Ein kleiner Bonus für Bezwinger der Badlgalerie
di gebu Austria > Steiermark > Graz
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Log per Badlgalerie Bonus
24. febbraio 2007 gebu ha scritto una nota
Die Dose ist wiedermal verschwunden. Die Location wurde 'In der Badlwand' recycled.
29. luglio 2006 alice ha trovato la geocache
Ein besuchenswerter Ort, an dem sich auch ein Gewitter relativ komfortabel überstehen lässt. Sofern einem die Gesellschaft einiger Spinnen und Nachtfalter nix ausmacht.
Wann und warum hat jemand dort diese Krampen angebracht? das würde mich mal interessieren.
Jedenfalls wie geschaffen als Zustieg zu einem Cache!
Warum dieser Cache allerdings den Nur-Geocaching.com-Usern vorenthalten bleibt, verstehe ich nicht. Erik würde hier sicher eine Ausnahme von der 161m-Regel machen!
29. luglio 2006 cezanne ha scritto una nota
Today I visited the location together with Alice. The cave is very nice. Soon after we arrived in the cave, it started to rain very heavily. After Alice had climbed up to the cache and we both added our log entries to the log sheet, we waited inside the cave until the rain became weaker. It was clear to me right from the beginning that I would not be able to reach the cache alone, but I had a small hope that I would be able to climb up with the help of Alice. Unfortunately, the challenge was much too big for me - I had to give up already at the beginning which constituted quite a disappointment to me as all others except me managed to reach the cache. I admire in particular j_blue's achievement!
The way back to my car was an adventure in itself. Due to the heavy rain the way back was flooded and even with hiking boots very unpleasant to walk along. At the short narrow unpaved part I gave up and took the detour trough the forest one level up to the next road.
16. luglio 2006 grizz-gps ha trovato la geocache
Found with suzieq72 and aj-gps. I'm afraid of spiders...
16. luglio 2006 aj-gps ha trovato la geocache
Found together with suzieq72 and grizz-gps. We all went up and met at the micro, where we signed the log ;)