【ツ】 WebCam-Livestream
von Technologist3 Niederlande > Noord-Holland > Groot-Amsterdam
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Beschreibung English
To log this cache, you have to post the picture of the webcam.
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher.
Please do not take a photo from Google, self-created images or other fake visits.
This is just a game and extra fun for a great vacation or your hobby.
Nobody, REALLY NOBODY, will give you a medal for any fake visits!
Maybe you can hold up a funny feature to the camera to support the fun of this activity.
If the webcam is offline, ( only then!) please take a photo of yourself or your GPS/smartphone, showing the webcam in the background.
Suche Caches im Umkreis:
alle -
suchbare -
gleiche Cacheart
Download als Datei:
OV2 -
Mit dem Herunterladen dieser Datei akzeptierst du unsere Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenlizenz.
Logeinträge für WebCam - Dam Square
04. April 2023, 21:17 NoChopp // Zocker04 hat den Geocache gefunden
10. November 2022, 15:37 broiler hat den Geocache gefunden
07. Dezember 2019, 17:23 Tungmar hat den Geocache nicht gefunden
The WebCam some how got stuck. I wasn't able to see myself.
23. September 2019, 11:45 sakura_ hat den Geocache gefunden
Took us a while to figure out how this works, the camera image seemed to lag a bit. But ee succeeded eventually. I am the one with red coat.
Bilder für diesen Logeintrag: