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Description Deutsch · English · Slovenščina
Go to the above coordinates.
You will be in front of a webcam that takes a picture.
Now you need someone to save the picture of yourself taken by the webcam or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone.
To log this cache, you have to post this picture.
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher.
How you do that is up to you, if you want:
holding up an umbrella, banners, warning vests, balloons, headlights, or cheering into the camera... all the purpose is welcome!
Additional hint Decrypt
Vs gur jropnz vf bssyvar, cyrnfr gnxr n cubgb bs lbhefrys be lbhe TCF/fznegcubar, fubjvat gur jropnz va gur onpxtebhaq.
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Log entries for WebCam - Piran / Tartini Square
19 August 2024, 13:01 filser1 found the geocache
A trip to Piran, Slovenia was one the list. Parking near the old Center of the city was expensive but possible. According to the plan, this cache was one to visit.
I am the man in the entrance!
Thanks to Termite2712 for hiding and maintaining the "WebCam - Piran / Tartini Square" cache.
T4TC Filser1
10 September 2023, 20:13 ryukyupyx found the geocache
An evening walk in Piran. That's me at the coordinates, raising my right hand and staring at my phone in the left hand.
Hvala za zakladek! / Thank you for the cache! / Danke für die Dose! / Grazie per la cache!
Letošnje poletje sem preživel na potovanjih po Sloveniji in okolici --- I spent the summer travelling around Slovenia and some neighbouring countries.
21 June 2019, 15:01 Infra-Garne found the geocache
Found during my long weekend in Slovenia
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