Returned value:
A dictionary of fields you have selected. Currently available fields:
- uuid - unique ID of the log entry,
- cache_code - code of the cache which the log entry refers to,
date - date and time (ISO 8601) which was supplied with
the log entry. For logs that reflect field action, e.g. "Found it", this
usually is the date and time when that action took place. For other
logs, it usually is the the date and time when the log was submitted.
Please note that log entries often contain dates only (with the times
truncated to midnight, as in the local timezone). In such cases, you may
want to avoid displaying the time. You may assume that if the date
value contains the "00:00:00" string, then it is date-only.
user - a dictionary of user fields that are selected by the
user_fields option.
type - string; log type. One of the values documented
Primary types, commonly used by all Opencaching installations:
- "Found it" - a user found the cache (Non-Event caches).
- "Didn't find it" - a user searched for, but couldn't find the cache (Non-Event caches).
- "Comment".
- "Will attend" - a user is planning to attend the event (for Event caches only).
- "Attended" - a user has attended the event (for Event caches only).
Types which indicate a change of state of the geocache or confirm the
state at the given time:
"Temporarily unavailable" - log of this type indicates that the status
of the cache was changed to "Temporarily unavailable" at that time, or it
was confirmed as "Temporarily unavailable". Most probably the cache was
not available to be found at that time, but it was expected to be
repaired soon (and then, "Ready to search" log type would be submitted).
"Ready to search" - log of this type indicates that the status of this
cache was changed back to "Available", or it was confirmed as "Available".
After some period of not being available the cache became ready to be found
"Archived" - log of this type indicates that the status of this cache was
changed to "Archived" at this point in time. This usually means that the
cache could not be found anymore at this time, and it was not expected to
be repaired any time soon.
"Locked" - the status of this cache was changed to "Locked" (similar to
"Archived", but no more log entries are allowed on locked caches,
except by the owner and OC team members.) OKAPI currently does not
expose locked caches, but the "Locked" log entry will become visible
if the cache is unlocked.
Other types:
- "Needs maintenance" - the user stated that the cache was
in need of maintenance.
- "Maintenance performed" - the cache owner stated that he
has performed the maintenance.
- "Moved" - the cache was moved to a different location.
- "OC Team comment" - a comment made by the official OC Team
- (to be continued) - this list MAY expand in time!
Your application should accept unknown log types (you may
treat them as "Comment"s).
oc_team_entry - true if the log entry was made by an
official OC team member and marked as administrative log; false if it has
not been marked.
Note: false does NOT mean that it is no administrative log,
because this flag can be missing for (mostly old) admin logs.
was_recommended - true if the author included his recommendation
in this log entry,
needs_maintenance2 - log entry authors may include an
additional report on the condition of the geocache at the given date
(indicate if the cache needed maintenance).
You could say that the values of this field reflect the values of the
needs_maintenance2 parameter used to submit the log entry (however,
the log itself might have been submitted through other means). Possible
values are:
true - in the author's opinion, the geocache was in poor
condition and needed maintenance,
false - in the author's opinion, the geocache was in good
or acceptable condition and did not need maintenance (anymore),
null - the author did not include any report on the
condition of the geocache.
OCDE listing_is_outdated - log entry
authors may include an additional report on the state of the geocache
listing at the given date (indicate if needs to be updated). This information
currently cannot be submitted through OKAPI but only retrieved.
Possible values are:
true - in the author's opinion, the listing was
outdated and needed to be updated. E.g. the place where the
geocache is hidden has changed, so that it no longer
matches the information in the listing; or important
information is missing that was published by the geocache
owner at another website.
false - in the author's opinion, the listing was
null - the author did not include any report on the
state of the geocache listing.
Please note that some OC installations do not implement this
flag and will always return null.
- comment - HTML string, text entered
with the log entry,
location - the location of the geocache that was provided
by the logger, in "lat|lon" format (lat and lon are
in full degrees with a dot as a decimal point); null
if no location was provided. For "Moved" logs this is the location
where the cache has been moved to, for all other types of log the
location where the cache has been found.
Note that currently no OC site allows to log a location for other
types than "Moved", so currently it is always null
for other logs than "Moved".
images - list of dictionaries, each dictionary represents one
image saved along with the log; each dictionary has the following
- uuid - UUID of the image,
- url - URL of the image,
- thumb_url - URL of a small (thumb) version of the image,
- caption - plain-text string, caption of the image,
- is_spoiler - boolean, if true then the image is
a spoiler image and should not be displayed to the user unless
the user explicitly asks for it.
date_created - date (ISO 8601, no time) indicating
when the log entry was submitted.
last_modified - date (ISO 8601, no time) indicating
when the log entry was most recently edited. If the log was not
edited, the returned value is identical to date_created.
internal_id - you should not use this unless you
really know you need to. Internal IDs are not unique across
various OKAPI installations. Try to use UUIDs instead.
Note that some fields can change in time (users can edit/delete
their log entries).
If given log entry does not exist, the method will
respond with an HTTP 400 error.