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Sylter 🐥Hühnergott🐥 - Hörnum-Odde

Sylter 🐥Hühnergott/Adder Stone🐥 - Hörnum-Odde

by team_GRLP     Germany

N 54° 44.766' E 008° 17.911' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: no container
Status: Available
 Time required: 1:00 h 
 Hidden on: 09 August 2020
 Published on: 09 August 2020
 Last update: 09 August 2020
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1641B

5 Found
0 Not found
0 Notes
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
20 Page visits
5 Log pictures
Geokrety history

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

In this mystery cache the task is the following for a successful log:

  • Find a real "chicken god" at the mystery coordinates within a radius of about 500m (details see below). We have not chosen a virtual cache (VC) as cache type but a mystery cache without container (can/container), because we want you to search within the radius of the mystery coordinates.
  • Take a picture with your chicken god and the place where it was found, where the chicken god can be recognized as such and where it is clearly shown that you were on site in Sylt. This photo must be attached to the log. See example photos.
  • In the log you should also include the coordinates of the find location in WGS84 format, so that the following cachers will find it easier to find a chicken god themselves.

Logs without a photo will be deleted. Stones without a hole or e.g. shells with a hole do not qualify for a log release! We have published several chicken gods caches on Sylt, for each cache you need one chicken god found there with a corresponding location proof photo. We have made the best finding experiences in the morning with the beginning flood. We gave a slightly higher D-rating, because it is not so easy to find an appropriate "chicken god" at first go.

What is a chicken god? The chicken god (adder stone/witch stone) is called in the vernacular a stone with a natural hole.  Such stones are often flint stones with chalk deposits that are weathered. On Sylt you will often find flints in different colours on the beach. The most dominant colour is black. There are also more rarely grey and brown tones, see picture. The "real" chicken god has a pinhead-sized hole up to several centimetres in diameter, often the remains of a once embedded fossil sea lily stalk. In Germany, chicken gods can be found on the Baltic and North Sea coasts and are a popular souvenir for tourists as a lucky charm.

For details see Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%BChnergott and

Additional hint   Decrypt

Nggnpu cubgb naq JTF84 pbbeqvangrf





This geocache is probably placed within a nature reserve! Please see here for further information.
Nationalpark Schlesw.-Holst. Wattenmeer (Info)

This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): Biosphärenreservat Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer (Info), FFH-Gebiet NTP S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete (Info), Vogelschutzgebiet Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete (Info)

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Log entries for Sylter 🐥Hühnergott🐥 - Hörnum-Odde    Found 5x Not found 0x Note 0x

Found 11 May 2024, 16:58 effeemme found the geocache

Auch hier hatten wir Glück und wurden fündig. Koordinaten
N 54 44.825 E 008 17.740
Zusammen unterwegs mit korax8678. Vielen Dank.

Pictures for this log entry:

Found 11 May 2024, 12:30 korax8678 found the geocache

Heute stand mit effeemme und Familie eine Wanderung um die Odde an. Begonnen haben wir am Leuchtturm. Im Gegensatz zur Stelle östlich des Leuchtturms schien ein Fund hier nicht so leicht möglich, doch am Saum des Hochwasserstandes war ein kleiner Stein mit sogar zwei Löchern angeschwemmt worden.
Koordinaten des Fundortes:
N 54° 44.843' E 008° 17.804'
Foto mit Blick zum Leuchtturm.

Pictures for this log entry:

Found 10 August 2023 delete_136826 found the geocache

-User gelöscht-

last modified on 21 October 2023

Found 20 May 2023, 13:35 ZatopekEmil found the geocache

Hier habe ich ein Musterexemplar gefunden.
Vielen Dank fürs herlocken

Pictures for this log entry:
Bild 1Bild 1
Bild 2Bild 2

Found The geocache is in good or acceptable condition. 17 July 2021, 13:45 2raumteam found the geocache

Gut, dass 500m Umkreis erlaubt waren - auch wenn der Fundort nun näher am anderen Hühnergott-Cache lag als an diesem.

Gefunden bei N 54° 44.924 E 008° 17.668. DfdC!


# 109.OC-only

Pictures for this log entry:
Beweis mit unscharfem LeuchtturmBeweis mit unscharfem Leuchtturm