Traditionele cache

Querbeet durchs Altmühltal 2 - Am Kletterbaum

door S&M-Geocaching     Duitsland > Bayern > Eichstätt

N 48° 56.632' E 011° 23.853' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: normaal
Status: Beschikbaar
 Benodigde tijd: 0:50 h   Lengte: 2.0 km
 Verborgen op: 02. september 2014
 Published on: 08. september 2014
 Laatste verandering: 21. november 2014
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC113CB

3 Gevonden
0 Niet gevonden
0 Opmerkingen
2 Volgers
0 Negeerders
138 Bekeken
1 Log picture
Geokrety verleden
1 Aanbevelingen

Large map


Cache lists

Dornröschencaches 2024 door Slini11


Beschrijving    Deutsch  ·  English (Engels)


This is the second cache in the tour "Querbeet durchs Altmühltal" ("athwart through the Altmühltal"). It is also possible to search only this cache as a single one but the tour is really recommendable. Starting point of this tour would be the cache "In da Mittn" ("In the middle"), which is not far away.

From this cache you have a totally fantastic view into the "Birktal" and the "Altmühltal". Additional there´s a tree which is very suitable for climbing nearby the hiding place of the cache.



Content in the beginning: - log, pencil, sharpener, rubber (plaese do not remove!)
                                              - information about the tour (plaese do not remove!)
                                              - map with recommendation which way you should take to the next cache (plaese do not remove!)

The given distance and time specify how long the way to the cache and how much time you need for the cache when you are doing the cache as a SINGLE one. More information about the tour you will find in the description of the cache "In da Mittn".
By feet you will need about 50 minutes to complete the cache, by bike you may be able to do this in less than 30 minutes. But attention; do not miss the right place to bend off. If this happens you will have to go uphill again. And do not approach to fast to the cliff!!!


Have much fun Lächelnd


Der Kletterbaum
Der Kletterbaum
Das Versteck
Das Versteck
Weg zum nächsten Cache
Weg zum nächsten Cache


This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): FFH-Gebiet Mittleres Altmühltal mit Wellheimer Trockental und Schambachtal (Info), Naturpark Altmühltal (Info), Vogelschutzgebiet Felsen und Hangwälder im Altmühltal und Wellheimer Trockental (Info)

Cache aanbevelingen van gebruikers die deze cache aanbevolen hebben: alle
Zoek caches in de omgeving: alle - zoekbaar - zelfde cache soort
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Gevonden The geocache is in good or acceptable condition. Aanbevolen 31. oktober 2021 Kon1 heeft de cache gevonden

Bei einer Wanderung bei schönem Herbstwetter haben wir diesen tollen Ort besucht und haben den Cache gut gefunden.

Dieser Cache verdient eine Empfehlung!

Danke fürs Legen!

Afbeeldingen voor deze log:
tolle Aussicht!tolle Aussicht!

Gevonden 02. september 2021, 17:21 blacktogetic heeft de cache gevonden

Danke für den Cache 😃

Gevonden 24. augustus 2015 gerdbu heeft de cache gevonden


tolle Aussicht, hat sich rentiert.

die Pfälzer