beim Karl Ludwig-Haus auf der Rax. Seehöhe 1812m.
von eisenstaedter Österreich > Steiermark > Östliche Obersteiermark
Der Weg |
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Saisonbedingt |
Das Kirchlein 1936 wurde von Baumeister Hermann Kubacsek nach den Plänen des Architekten Edmund Zacher (beide übrigens bekannte Bergsteiger) erbaut.
Im Inneren hängt ein dreiteiliges Altarbild, auf dem von links
nach rechts der Heilige Karl Borromäus, der Gang Mariens über das
Gebirge und der Heilige Bernhard dargestellt sind. Schöne
Glasfenster verleihen dem Inneren ein entsprechendes Ambiente. Ein
abgebrochener Eispickel und ein Seil erinnern an die verunglückten
Bergsteiger. Ein Freialtar an der Außenseite des Kirchleins dient
für größere Veranstaltungen.
Das Raxkircherl ist über diverse Steige, am einfachsten aber über
den "Schlangenweg" vom Preiner Gscheid aus erreichbar. In
unmittelbarer Nähe befindet sich das Karl Ludwig-Haus.
Dieser Cache ist gut mit "Heukuppe" - OC93F7 und dem Multi
"Rauf, aber der Kuh nach!" - GC1X3BY von
Termite2712 kombinierbar.
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Logeinträge für Raxkircherl
15. Juni 2017 Wandervogel 510 hat den Geocache gefunden
Am Weg vom Gretchensteig hier vorbei gekommen und das Doserl gesucht leider musste ich einige Muggles abwarten bis ich den Eintrag ins Logbuch durchführen konnte.
08. Juni 2014, 13:03 mymonterra hat den Geocache gefunden
16. November 2013 Eagle_ hat den Geocache gefunden
Blauer Himmel, viel Sonne, erster Schnee. Juchee!
26. Oktober 2013 cezanne hat den Geocache gefunden
Together with AnnaMoritz, MoritzRabe and Cachen, nein danke we went up to the Karl Ludwig Haus. We started at the Preiner Gscheid and took the easy Schlangenweg.
Near the hut we took the shorter, but steeper ascent. Back down we then took the longer, but less steep trail via the saddle from where the trail leads up to the Predigtstuhl where to my surprise no cache seems to be hidden. I was surprised how pleasant the hike up was - sometimes 200 height meters are more tiresome for me as the more than 700 height meters up to the Karl Ludwig Haus.
Anyway, we made a rest in the Karl Ludwig Haus where a long queue was waiting for food and beverages. Fortunately, Cachen, nein danke was so kind to wait in the queue. As it was very hot inside the hut, I was glad that AnnaMoritz suggested to me that a short walk over to the Raxkircherl. As she had found the cache before, it was possible to retrieve and rehide the cache even though other people were around. When we came back to the hut, our beverages had arrived at our table. After we left the hut, AnnaMoritz and myself continued to the Heukuppe while Cachen, nein danke went down with MoritzRabe because MoritzRabe felt tired. For him already the last part of the ascent was hard and he lacked the motivation and even promising a nice meal did not help that much. The cholocolate ice cream and a further desert at the Waxriegelhaus at least provided enough energy for the walk back to the car.
I had a short look at the church after having logged the cache. I wonder how "zumutbares Wetter" (reasonable weather) is defined in connection with a religious service in the little church. It will probably depend on the priest, I guess.
Thank you for leading me to the Raxkircherl, I have not had heard before. It was my first visit to the Rax. It is a lovely area and today the weather was gorgeous.
Both log books were quite damp. I had no replacement with me.
All in all it was a hike of around 13km that involved around 1000 height meters. Thank you for providing me with a target to visit while we had to wait for our beverages. I preferred the fresh air outside to the bad air inside the Karl Ludwig Haus.
No trade
15. Oktober 2013 DonSchurke hat den Geocache gefunden
Hehe, die "Ausführung" des Caches ist eine feine Sache