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Virtual Geocache

Salzsäule für Leseratten

by Collector1805     Germany > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Paderborn

06/10/24 HardersLumpi
07/05/24 Max 03
07/05/24 Max 03
07/05/24 Max 03
07/02/24 Slini11
01/07/23 schneegänschen
16/10/22 F.L.O.H
19/03/22 minilancelot
12/03/22 alterschwede46
08/08/20 ufade
24/04/20 Alex_501
12/04/20 MacNasch
10/07/19 DieScouts
06/11/18 raal 1412
06/11/18 RIT 81
02/11/18 Lineflyer
06/09/18 lemife
29/08/18 sorglos76
08/07/17 Golgafinch
20/05/17 recke14
30/09/16 Jaspars Erbe
26/05/16 rkschlotte
16/10/15 tantedottie
06/06/15 Doc Cool
15/02/14 Clickos
24/04/12 chiengris
25/11/11 stadtfee
04/05/11 forbidden72
06/02/11 xalibur
06/02/11 xalibur
21/11/10 andrea9177
19/11/10 HeinzBurgdorf
19/11/10 HeinzBurgdorf
24/07/10 Wolf.Gang
22/06/10 Supertommy56
24/02/10 geopb80
17/02/10 Zwiebus
17/02/10 Zwiebus
13/12/09 dl8dbr
12/11/09 Gabi63
20/10/09 Handkopfler
13/08/09 knispel23
23/07/09 Joebri75
12/07/09 OpaTheo
03/06/09 geoworker
03/05/09 TaaK
27/04/09 de_Jörch

"Spoiler" pictures which show details of the stash should not be visible here. If you encounter an open visible spoiler, you may contact the logger by the e-mail button in his profile and ask him to mark it as spoiler.