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Traditional Geocache

Devil's Stone / Teufelsstein

Another member of the Woodquarter Stone Family.

by theplank     Austria > Niederösterreich > Waldviertel

Attention! This Geocache is "Locked, visible"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 48° 57.589' E 015° 04.754' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: normal
Status: Locked, visible
 Hidden on: 20 April 2003
 Listed since: 06 December 2005
 Last update: 20 February 2013
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC111D
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

12 Found
0 Not found
1 Note
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
59 Page visits
4 Log pictures
Geokrety history
1 Recommendations

Large map


Description    Deutsch  ·  English

The cache description was removed, because the owner declined the Opencaching.de data license.


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Log entries for Devil's Stone / Teufelsstein    Found 12x Not found 0x Note 1x

Found 09 August 2011 Moitz found the geocache

Mit den Rädern zum Ziel!


Found 31 March 2007 CrazyGustav found the geocache

Mein erster Cache!

Toller Platz, gute Abendstimmung.

in: grünrosa Elefant

out: Ohrclips

Dank an ThePlank von CrazyGustav

Found 04 February 2007 Team Yps found the geocache

Nach kurzer Schneewanderung zum Cacheort gelangt. Cache auch ohne Dachshund gefunden.Cache in guten Zustand.
in Ohrclip
TFTC  Team Yps

Note 30 August 2006 theplank wrote a note

Found 30 July 2006 Mausbiber found the geocache

Leider war das Logbuch mehr als patschnass und glitschig, deshalb haben wir mal auf dem Sackerl geloggt. Hier wäre ein neues logbuch DRINGEND notwendig.
No Trade.
LG die Mausbiber, Susanna & Heinz

Found 27 May 2006 Stegi found the geocache

Von den Vorlogs vorgewarnt bin ich hingefahren und hatt diesesmal sogar mit dem Wetter Glück - ich dachte schon, der Teufel will nicht, daß ich ihn finde. Ich war dann ganz überrascht, wie leicht der Cache zu heben ist!


Found 21 April 2006 Da.Verna&Di.Andre found the geocache

No problem to find it for "Dachshund" Andrea.
Location was clearly identified in seconds.
Dank "Dachshund" Di.Andre sofort gefunden!
Teuflisch beeindruckender Stein!
IN: Dachshund!! (no, not Di.Andre), Piccaccu
OUT: Schuhputzzeug, Geocoin Himalaya

[This entry was edited by Da.Verna&Di.Andre on Wednesday, April 26, 2006 at 3:01:59 PM.]

Pictures for this log entry:

Found 13 August 2005 Quaxi found the geocache

Im Zuge eines Mountainbike-Wochenendes im nördlichen Waldviertels war dies heute unser zweiter Cache.
Cache schnell gefunden.


Danke für den Cache

QUAXI & Froscherl und Friends

Found 22 May 2005 namklaw found the geocache

After leaving the hell - we decided to make a personally visit to hell-owner, the devil.
It sounds laughable - but we had problems with the final approach - at once we were
over 100m off - a typically user-mistake. After correction, we found the hiding area and
the cache within few minutes. Thank you to The Plank Team.
Cache = OK
LG namklaw

Found 23 October 2004 M & Ms found the geocache

Found together with team_cellar.
TFTC! [^]

Martina & Michael

Pictures for this log entry:
We found "Devils Stone"We found ´´Devils Stone´´

Found 14 September 2004 BalkanSabranje found the geocache

Found 28 August 2004 bevema found the geocache

Despite two DNF's and the being-put-on-hold, we decided to give it also a try, as 4th cache today. We searched for 30 min, methodically straining about a cubic metre of dry leaves, I cut two fingers on a broken bottle hidden among them, but I fixed it using some bandaid (Kids: always have some bandaid with you, when sticking your hands into dangerous places !!). While fiddling around with bleeding fingers, Frankie has found the cache, hooray ! It was a bit off-location, as the last finder said, but it was there. I made some photos I'll send to the cache-ownwer next working day.

We logged at 18:20, thx to theplank for this nice cache.

Martin / BeVeMa & Frankie Boy

In: Nothing
Out : TB Griffin

Found Recommended 03 April 2004 Gavriel found the geocache

Der schönste Cache der heutigen Plank-Tour.
Toller Platz, ganz nach dem Geschmack eines Zwrgs *g*
thx, Gavriel