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Hell Stone / Hoellenstein

We are proud to present a new member of the Woodquarter Stone Family.

by theplank     Austria > Niederösterreich > Waldviertel

Attention! This Geocache is "Locked, visible"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 48° 55.446' E 015° 03.271' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Locked, visible
 Hidden on: 01 January 1970
 Listed since: 06 December 2005
 Last update: 20 February 2013
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC111F
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

10 Found
0 Not found
0 Notes
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
28 Page visits
4 Log pictures
Geokrety history

Large map



The cache description was removed, because the owner declined the Opencaching.de data license.


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Log entries for Hell Stone / Hoellenstein    Found 10x Not found 0x Note 0x

Found 27 April 2008 M & Ms found the geocache

#9 of the annual Waldviertel caching-tour together with powermik.

Again - this cache made our day! [^] A really beautiflul place to stroll around. we had a lot of fun. After 2 minutes of dicussing the task, the cache location was immediately clear.

IN: 10 francs (coin)
OUT: wet box of matches


Martina & Michael

Found 11 February 2007 Team Yps found the geocache

Cache nach Wanderung "Quer durch die Prärie" und kurzer Peilung gehoben.Wald sieht durch Sturm sehr verwüstet aus.
No Trade
TFTC   Team Yps

Found 30 July 2006 Mausbiber found the geocache

Wunderschöne kurze Wanderung mit einem ebenso tollen Cacheversteck.
OUT:rotes irgendwas
lG die Mausbiber, Susanna & Heinz

Found 04 June 2006 peter61 found the geocache

Wie Mathilde schon geschrieben hat, war uns das Rätsel etwas zu verwirrend. Wir haben versucht die wichtigen Teile heraus zu lesen und den Rest mit etwas Intuition zu erledigen. Wir waren dabei recht erfolgreich, wir mussten nicht lange suchen.
Ein wirklich schönes Cacheversteck.
Besten Dank,


Found 21 April 2006 Da.Verna&Di.Andre found the geocache

Beginnen den Tag gleich mit mäendernden, murmelndem Bacherl.
Das Höllental (oder so ähnlich) ist eine Wanderung wirklich sehr wert! Wiederum Gatsch der nicht pickt! *wunder*
TFTC! und die lauschige Umgebung!!
IN: Pudle
OUT: Gespenst

Pictures for this log entry:

Found 13 August 2005 Quaxi found the geocache

Im Zuge eines Mountainbike-Wochenendes im nördlichen Waldviertels bei dieser schönen Felsformation vorbeigeschaut.
Cache schnell gefunden.


Danke für den Cache

QUAXI & Froscherl und Friends

Found 22 May 2005 namklaw found the geocache

With great respect for the tricky bearing task - we started direct into hell.
At least we found the cache in a relatively short time - a very good hiding place.
Thank you to The Plank Team for showing us this special sight.
Cache = OK
LG namklaw

Found 02 April 2005 Gavriel found the geocache

Aus den Tiefen der Everglades emporgestiegen durch den verwüsteten Wald.
Sehr romantischer Teufelswinkel

thx, Gavriel

Found 14 September 2004 BalkanSabranje found the geocache

Found 28 August 2004 bevema found the geocache

As start of my tdatce (two-days-all-time-caching-event) I took an easy one, together with a friend, whose parents live in Horn. The combinations of trees / bearings made no sense to me, but when present, all became clear as glass. Cache was found quite fast. We drove by car almost up to the cache, because no 'no trespassing' sign was present /'Fahrverbot', not even a forestroad / forststrasse was there until close to the cache. I almost started to dive in the creek for the cache, but it was found prior to this :). Cache is in good condition, the box rusts, but its contents are dry. Logged at 1:30 p.m..
Thx to theplank for his great stone caches,

Martin / BeVeMa & Franky

In: sport key fob
Out: mermaid (?)