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Sports, Sports, Sports

Einfacher cache nahe Stallhofen

di DeeJay58     Austria > Steiermark > West- und Südsteiermark

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 47° 02.532' E 015° 13.467' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: piccola
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 0:12 h   Lunghezza percorso: 0.5 km
 Nascosta il: 21. marzo 2005
 Pubblicata dal: 26. novembre 2005
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 21. agosto 2006
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0EBA
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

4 trovata
0 non trovata
0 Note
1 Osservatore
0 Ignorata
20 Pagina visite
2 Log immagini
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Descrizione    Deutsch (Tedesco)

Einfach zu den Koordinaten gehen, Cache finden, fertig...
Versteckt ist ein Marmeladenglas.

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

Anur qrz ebgra Xerhm



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Log per Sports, Sports, Sports    trovata 4x non trovata 0x Nota 0x

trovata 20. giugno 2005 gebu ha trovato la geocache

Knapp vor Sonnenuntergang konnte ich den Cache und hunderte (keine Übertreibung!) winziger Erdkröten finden.

Immagini per questo log:

trovata 07. aprile 2005 aj-gps ha trovato la geocache

13:30 CEST
Bad reception? Reception? WHAT RECEPTION?


trovata 25. marzo 2005 cezanne ha trovato la geocache

Our third and last cache for today. Unfortunately, it was already raining. So we could not have a look at the spider web and just went for the cache quickly. We had the new hint because DeeJay58 had given it to us, but actually we it just shortened our search a little bit which was welcome in the rain. We would have looked at the hideout as one of the candidates anway.

The cache is in good condition. It was not easy to log it because we did not have an umbrella with us and only wore rain jackets. We had hoped that the rain would not start that early. Due to the rain, we decided to take the route via Mooskirchen and the motorway and not the way we came to return home. This was not a good idea. We had to wait about 20 minutes due to an accident on the motorway.

Thanks for showing us the sports center in Stallhofen about which I not have heard about before.

No trade.

trovata 24. marzo 2005 Neffen ha trovato la geocache

Im Wald spielte zwar das GPS verrückt aber trotzdem fanden wir ihn recht schnell.
Schöner Cache!

OUT: Cinch-Kabel