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Alt-Augsburg #1

A nostalgic walk around the southern Old Town of Augsburg.

by MoWoWing     Germany > Bayern > Augsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt

N 48° 21.717' E 010° 54.069' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: small
Status: Available
 Time required: 1:30 h   Route: 3.2 km
 Hidden on: 21 September 2014
 Published on: 25 September 2014
 Last update: 17 February 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC114F4
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

36 Found
0 Not found
1 Note
4 Watchers
2 Ignorers
382 Page visits
1 Log picture
Geokrety history
7 Recommendations

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Preparation needed

Description    Deutsch  ·  English  ·  Français  ·  Italiano  ·  Nederlands

The appearance of Augsburg has changed partially very strongly. This cache leads you on a walk in the southern part of the Old Town to some places from which there are still photographs from longest past times.

During the second world war many buildings were destroyed. Some views have changed only a little. However, many are to be recognised hardly or no more at all.

The Cache begins near "Ulrichsplatz" and ends near "Rotes Tor".

Here it is hard fo find parking possibilities. Best of all you come with public means of transportation. From the stop "Ulrichsplatz" (bus routes 22 and 32) it is only a few steps to the starting point.

The cache can be made on foot or by bike. Merely on a small segment in the pedestrian area you should absolutely push your wheel if you do not like to be cashed up!



At each stage of this cache you must find out which of the following historical photos has been taken from this place.
Assign the figure of the photo to the letter (A . . . M) of the respective station. With it you can than calculate the co-ordinates of the subsequent stages and of the final.

In order to make it not too easy, there are a few photos more, than stages!

All postcomma places are 3-figure. Should you get only a 1- or 2-figure result, you must complete it with leading zeros!

That the page representation is optimum, you should print the listing via [print... > without logs].
Page adjustment: "reduce to page size" or "adapt to size".
Page margins: top, left, right = 5 mm, bottom = 13 mm.





Stage 01:    N48°21.717' E10°54.069'                 A = 


Stage 02:    N48°21.(105*A)' E10°54.(40*A)'          B =


Stage 03:   N48°21.(163*B)' E10°54.(27*B)'           C =
Hint: The corresponding photo was taken up with viewing direction south. Here nothing more is as it was at that time.
C is odd.


Stage 04:    N48°21.(295*C)' E10°54.(15*C)'          D =


Stage 05:    N48°21.(230*D)' E10°53.(244*D)'         E =


Stage 06:    N48°22.(20*E)' E10°53.(445*E)'          F =


Stage 07:    N48°22.(13*F)' E10°53.(182*F)'          G =


Stage 08:    N48°21.(161*G)' E10°53.(112*G)'         H =


Stage 09:    N48°21.(110*H)' E10°53.(65*H)'          I =
Hint: The corresponding photo was taken up with viewing direction west. Only the right corner house is recognizable! 


Stage 10:    N48°21.HID' E10°53.GCI'                 K =
Hint: The corresponding photo was taken up with viewing direction SSW. Also this corner is nearly not to be recognised. Instead of the newfangled right corner house formerly till 1971 the hotel "Kaiserhof" with a nice bay window tower (with hoisted flag) was situated there.


Stage 11:    N48°21.GCB' E10°53.(136*G)'             L =
The way to this stage is a little bit longer.


Stage 12:    N48°21.BAI' E10°53.HLA'                 M =


Final:       N48°2K.MDG'   E10°5F.KKH'
Hint: Tilt the box away to the left!

Attention: It has already happened that a bad guy had hidden the box about 20 m farther to the north. Should this happen once again, please inform the owner.


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Log entries for Alt-Augsburg #1    Found 36x Not found 0x Note 1x

Found 22 June 2024, 14:03 Lakritzschnäuzchen found the geocache

Mit Cacherbegleitung und dem Pluto Schnäuzchen eine lange Gassirunde durch Augsburg gedreht. Was haben wir hier geschaut/gesucht/verglichen...

Aber wir haben es geschafft!

Danke für das Pushen unseres Hobbys und für`s hierherlocken, ist doch schön wo uns die Dosen hinführen.

Dem Doserl geht's gut! Um die Logbücher zu schonen trage ich mich nicht unbedingt an letzter Stelle, sondern dort ein, wo noch Platz ist, dies kann auch mal quer am Rand sein.
Den Namen verkürze ich meistens auf „Lakritz“. 😉

Vielen Dank an den Owner!

Lakritzschnäuzchen & Plutohund

---Sehr zutreffend ist die Aussage des griechischen Dichters Philemon: „Alles auf der Erde lässt sich finden, wenn man nur zu suchen sich nicht verdrießen lässt“.---

Found 09 November 2023, 19:14 Savela found the geocache

Mit diesem Multi hab ich heut meinen Stadtrundgang gestartet.
Es war nicht immer einfach, desto freute ich mich umso mehr, als ich im Zielgebiet die gut getarnte Dose entdeckte und diese auch erst auf den zweiten Blick. Schöne Idee mit den alten Ansichten, hat mir gefallen.
Danke für den Multi und TFTC

Found 30 July 2023, 16:21 acidicXXX found the geocache

Alt-Augsburg #1 habe ich heute (30. Juli 2023) geloggt. TFTC an MoWoWing!

Found 15 November 2021, 21:40 Black_Tigers found the geocache

Alt-Augsburg # 1 hat uns genau so gut gefallen wie # 2 und # 3.
Wir lieben Multis dieser Art da es einfach toll ist, wenn man den direkten Vergleich zu früher sieht.
TFTC sagen Black_Tigers
Nachlogg auf OC zum Logg auf GC vom 20.08.21

Found 11 June 2020, 15:56 Cas&Dan found the geocache

Sehr schön, vielen Dank für die hübsche Runde!