Name: Please choose a comprehensible name, which describes the cache or the location. Use different names for different caches.
Cache type: There are several ways to design a cache:
Traditional Cache: The coordinates point directly to the cache stash. The cache is a container with a logbook, and no puzzles or quests must be done to find and open it. |
Drive-In: A traditional cache with a parking area very nearby. No special equipment is needed to find and retrieve the cache. |
Multicache: The coordinates do not point to the stash, but at the trailhead for seeking the cache. Starting there, the cache can be reached by finding intermediate stages and/or solving puzzles. The solutions must be possible on site. |
Quiz cache („Mystery“): A puzzle must be solved to determine the (starting) location of the cache. From there on, it may continue like any other type of cache. |
Math or physics cache: To find the cache, you have to solve one or more sophisticated math or physics problems. |
Moving Cache: The cache is changing positions. For example, it will be placed at a new location by each finder, who logs the new coordinates and maybe a new quest or puzzle at Opencaching. Or the cache is attached to a vehicle, whose coordinates have to be determined. |
Virtual cache: There is no container at the cache site and no logbook. Instead a puzzle or quest must be done on site – e.g. taking a picture or finding somthing written on a plate –, before the cache can be logged online. |
Webcam cache: A public webcam is utilized to solve the cache. Usually the webcam must be found and a picture of the geocacher be taken. The picture will then be appended to the online log. There is no container or logbook. |
Event cache: A meeting of geocachers; anyone may attend. |
Unknown cache type: The geocache does not fit any of the types listed above. |
Cache size: Size of the cache container; common sizes are:
Coordinates: The hiding place of the cache, or the first stage, trailhead or parking area of a multicache. If the coordinates have to be found by solving a puzzle: An arbitrary coordinate in the target area, so that the cache may be found on maps and the distance may be estimated.
Country: In which country is the cache location? This information is important especially for near-border caches.
Rating: Difficulty and Terrain: Difficulty of the tasks necessary to find and unhide the cache / how demanding is the way to the cache?
Indications for difficulty rating:
1: can be found within a few minutes, well suited for beginners | ||
2: easy to find for experienced geocaches; may be demanding for beginners | ||
3: demanding cache – even experienced cachers may seek for a while or need multiple attempts; inappropriate for beginners | ||
4: an extraordinary challenge or a very difficult puzzle; will need lots of experience and skills or may take more than a day. | ||
5: extremely difficult to solve or find |
Indications for terrain rating:
1: flat area with evenly paved ways, maximum 0.8 km (halve a mile) total route; suited for handicapped people | ||
2: no major changes in altitude; paved ways, paths, lawns etc.; maxium total route of 3.2 km (2 miles); suited for small children | ||
3: pathless or steep area, some undergrow, maximum 16 km (10 miles) of total route; not suited for small children | ||
4: pathless area with dense vegetation, very steep with necessity to use hands, or a route of more than 10 miles | ||
5: can only be done with special equipment and skills; finding the cache requires climbing, diving etc. |
Effort: How much time and way is to be expected, beginning at the starting point or parking lot, to find the cache and return to the starting point? Please assume that the geocacher is experienced, but will struggle to solve the one or other puzzle or quest. If you cannot pin down the time needed, keep the default of 0 h / 0 min and describe the effort. If you estimated the time assuming use of inline skates, a bicycle or car, please mention it in the cache description.
Waypoints: If you published this cache also at other geocaching websites, you are encouraged to enter the corresponding waypoints here. waypoints have the format GCXXXXX, with XXXXX being up to 5 capital letters and/or digits. Navicache waypoints have the format NXXXX.
Cache attributes: Use the attributes to specify properties of your cache, which may be selected by the search function. Attributes may be estimated and depend on your knowledge of the site (e.g. frequent occurance of ticks). As searcher and finder of a cache, you may tell the owner about the usage and helpfullness of attributes or make suggestions. When describing your caches, please assume normal, dry weather conditions.
See below for a complete explanation of cache attributes.
Short description: Try to subsume your cache by a few words!
Description: Enter any information which is needed to find the cache, but avoid spoiling it by telling too much! Additionally you can explain why you hide the cache here or e. g. what this monument is about.
Hint: For the case the geocacher has no clue how to find it, give her a final aid to unhide it!
Hidden on: The date when you did hide the cache. If you enter a future date, the cache will be listed as "temporarily not available", and you will have to change the state to "available" when the cache is hidden. For an event cache, enter the planned date of the event.
Password to log: If specified, every finder has to enter this password when logging online. He will not be able to log "found it" without password. Case does not matter. Be careful when using 0, O, i or j, because these characters may be confused.
Show all cache lists: This setting is enabled by default for new caches and can be changed afterwards. If enabled, all public cache lists that contain this cache and which are set to "visible for all users in cache listings" are displayed above the cache description text, right of the attributes. Otherwise, only lists of the viewing user and of the cache owner are displayed.
Terms of use: Please read our terms of use carefully! We tried hard to make them brief and fair.
Pictures: Pictures may be uploaded after entering and saving the cache listing: Open the listing and click "Edit" at the second-to-top menu. Look for the section "Pictures" and click on "Upload a picture".
Attributs de cache
Propriétés / Dangers | |
Zone dangereuse |
Chemin de fer actif à proximité |
Falaises / rocher |
Chasse |
Épines |
Tiques |
Mines abandonnées |
Plantes toxiques |
Animaux dangereux |
Propriétés / Infrastructure | |
Zone de parking à proximité |
Transport public |
L'eau potable à proximité |
Toilettes publiques à proximité |
Téléphone public à proximité |
Premiers secours disponibles |
Propriétés / Itinéraire | |
Près de la zone de stationnement |
Longue marche |
Marécage, un marais ou pataugeoire |
Région vallonnée |
Certains escalade (aucun engin nécessaire) |
Baigner requise |
Propriétés / Waypoints | |
Boîte aux lettres (besoin de timbre) |
Point d'intérêt |
Cible mouvante |
Webcam |
Dans des pièces fermées (grottes, bâtiments, etc.) |
Dans l'eau |
Sans GPS (boîte aux lettres, cistes, boussole jonglage ...) |
Cache safari |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Général | |
Frais d'accès ou de stationnement |
Nuitée nécessaire |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Temps | |
Seulement la nuit |
Disponible 24 heures |
Uniquement disponible à des moments précis |
Le jour seulement |
Pas du niveau d'eau élevé |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Saisonnier | |
Toutes les saisons |
Saison de reproduction / nature préservée |
Cachette impperméable à la neige |
Uniquement disponible pendant des saisons précises |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Inscription | |
Seulement loggable au Opencaching |
Autre type de cache |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Outils nécessaires | |
Équipement spécial |
Boussole |
Lampe de poche |
Matériel d'escalade |
Équipement de grotte |
Équipement de plongée |
Motomarine |
Restrictions / Conditions préalables / Préparation nécessaire | |
Enquête |
Puzzle / Mystère |
Problème d'arithmétique |
Demander au propriétaire pour les conditions de démarrage |
Recommandations / Interdictions / Personnes | |
Adapté pour les enfants |
Handicap: Blind |
Handicap: Wheelchair |