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Berlin, Tempelhof - no one in fact is remembering something and there is disbelieving amazement, when old-established people refer that Tempelhof hasn't been a mountain ever since. Even more the area of The Berg is said to have been as plain and spacious for an airport.
A lot of phantasy would be needed to imagine the buildings on the north-western entry of The Berg as aircraft hangar. Apparently the construction is a tourists grandstand and ever has been, the sweeping halls below serving leisure and pleasure.
There must be a reason, some might argue, why the cabins of the funicular are shaped as airplanes. Few even talk about "Rosinenbomber". The origin of that name though is completely unfounded and no evidence ever has been found to prove relation to The Berg.
But, you may plead, Tempelhof WAS an airport, we have witnessed planes starting and landing there! - Humbug, I return, how could that ever have been real when there has been well interpreted research on the geological rock formation from millions of years on The Berg?
Not to mention the documents from the history of the hiking club of The Berg, The Frühtau, that prove evidence far back into a time where there hasn't been any air traffic at all. The existence of the rambling club thus evidences the long standing existence of The Berg. Every now and then yet another document appears, illustrating the history of The Berg through the centuries. See for yourself in the logs on this site!
That's not enough for your discerning eye? You can see The Berg 3D or get to know the emerging number of his fans on facebook. Even at Euston station in London people acknowledge The Berg.
The cache:
To log this cache you probably need Gimp, Photoshop or something similar in your caching equipment. Take a picture of you or your GPS-device at Tempelhof, upload that and tell your stories on The Berg. Or upload the picture of the mountain shelter with that perfect view on Berlin and where you spent your last unforgetable holidays hiking, cllmbing to the summit cross or skiing on the glacier. Not to mention the paraglide landing exactly on Alexanderplatz.
Especially take care that you do not violate any laws with your pictures (make sure you have the rights to use the material and to show the people who might be on your picture). That's why the difficulty of the cache is 2. If you're not sure about the legal situation you can also log log the cache without a picture just by telling a story or something similar.
The first to find will get a "Berg-surprise"!
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Logeinträge für The Berg
13. Dezember 2021, 12:59 Spasax hat den Geocache gefunden
Während scheffcs und ich die Labs rund um das Tempelhoferfeld absolvierten besuchten wir auch diesen OC.
Vielen herzlichen Dank sagt Spasax
23. Januar 2021 martl hat den Geocache gefunden
Was tut man nicht alles, Photoshop ist so gar nicht meins, aber in Corona-Zeiten soll man ja fleißig zuhause bleiben.
Also endlich mal GIMP angeschmissen und ein paar alte Fotos rausgesucht.
War ganz schön anstrengend, diese Berge zu besteigen :)
Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:25. Oktober 2017 AndiOlli hat den Geocache gefunden
Mit SensaiWu gibg es gemeinsam klettern am "The Berg". Dank modernster Technik konnte ich hier den "The Berg" problemlos erzwingen. Das war ein Abenteuer.
Bilder für diesen Logeintrag: