Achtung! Dieser Geocache ist „archiviert“! Es befindet sich kein Behälter an den angegebenen (oder zu ermittelnden) Koordinaten. Im Interesse des Ortes sollte von einer Suche unbedingt abgesehen werden!
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Beschreibung English
At the above coordinates, one of these webcams (second source) will take a photo of you every few seconds. Please show that you are a geocacher, e.g. by holding up an umbrella or cheering into the camera. Then have someone save the picture, or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone. Append the picture to your "found" log for this geocache, to prove that you have visited the location.
If you have once viewed this camera's image, it may not automatically update when reopen the page. Then, explicitly reloading the page should do it.
Enjoy! :-)
Suche Caches im Umkreis:
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