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Descrizione Deutsch · English (Inglese) · Slovenščina
Go to the above coordinates.
You will be in front of a webcam that takes a picture.
Now you need someone to save the picture of yourself taken by the webcam or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone.
To log this cache, you have to post this picture.
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher.
How you do that is up to you, if you want:
holding up an umbrella, banners, warning vests, balloons, headlights, or cheering into the camera... all the purpose is welcome!
Suggerimenti addizionali Decripta
Vs gur jropnz vf bssyvar, cyrnfr gnxr n cubgb bs lbhefrys be lbhe TCF/fznegcubar, fubjvat gur jropnz va gur onpxtebhaq.
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Log per WebCam - Piran / Tartini Square
19. agosto 2024, 13:01 filser1 ha trovato la geocache
A trip to Piran, Slovenia was one the list. Parking near the old Center of the city was expensive but possible. According to the plan, this cache was one to visit.
I am the man in the entrance!
Thanks to Termite2712 for hiding and maintaining the "WebCam - Piran / Tartini Square" cache.
T4TC Filser1
10. settembre 2023, 20:13 ryukyupyx ha trovato la geocache
An evening walk in Piran. That's me at the coordinates, raising my right hand and staring at my phone in the left hand.
Hvala za zakladek! / Thank you for the cache! / Danke für die Dose! / Grazie per la cache!
Letošnje poletje sem preživel na potovanjih po Sloveniji in okolici --- I spent the summer travelling around Slovenia and some neighbouring countries.
21. giugno 2019, 15:01 Infra-Garne ha trovato la geocache
Found during my long weekend in Slovenia
Immagini per questo log: