Ricerca waypoint: 
Legal information

This is a tentative English translation of the German legal information for this website, which is available by selecting German language and choosing "Nutzungsbedingungen" in the menu. When in doubt, or the translation is incomplete or contradicting, the German version is always the valid reference for legal issues.

Operator of this website

NOTE: As for questions and information on cache locations and hides or the terms of use of opencaching.de please refer to kontakt@opencaching.de

Information according to §5 German Teleservices Act
Responsible as of German remote services statue / value added tax law

Opencaching Deutschland e.V.
Registered in register of associations of district court Bad Homburg v. d. H., register number 2054

Address and contact

Opencaching Deutschland e.V.
c/o Mirco Baumann
Am Sternbusch 7
46562 Voerde

E-Mail: verein@opencaching.de

Authorized to represent

Due to §10 of the associations statutes the chairman is single authorized to represent, both of the other members of the managing committee together are authorized to represent.

The managing comittee are (as of January 21th, 2018):

  • Mirco Baumann, chairman
  • Thomas Eiling, vice chairman
  • John Marco Ens, treasurer

All rights and responsibilities for articles marked with authors' names are held by the authors. If terms of use change, the new terms will be published at our hompage timely, and changes will be marked. By further using the website you will agree to the changed terms. If any of our regulations should violate applicable law or sould be invalidated by changes in law, the other regulations will not be affected. This also applies to the case that loss of validity will occur while already using this website.

Throughout the rest of this page, Opencaching.de will be used synonyme for the operator of this website.

Responsibility for extenal Links

Though we carfully supervise the contents of this website, we do not take responsibility for contents of any external links. Responsibility for linked websites lies soleley with their owners. If you find any doubtful information on sites linked from here, please inform us by email. We will examine and – if necessary – remove the link.

Terms of use

Due to a decision of the general meeting of 09.02.2019 the terms of use were revised. Currently, the terms and conditions are available in German until a legally compliant translation is available.

Data license

Creative Commons License Terms All Opencaching.de content which has been contributed by users is licensed under the terms of "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Germany", which means that you may reproduce, distribute and publish it. When doing this, the author has to be named in the form given below. The content must not be used for any commercial purpose, and you must not alter, transform, or build upon it.

The form of attribution is:

© $USERNAME, Opencaching.de, CC BY-NC-ND, as of $DATUM

The date refers to the day when the data was downloaded from www.opencaching.de, and it may be omitted for photos and log entries.

More explanations on the data license are available in the Wiki .

Due to some questions from users, we would like to point out that the Opencaching.de data license is, of course, no "exclusive" license. This means that every user may publish her contents – on the Opencaching.de website or somewhere else – under additional licenses (multiple licensing). This may be noted in the geocache descriptions and logs.

Source code license

The underlying software of the Opencaching.de platform is licensed under GNU GPL with additional restrictions. You can obtain the complete license text from here . Please note that some components of the software originate from third parties. These components may be subject to other licenses.

For a compilation of third party software components which are currently in use at www.opencaching.de, including license conditions and other information, see here as well.

The source code can be obtained from GitHub .