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About Geocaching

Geocaching is a form of modern treasure hunt. Simplified and generally speaking: There are people who hide containers with nice things and a logbook somewhere, preferrably at nice places, and publish the stash location by means of GPS coordinates on the internet (preferrably at Opencaching). Other people read this geocache listings, note the coordinates and use their GPS device to find the treasures. They log their visit in the on-site logbook, maybe exchange items stored in the cache, hide the container at the same place and log their visit online at the geocaching website.

So far for the basics. Of course geocaching is much more. For example, there are different types of caches, from simple ones which you can nearly grab driving by with your car, up to sophisticated caches which need special equipment (like climbing gear or wetsuit). There are multistage caches and quiz caches which include solving puzzles.

However, all geocaches have one thing in common: The fun of geocaching! Fun in outdoor touring, fun in searching and riddling. Fun in meeting challenges, and – last but not least – fun in meeting and chatting with other geocachers – by log entries, within online communities and at geocaching events.

The fascination of geocaching is hardly to put in a nutshell, due to the variety of cache types, locations and interests of individual geocachers. Some will use geocaching as an additional attraction for walking sports, while others will use it for family trips. Some like puzzles, other hate it and instead seek for high demanding terrains or pursue the challenge of doing as many caches as possible.

You think this sounds to good to be true? Just try it!

This translation ist based on a text from http://www.geocaching-info.de – thanks!