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Geocache Tradizionale

Gleitschirmplatz Königstuhl

On the lower part of the clearing

di hou710     Germania > Baden-Württemberg > Heidelberg, Stadtkreis

N 49° 24.242' E 008° 43.585' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: disponibile
 Tempo necessario: 0:21 h   Lunghezza percorso: 1.0 km
 Nascosta il: 27. dicembre 2023
 Pubblicata il: 28. dicembre 2023
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 28. dicembre 2023
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC17D3C

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0 Ignorata
23 Pagina visite
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Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

Please only look for it when there are no paragliders taking off. When going downhill or uphill, please also make sure that you are not on the mountain bike trail. There are small, well-trodden paths where you can walk without destroying the plants. The easiest descent is via the official entrance to the paragliding site, a little to the left of the tree at the viewpoint, which is well frequented by tourists.

There are small 3D-printed toys in the cache, please just take one and add something similar.

Suggerimenti addizionali  

Under a mossy stone



Offizielles Gleitschirmplatzschild
Offizielles Gleitschirmplatzschild


Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet Bergstraße - Mitte (Informazioni), Naturpark Neckartal-Odenwald (Informazioni)

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