzel / raadsel ru: Головоломка 56: ARITHMETICAL PROBLEM - A16 de: Rechenaufgabe en: Arithmetical problem es: Problema matemático fr: Problème d'arithmétique it: Problema matematico nl: Rekenopgave ru: Математическая задача 57: OTHER CACHE TYPE - A13 de: sonstiger Cachetyp en: Other cache type es: Otro tipo de cache fr: Autre type de cache it: Altro tipo di cache nl: andere cache 58: ASK OWNER FOR START CONDITIONS - A17 de: Startbedingungen beim Owner erfragen en: Ask owner for start conditions es: Pregunte a los propietarios por las condiciones iniciales fr: Demander au propriétaire pour les conditions de démarrage it: Chiedere al proprietario per le condizioni di partenza nl: Start aanwijzingen aan plaatser vragen 59: SUITED FOR CHILDREN - A71 de: kindgerecht en: Suited for children es: Apto para niños fr: Adapté pour les enfants it: Adatta ai bambini nl: Kindvriendelijk ru: Детский 60: ONLY AVAILABLE DURING SPECIFIED SEASONS - A45 de: Nur zu bestimmten Zeiten im Jahr en: Only available during specified seasons es: Sólo disponible durante las estaciones especificadas fr: Uniquement disponible pendant des saisons précises it: Disponibile solo in certe stagioni 61: SAFARI CACHE - A72 de: Safari-Cache en: Safari Cache fr: Cache safari it: Safari Cache 62: HANDICAP: BLIND - >>>> MISSING A-CODE MAPPING <<<< de: Handicap: Blind en: Handicap: Blind 63: HANDICAP: WHEELCHAIR - >>>> MISSING A-CODE MAPPING <<<< de: Handicap: Rollstuhl en: Handicap: Wheelchair Attribute notices: There are three priorities: (!), (-) and ( ) (the last one ( ) can be safely ignored) (-) Attribute A43 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Seulement la nuit OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A43 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Ночной OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A1 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Nur bei Opencaching logbar OKAPI name: nur bei Opencaching logbar (-) Attribute A1 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Seulement loggable au Opencaching OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A1 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Alleen bij Opencaching te loggen OKAPI name: Alleen te loggen op Opencaching (!) Attribute 7 is not mapped to any A-code. ( ) Attribute A4 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: LETTERBOX (necesita un estampador) OKAPI name: Letterbox (necesita un estampador) (-) Attribute A4 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: boîte aux lettres (besoin de timbre) OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A59 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Zone dangereuse OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A59 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Опасная зона OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A60 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Chemin de fer actif à proximité OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A60 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Железная дорога OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A61 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: falaises / rocher OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A62 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Chasse OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A62 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Охота OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A63 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Épines OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A63 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Колючки OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A64 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Tiques OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A64 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Клещи OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A65 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Mines abandonnées OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A65 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Заброшенные шахты OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A66 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Plantes toxiques OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A66 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Ядовитые растения OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A67 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Animaux dangereux OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A67 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Опасные животные OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A33 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Zone de parking à proximité OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A33 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Парковка OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A34 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Transport public OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A34 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Общественный транспорт OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A35 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: L'eau potable à proximité OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A35 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Питьевая вода OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A36 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Toilettes publiques à proximité OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A36 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Туалет OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A37 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Téléphone public à proximité OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A37 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Телефон OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A38 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Premiers secours disponibles OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A38 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Первая помощь OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A19 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: nahe beim Auto OKAPI name: Drive-In-Cache (-) Attribute A19 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Près de la zone de stationnement OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A21 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Longue marche OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A22 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Marécage, un marais ou pataugeoire OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A22 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Болото OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A23 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Terreno montañoso OKAPI name: Terreno montanoso (-) Attribute A23 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Région vallonnée OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A23 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Холмистая местность OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A24 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Certains escalade (aucun engin nécessaire) OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A25 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Baigner requise OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A30 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Point d'intérêt OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A11 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Cible mouvante OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A12 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Webcam am Ziel OKAPI name: Webcam ( ) Attribute A12 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Webcam OKAPI name: Webcam Cache (-) Attribute A12 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Webcam OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A12 has a different name in the 'it' language Local name: Webcam OKAPI name: Webcam Cache (-) Attribute A31 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Dans des pièces fermées (grottes, bâtiments, etc.) OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A32 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Im Wasser OKAPI name: im Wasser versteckt (-) Attribute A32 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Dans l'eau OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A32 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: In het water OKAPI name: Verborgen onder water ( ) Attribute A58 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: ohne GPS (Letterboxen, Cistes, compass-juggling,...) OKAPI name: ohne GPS findbar ( ) Attribute A58 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Sin GPS (letterboxes, cistes, compass juggling ...) OKAPI name: Sin GPS (-) Attribute A58 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Sans GPS (boîte aux lettres, cistes, boussole jonglage ...) OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A58 has a different name in the 'it' language Local name: Senza GPS (letterboxes, cistes, compass juggling ...) OKAPI name: Senza GPS (-) Attribute A26 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Frais d'accès ou de stationnement OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A26 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Плата за вход или парковку OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A69 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Nuitée nécessaire OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A39 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Disponible 24 heures OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A39 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Круглосуточный OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A40 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Uniquement disponible à des moments précis OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A41 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: le jour seulement OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A41 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Дневной OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A48 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Pas du niveau d'eau élevé OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A48 is missing a name in the 'it' language. Local name: Non disponibile con alto livello di acqua OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A44 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Toutes les saisons OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A44 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Всесезонный OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A46 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Saison de reproduction / nature préservée OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A47 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Cachette impperméable à la neige OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A56 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Équipement spécial OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A49 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Boussole OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A49 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Kompas OKAPI name: Kompas nodig (-) Attribute A49 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Компас OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A52 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Lampe de poche OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A52 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Zaklamp OKAPI name: Zaklamp nodig (-) Attribute A52 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Фонарь OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A53 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Matériel d'escalade OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A53 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Klimuitrusting OKAPI name: Klimuitrusting nodig (-) Attribute A53 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Альпинистское снаряжение OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A54 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Équipement de grotte OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A54 is missing a name in the 'nl' language. Local name: Grotuitrusting OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A54 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Пещерное снаряжение OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A55 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Equipo de buceo OKAPI name: Diving equipment (-) Attribute A55 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Équipement de plongée OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A55 has a different name in the 'it' language Local name: Attrezzatura per immersione OKAPI name: Equipo de buceo ( ) Attribute A55 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Duikuitrusting OKAPI name: Duikuitrusting nodig (-) Attribute A57 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Motomarine OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A57 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Boot OKAPI name: Boot benodigd (-) Attribute A57 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Плавсредство OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A75 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Fluggerät OKAPI name: Flugzeug erforderlich (-) Attribute A75 is missing a name in the 'es' language. Local name: Aeronave OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A75 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Avion OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A75 is missing a name in the 'it' language. Local name: Elicottero OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A75 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Vliegtuig OKAPI name: Vliegtuigen nodig (-) Attribute A14 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Enquête OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A14 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Onderzoek OKAPI name: Onderzoek vereist (-) Attribute A15 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Puzzle / Mystère OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A15 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Puzzel / raadsel OKAPI name: Puzzel / Mysterie (-) Attribute A15 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Головоломка OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A16 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Problème d'arithmétique OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A16 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Rekenopgave OKAPI name: Wiskundig probleem (-) Attribute A16 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Математическая задача OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A13 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Autre type de cache OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A13 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: andere cache OKAPI name: Ander cachesoort ( ) Attribute A17 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Pregunte a los propietarios por las condiciones iniciales OKAPI name: Ask owner for start conditions (-) Attribute A17 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Demander au propriétaire pour les conditions de démarrage OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A17 has a different name in the 'it' language Local name: Chiedere al proprietario per le condizioni di partenza OKAPI name: Ask owner for start conditions ( ) Attribute A17 has a different name in the 'nl' language Local name: Start aanwijzingen aan plaatser vragen OKAPI name: Vraag eigenaar om startvoorwaarden ( ) Attribute A71 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: kindgerecht OKAPI name: kindgerecht (10-12 Jahre) ( ) Attribute A71 has a different name in the 'es' language Local name: Apto para niños OKAPI name: Apto para ninos (10-12 anos) (-) Attribute A71 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Adapté pour les enfants OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A71 has a different name in the 'it' language Local name: Adatta ai bambini OKAPI name: Suited for children (10-12 anni) (-) Attribute A71 is missing a name in the 'nl' language. Local name: Kindvriendelijk OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A71 is missing a name in the 'ru' language. Local name: Детский OKAPI name: >> none << ( ) Attribute A45 has a different name in the 'de' language Local name: Nur zu bestimmten Zeiten im Jahr OKAPI name: nur zu bestimmten Zeiten im Jahr (-) Attribute A45 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Uniquement disponible pendant des saisons précises OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A72 is missing a name in the 'fr' language. Local name: Cache safari OKAPI name: >> none << (-) Attribute A72 is missing a name in the 'it' language. Local name: Safari Cache OKAPI name: >> none << (!) Attribute 62 is not mapped to any A-code. (!) Attribute 63 is not mapped to any A-code.