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Virtual Geocache

Wadi Mujib

by Saarfuchs     Jordan

N 31° 28.315' E 035° 46.882' (WGS84)

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Status: Available
 Hidden on: 15 September 2009
 Listed since: 15 April 2011
 Last update: 13 June 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OCC28D
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

4 Found
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110 Page visits
4 Log pictures
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Description    Deutsch (German)

Wadi Mujib

Wadi Mujib is a gorge in Jordan which enters the Dead Sea at 410 meters below sea level. The Mujib Reserve of Wadi Mujib is the lowest nature reserve in the world, located in the mountainous landscape to the east of the Dead Sea, approximately 90 km south of Amman. The 220 square kilometers reserve was created in 1987 by the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and is regionally and internationally important, particularly for the bird life that the reserve supports. It extends to the Kerak and Madaba mountains to the north and south, reaching 900 meters above sea level in some places. This 1,300 meter variation in elevation, combined with the valley's year round water flow from seven tributaries, means that Wadi Mujib enjoys a magnificent biodiversity that is still being explored and documented today. Over 300 species of plants, 10 species of carnivores and numerous species of permanent and migratory birds have been recorded until this date. Some of the remote mountain and valley areas are difficult to reach, and thus offer safe havens for rare species of cats, goats and other mountain animals.

Geography of Mujib

During the last Ice Age the water level of the Dead Sea reached 180 m below sea level, about 230 m higher than it is today. It flooded the lower areas of the canyons along its banks, which became bays and begun to accumulate sediments. As the climatic conditions changed, about 20,000 years ago, the water level of the lake dropped, leaving the re-emergent canyons blocked with lake marl. Most canyons managed to cut through their plugged outlets and to resume their lower courses. However, Wadi Mujib, the biblical Arnon River, abandoned its former outlet by breaking through a cleft in the sandstone. This narrow cleft became the bottleneck of an enormously large drainage basin with a huge discharge. During the years the cleft was scoured deeper and the gorge of Wadi Mujib was formed.

The Mujib reserve consists of mountainous, rocky, and sparsely vegetated desert (up to 800 m), with cliffs, gorges and deep wadis cutting through plateaus. Perennial, spring-fed streams flow down the wadis to the shores of the Dead Sea which lies 400 m below sea-level.

The slopes of the mountaineous land are very sparsely vegetated, with a steppe-type vegetation on plateaus. Groundwater seepage does occur in places along the Dead Sea shore, for example at the hot springs of Zara, which support a luxuriant thicket of Acacia, Tamarix, Phoenix and Nerium, and a small marsh. The less severe slopes of the reserve are used by pastoralists for the grazing of sheep and goats.

The hot springs of Hammamat Ma'in lie close to the borders of the reserve are heavily used for tourism/recreation.

The Jordanian military have a temporary camp in the south of the reserve.

A large dam was recently finished at the bottom of the wadi, where the modern road crosses the river. As a result, a large lake has formed. Today, Wadi Mujib is fed by seven tributaries.

Your Task

  1. At the reference coordinates, you will find a public parking area. Just go the steps down and take a picture from you which shows you and this stone wall with the gorge in the background.
  2. Now, you are nearly finished - You will have to answer the following question: When you take a look from the reference point on the profile of the gorge from bottom to up, then you can notice some parts, where that the walls a nearly vertical and other parts, wehere the walls are sloped. How many parts can you see, where the wall is nearly vertical? Please send me an email with you answer!
Please wait with your log until you get an answer from me with the confirmation of the correctness of your answers. After this reply, you may log this earthcache if you put the picture to your log...

I hope you have enjoyed this fabulous place as I do!


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Log entries for Wadi Mujib    Found 4x Not found 0x Note 0x

Found 27 November 2022 hmpfgnrrr found the geocache

Log von GC kopiert:

Auf dem Weg Richtung Petra durften wir diese Schlucht queren, den "Grand Canyon Jordaniens". Einen Tag zuvor war die Straße wohl wegen Regens gesperrt. Wirklich sehr beeindruckend. Und auch ein wenig erschreckend, denn der Stausee ist weitestgehend trocken gefallen.

