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Webcam Geocache

WebCam - Porthleven Harbour

【ツ】 WebCam-Livestream

por zarkier     Reino Unido > South West (England) > Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

N 50° 05.116' W 005° 19.039' (WGS84)

 Convertir coordenadas
 Tamaño: sin contenedor
Estado: disponible
 Ocultos en: 10. abril 2020
 Publicado en: 10. abril 2020
 Última actualización: 16. febrero 2025
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC15F54

0 encuentran
0 no encontrado
0 Notas
3 Maintenance logs
0 Observado
0 Ignorado
36 Visitas
0 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety

Large map



Descripción    English (Inglés)

Live web camera from Porthleven harbour in Cornwall looking out from the offices of Porthleven Holiday Cottages who have over 15 years experience in creating memorable holidays for families, couples and other groups in the beautiful Porthleven area of Cornwall.

Porthleven is a coastal town and fishing port near Helston in Cornwall and is the most southerly port in England. Originally it developed as a harbour of refuge for sailing ships, the Cornish coastline was a renowned black spot for wrecks in days of sail.


visit: Info · Website · Cam · Port · History of the Port

Go to the above coordinates. 
You will be in front of a webcam that takes a picture every few seconds.


Now you need someone to save the picture of yourself taken by the webcam or save it as a screenshot on your smartphone.

To log this cache, you have to post this picture. 
The picture should allow to identify you as a geocacher
How you do that is up to you: 
holding up an umbrella, banners, warning vests, balloons, headlights, or cheering into the camera... all the purpose is welcome! 

Ayuda adicional   Descripción

Vs gur jropnz vf bssyvar, cyrnfr gnxr n cubgb bs lbhefrys be lbhe TCF/fznegcubar, fubjvat gur jropnz va gur onpxtebhaq.



Porthleven Harbour Webcam
Porthleven Harbour Webcam


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Log de entrada por WebCam - Porthleven Harbour    encuentran 0x no encontrado 0x Nota 0x Maintenance 3x

disponible 16. febrero 2025 zarkier has maintained the cache

nach langer zeit ist die cam wieder da, siehe morginal webseite... - After a long time the cam is back, see tomorrow's website ....

archivado 13. mayo 2021 zarkier has archived the cache


temporalmente no disponible 08. mayo 2021 zarkier has disabled the cache

the Cam is offline, you can make a foto from the Koordinate, thanks