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Quiz Cache

Sailor's Exam 1 (remake)

To find this cache, you will have to answer a few water sport related questions. The above coordinates just give a gener

by ime     Austria > Oberösterreich > Linz-Wels

Attention! This Geocache is "Locked, visible"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 48° 20.000' E 014° 09.000' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: normal
Status: Locked, visible
 Hidden on: 29 March 2004
 Listed since: 01 December 2005
 Last update: 18 February 2013
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1046
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

2 Found
0 Not found
1 Note
0 Watchers
0 Ignorers
10 Page visits
2 Log pictures
Geokrety history

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Description    Deutsch (German)  ·  English

Die Cachebeschreibung wurde gelöscht, weil der Besitzer die Opencaching.de-Datenlizenz abgelehnt hat.


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Log entries for Sailor's Exam 1 (remake)    Found 2x Not found 0x Note 1x

Note 25 October 2007 GeoFaex wrote a note

Cache von "BalkanSabranje" an "ime" übertragen.


Found 26 May 2005 M & Ms found the geocache

Found together with team_cellar.
TFTC! [^]

Martina & Michael

Pictures for this log entry:
We found "Sailors Exam"We found ´´Sailors Exam´´

Found 01 April 2004 namklaw found the geocache

FTF - a well preparation - it works!
I am very pleased about solving this Cache
To my mind - a very interesting, exciting and demanding one
Great idea, well description and interesting area
Thanks to BalkanSabranje
OUT: die cast car
IN: Geocacher Trading Card 4/30 [GCH4H0 Thanks Cyrano]
and TB walkman_001
LG namklaw

Pictures for this log entry:
in and outin and out