Virtuele cache

Hochwasserbank Westerland

Westerland flood bank

door team_GRLP     Duitsland > Schleswig-Holstein > Nordfriesland

N 54° 54.474' E 008° 17.908' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: geen behuizing
Status: Beschikbaar
 Benodigde tijd: 0:10 h 
 Verborgen op: 24. april 2024
 Published on: 24. april 2024
 Laatste verandering: 22. juni 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC17F26

2 Gevonden
0 Niet gevonden
0 Opmerkingen
0 Volgers
0 Negeerders
27 Bekeken
2 Log pictures
Geokrety verleden

Large map



Beschrijving    Deutsch  ·  English (Engels)

Westerland flood bank (short climb)

The flood bench in Westerland is a symbolic monument that was erected on Sylt's beach promenade as part of the Sylt Sustainability Week. The bench is intended to draw attention to the rising sea level. It is positioned so that you can enjoy the beautiful view for a few more decades before the water reaches this height.

Flood banks in Westerland, Hörnum, Morsum and List show how high the water would be on the island during storm surges without coastal defence measures. Storm surges occur when storms push the water of the North Sea against the coast, temporarily raising the water level. Although the Sylt dykes and the Westerland dyke provide effective flood protection, we sometimes forget how close the water is to us.

Further information can also be found at http://www.sylt.de/meeresspiegel.

Depending on your age and physical condition, this virtual cache is a sporting challenge and varies between T3 and T4.5

If you want to "log" this virtual cache (i.e. without a physical cache/container or logbook), it is necessary to include at least one personalised picture showing that you were actually on (not at or near) the bench. Let your creativity run wild - be it from the bench with your mascot, your logo, legs/fingers in the picture, your GPS device or in another original way or, as in the example picture, have your photo taken on the bench. Unfortunately, logs without photos must be deleted.

Gecodeerde hint   Decoderen

Qba'g sbetrg gb nggnpu gur cvpgher!
Qba'g uheg lbhefrys!



Example Logpicture
Example Logpicture


This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): Vogelschutzgebiet Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete (Info)

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Logs van Hochwasserbank Westerland    Gevonden 2x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 0x

Gevonden 25. juni 2024, 10:29 Woody Woodpin heeft de cache gevonden

Als Festlandnordfriese muss man auch mal die nordfriesischen Inseln aufsuchen, auch wenn Sylt da nicht unbedingt eine erste Wahl wäre.

Zufällig hatte ich in c.geo den Live-Update eingeschaltet und sah so den neuen Virtual an der Promenade aufblitzen. Auch ohne Hilfe ging es nach oben, ein Urlauber aus der Schweiz war dann so freundlich, das Foto zu machen.

Afbeeldingen voor deze log:
Heute ohne HochwasserHeute ohne Hochwasser

Gevonden 24. juni 2024, 18:18 DieScouts heeft de cache gevonden

Auf einem kleinen Abendsparziergang hier mal Platz genommen.

Afbeeldingen voor deze log: