Virtueller Geocache

Römer in Szombathely

Baroque meets antiquity

von TeamMB     Ungarn > Nyugat-Dunántúl > Vas

N 47° 13.744' E 016° 37.309' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Zeitaufwand: 0:08 h   Strecke: 0.1 km
 Versteckt am: 11. August 2024
 Veröffentlicht am: 12. August 2024
 Letzte Änderung: 12. August 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC180CC

0 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
0 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
1 Aufruf
0 Logbilder

große Karte


Der Weg

Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English  ·  Magyar

About the location

Szombathely (Stein-am-Anger) has had to reinvent itself over and over again in order not to go under. It is one of the oldest cities in Hungary - a paradise for archaeologists. When strolling through the old town with its baroque elements, you will inevitably stumble upon remnants from antiquity. Judging by the circular gift graves, the first people settled here in the Stone Age. Then the town, inhabited by the Celts (Pannonians), was conquered by the Romans, renamed Savaria and expanded into a provincial capital and trading center in 43 AD under Emperor Claudius. This is also evidenced by an excavated Iseum, one of the best preserved, largest Roman temples in honor of the goddess Isis, which was discovered in the 1960s and can now be viewed in a museum. In addition, the remains of Roman roads, houses with mosaics, public baths, burial sites and necropolises have been uncovered in many places - on display in the Savaria Museum and in the ruins garden.


About the cache

The recreated temple complex, the ruin garden and other traces of the Romans can also be viewed from outside the museums. Take a photo of a relic from Roman times with yourself or an object you have brought with you and add it to your log. 

You also need to find the log password: next to the entrance to the Iseum Museum at the given coordinates there is an information board. The first line on the golden information board (three words in Hungarian spelling, all capital letters) is the log password. 


Have fun! :)

Zusätzliche Wegpunkte   andere Koordinatensysteme

interessanter Ort
N 47° 13.923'
E 016° 37.018'
interessanter Ort
N 47° 13.700'
E 016° 37.331'
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