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A Fairytale

There were once upon a time....

di npg     Austria > Oberösterreich > Traunviertel

N 47° 59.996' E 013° 42.831' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: normale
Stato: disponibile
 Tempo necessario: 1:19 h   Lunghezza percorso: 3.5 km
 Nascosta il: 08. settembre 2006
 Pubblicata dal: 08. settembre 2006
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 04. luglio 2023
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC24B2
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

7 trovata
0 non trovata
1 Nota
0 Osservata
1 Ignorata
94 Pagina visite
0 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

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Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)

English Description

There were once upon a time when the maid marian and the boy Jonathan falling deeply in love one to another.

However Marians father - a rich dealer -had other plans for his daughter than this poor craftsman. A son from noble houseshould should merry her on the upcoming weekend.

' Nobody has to separate us -in the forest lives a fairy, which surely can help us.' Marian spoke.

So they creep out in the eve of the wedding in southwestern direction. A last look back to the A visible crosses and towers with symbols - short before the church disappeared from their point of view. They followed first the side street, and then the path to N48 00.030/E013 42,135 -the place from where they appreciated help.

Soon they reached the edge of the forest  . To the left side there was a stony house shut  with a iron gate. Under the iron raiiling there are 2 short words - beginning wit th B- and ending with the C-Letter of the alpabeth.

They soon passed a hunter seat - also from here they could look back in anger , and sea again the A symbols on top of the church. Will they have already noticed the escape?

A woman bent by age came to meet them at the chapel: ' You looked so depressed, have probably large grief.'

'Since our childhood we know that we belong together. They will separate us tomorrow,but some prophecy says you can help us' - ' Oh, I can tell you only the way to the treefairy - however you must be sure never to return under the people '

Only short silence, then both as from one mouth ', We belong Together '

Quietly murmuring the woman spoke:


escaped the Hunters gun with a grin
so from B+C now E we will win

Finally something of the deer antlers comes in sight
the one with even number of F points is the right

This antlers- and the half of them
comes together to D - with no problem

Go now to that places -an intimate Zone
N 47 59.D A+B E+F und E 013 41.E+B D D-C

There you firmly hold another at your hands
so the treefairy is helping -then all good ends'

sayed and disappeared.

Silent, like in Trance they followed the ways up to the mentioned place. Dog barks far away- the search has begun.Would they find the Fairy -and could she really help?
Arrived at the place ,they hold each other firmly on their hands, and waiting the things to come.

. Sheet-rush, the wind blows something on...... At one time a tender, strangely seeming shape appears as walking on the wind .
'You look for the Treefairy ?'
'Yes, are you the Fairy - can you help us?'

'One call me the treefairy. I know your case, the forest has no secrets to me. Are you secure? - it's your decision: Stay , or you decide to go back... '

Long silence, deeply they look themselves them into the eyes :'Together Forever' -

' You can leave a last message here-only visible for those which really believe in you. '
Quiet, inaudibly for others, she spoke and gesticulated towards the couple. Then she slowely disappear trough the wind...
Voices,dogbarking -the chasers arrive . But free of all sorrows -intimately holding each other -Marian and Jonathan went along the path , until they seem to disappear in the woods....

Shortly the wind freshes up, no sight for the hunters - then again sunshine. but nobody found any further trace....

...does the last message really exist? Some told it, some will have seen them ..its only a fairytale....

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

[Following the way near the cache further leads back to the Start]
[Check for A] fnzr nf S-O+P



Kirche - wieviele Kreuze(oder Symbole auf Kuppeln)
Kirche - wieviele Kreuze(oder Symbole auf Kuppeln)


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Log per A Fairytale    trovata 7x non trovata 0x Nota 1x

trovata 09. luglio 2023, 11:39 FranzStefanB ha trovato la geocache

Nach längerer Vorbereitung (Rätsel irgendwann im Winter gelöst) heute auf den Hügel marschiert und die beiden Phasen gelöst.
Die Gelände Wertung ist immer noch sehr realistisch, könnte durchaus auf 4 erhöht werden ;-).
Der Dose und dem Logbuch geht es immer noch bestens!

trovata 01. luglio 2017, 14:09 Traunstein ha trovato la geocache

Gut sind sie versteckt die beiden, Marian und Jonathan. Aber heute beim 4. Anlauf habe ich die beiden entdeckt. Ihr Versteck ist aber gar nicht mal so ohne. Ohne meinen H. glaub ich fast, wäre das wieder nichts geworden.
Auf jeden Fall eine wunderschöne Geschichte die während dem Abmarschieren der Stationen so richtig vor meinen Augen passierte...oder ist es gar keine Geschichte und das final sind wirklich ...

trovata 31. luglio 2013 mike3000 ha trovato la geocache

Diesen schon lange auf der ToDo Liste gehabt, aber eigentlich immer beiseite geschoben. Vielleicht auch wegen der 3 Buchstaben und der T-Wertung. Heute den ganzen Mut zusammengenommen und aufgebrochen, um diesen als erledigt zu wissen. Erstaunlich gut konnte ich die einzelnen Hinweise aufspüren, und beim berechnen noch diverse Spitzfindigkeiten ausgebessert, bis auch die Koordinaten für den Feenhinweis einen Sinn ergaben. Nachdem dieser erspäht war, ging's schon Richtung Finale, wo sich die T-Wertung dann auch zeigte. Mit Vorsicht dann zur Dose vorgedrungen ( Die Fee hatte da einen guten Hint parat gehabt ). Danke fürs zeigen, obwohl mir die Gegend schon recht bekannt vorkam, aber das ist eine andere Geschichte :D DFDC !

trovata 23. ottobre 2009 DANcacher ha trovato la geocache

Der Cache war super

Nach ein paar anleufen hat es doch geklappt.Smile

trovata 28. giugno 2007 Pazifik ha trovato la geocache

Nach langen Mühen gefunden.

Rein: -
Raus: -


trovata 18. marzo 2007 PPete ha trovato la geocache

Ja - nun hab ich ihn tatsächlich gehoben, super! Vorher war es für mich noch ein Kreuz mit den Kreuzen (noch kein Foto, daher mehrere Zählmöglichkeiten) und dem Geweih (mit Pflanzen überwachsen). Auch mit dem letzten Hinweis konnte ich in einer Mischung aus Brett vorm Kopf und Dunkelheit nichts anfangen, obwohl dieser doch witzig und völlig in Ordnung ist!
IN: Döschen
OUT: Pfeiferl
T4TC, lg PPete.

trovata 08. settembre 2006 jj(g) ha trovato la geocache

And again a authentic npg cache. thanks for the nice trip and the amazing riddle.
it's again (like wildenstein) a cache where you can feel the locations.

Took: angel image
Left: dog

scg & jjg

Nota 08. settembre 2006 npg ha scritto una nota

The diff. 3.5 belongs to two short steep climbing passages (but the important one!)- you can do the round (approx. 3,5km) without climbing (means also without finding the cache )- so also recommended for kids.
And there's a FTF-Goodie in the cache (the fairy says...)