Achtung! Dieser Geocache ist „archiviert“! Es befindet sich kein Behälter an den angegebenen (oder zu ermittelnden) Koordinaten. Im Interesse des Ortes sollte von einer Suche unbedingt abgesehen werden!
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This is a virtual Safari-Cache. It is not tied to a fixed location but can be solved in different locations. The coordinates given above are for example purposes only.
Further caches with the attribute 'Safari cache' can be found with this Search.
Safari caches and their associated logs are displayed on the Safari-Cache-Map.
The cache and its logs are displayed here.
Geodetic reference points
Geodetic measuring points have been around since the 19th century: they serve as fixed reference points for surveyors. These points are differentiated into position, height or gravity fixed points.
In Germany there is one fixed position point for every 1 - 5 sq km, whose coordinates and height (accurate to approx. 5 mm) can be used as a reference point. Sometimes these are inconspicuous granite blocks, indentations in rocks, embedded metal plates and much more.
The height reference points are reference points for height information and measurements. You have the right to specify the height to the nearest 1 mm. The position control points do not meet this level of accuracy. Height fixed points require that they be attached to a particularly stable surface. They are often found as metal bolts on church towers, buildings or rocks.
Gravity fixed points serve as reference points for gravity. Since the Earth is a very irregularly shaped structure, the force of gravity or the local gravitational field varies depending on the position on the Earth. This in turn means that the vertical direction can differ in different places - vertical is not the same vertical everywhere. Since surveyors use devices with spirit levels, they must take gravity variations into account if they are to be accurate. There are around 16,000 such gravity points in Germany.
In general, the above fixed points are often very inconspicuous, sometimes even underground. Lists of where such fixed points are located can be purchased from surveying offices or discovered in the 1:25,000 topographic maps. 'Public' fixed points, on the other hand, are rarely found.
The European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 refers to the stable European continental plate. This means that the ETRS89 coordinates remain permanently the same. This reference system is suitable for precise satellite measurements in the centimeter range.
This is how easy it is to check your GPS device:
Set your GPS device to the WGS84 reference system and the coordinate system to Geographic or UTM. Place your GPS device on the geodetic reference point and have the coordinates determined. Compare your measured coordinates with the coordinates of the reference point.
The log conditions are quite simple, depending on what your 'Geodesic Point' looks like:
The geodetic point that inspired me to do this is on 'La Gomera', the second smallest of the Canary Islands, above the Valle Gran Rey on the 'summit' of La Merica. Coordinates are not noted on it, they are:
N 28 06.895 W 017 20.194
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Logeinträge für Safari: Geodätische Punkte
14. Januar 2025 Hyppodereinzige hat den Geocache archiviert
Hmm, Mist, da hab' ich geglaubt, eine gute Idee zu haben und diesen Safari in die Gegend geworfen, im Vorfeld aber dann doch nicht richtig geschaut.
Sei's drum, jetzt einfach auf Teufel komm raus was anderes draus zu machen, widerstrebt mir, also geht's jetzt gleich wieder ins Archiv
12. Januar 2025 Landschildkroete hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben
Es gibt schon seit 2014 eine Safari zu diesen Thema.
Siehe: Geodätischer Referenzpunkt - Safari Cache OC10B0E
Viele nette Grüße von Landschildkroete
12. Januar 2025 Skrolan3 hat den Geocache gefunden