في الطريق إلى البتراء سُمح لنا بعبور هذا الوادي ، "جراند كانيون الأردن". في اليوم السابق ، ربما كان الطريق مغلقًا بسبب الأمطار. حقا رائعة جدا. وأيضًا مخيف بعض الشيء ، لأن الخزان قد جف في الغالب.


Pictures for this log entry:
Wadi MujibWadi Mujib

Found 23 February 2020, 12:45 Bierfilz found the geocache

On my Tour of Jordan I could also enjoy the magnificent view into the Wadi Mujib.

I sent the hopefully satisfactory answer to the question about the earth cache to the owner Saarfuchs.

Thanks for the earth cache!
Bierfilz from Nuremberg

Pictures for this log entry:
Wadi Mujib 1Wadi Mujib 1
Wadi Mujib 2Wadi Mujib 2

Found 10 April 2019 reindeer found the geocache

### Fund **#4540** am 10. April 2019 um 14:17 ###

#reindeer in Jordanien#

Insgesamt 12 Tage haben wir in diesem schönen und interessanten Land verbracht. Zuerst ging es in einer kleinen Gruppe 6 Tage lang mit dem Kleinbus zu den größten Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unser Führer, der in Deutschland Geologie studiert hatte, konnte uns vieles vermitteln, darunter auch ganz spezielle Informationen, die bei anderen Touristengruppen wahrscheinlich nie erwähnt werden.
Das große Highlight der Reise war natürlich der Besuch von Petra, für den wir einen ganzen kompletten Tag zur Verfügung hatten.
Anschließend erkundeten wir das Land noch weiter auf eigene Faust mit einem Leihwagen. Hier orientierten wir uns wesentlich an den wenigen Caches des Landes, zu denen kaum ein Tourist und schon gar keine Reisengruppen kommen. Auf diese Weise haben wir wie schon öfters durch geocaching zu ganz besonderen Plätzen Zugang bekommen.
Zu unserer großen Freude gelangen uns hier tatsächlich doch noch 2 FTF´s, das hätten wir gar nicht vermutet.
Zum Abschluss unserer Reise besuchten wir noch unsere Tochter, die hier mehrere Monate als Archäologin bei einer Ausgrabung in Um Qais mitarbeitet.
Wir hatten durchwegs gutes Wetter, keinen Regen (wie noch wenige Tage und Wochen vorher), nicht zu hohe Temperaturen (am Toten Meer war es allerdings schon ziemlich warm) und auch kein zu kaltes Wetter (im Norden). Auf Grund der starken Regenfälle im Frühjahr war die Landschaft teilweise - NOCH - ziemlich angenehm grün.

Ein großes "Danke-Schön" an die owner für das Ausarbeiten und Pflegen der Caches.

Man möge mir hier diesen Einheitslog verzeihen, wenn es zu einem Cache etwas Besonderes zu erwähnen gab, dann folgt dies in nachfolgendem fettgedruckten Absatz:

**Spezielle Anmerkungen zu diesem Cache: Die Aussicht war einfach grandios, vor allem, wenn man wie vom Führer empfohlen, erst vor Ort die geschlossenen Augen wieder öffnet. Vielen Dank für die schnelle Logfreigabe.**

Vielen Dank sagt:
[8)] [http://www.reindeer-geocaching.de](http://www.reindeer-geocaching.de/ "www.reindeer-geocaching.de") [8)]
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Found 27 May 2015 Pater Noster found the geocache

Ein phantastischer Blick. Vielen Dank für die Anlage des Earthcaches und die Logerlaubnis. Dabei waren auch noch Kaktus-2, Micha1984, Kleeblattchris und Isfjell.

Pictures for this log entry:
Phantastische AussichtPhantastische Aussicht