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Geocache Tradicional

NeoCraft Transfer BG #2 - Production of national costumes

por NeoCraft     Bulgaria > Югозападен > София (столица)

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N 42° 41.675' E 023° 18.471' (WGS84)

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 Tamaño: pequeño
Estado: archivado
 Ocultos en: 14. enero 2018
 Publicado en: 30. enero 2018
 Última actualización: 02. febrero 2022
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC144B7

1 encuentran
1 no encontrado
0 Notas
1 Maintenance log
1 Watcher
0 Ignorado
37 Visitas
1 Log de la imagen
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Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)  ·  Português  ·  Türkçe

Production of national costumes

The tradition of production of national costumes is widespread among the rural population and is mainly related to decoration of traditional clothes. The traditional Bulgarian costumes are characterized by a great regional and local diversity, based on three main colours - black, red and white. Typically, woollen and silk strings are used.

Изработване на национални костюми

Традицията на везбарството е разпространена най-вече сред селското население и е свързана предимно с украсата на облеклото. Традиционната българска везба се характеризира с голямо регионално и локално разнообразие, основано на три основни цвята - черен, червен и бял. Обикновено се използват вълнени и копринени конци.

Повече информация относно образование и обучение: http://www.rzk-sofia.com/

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Ybbx pybfre ng gur gerr.





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archivado 02. febrero 2022 NeoCraft has archived the cache

Happy Hunting!

no encontrado 01. febrero 2022, 13:05 Ansics no han encontrado el geocaching

No idea what to look for. Only found some bands

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encuentran 24. mayo 2018 delete_345036 ha encontrado el geocache

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last modified on 18. junio 2020