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Im Nonnenrod

A simple multicache, the continuation of the cache “Am roten Rain”, but not precondition

by tigers_team_de     Germany > Hessen > Hersfeld-Rotenburg

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 50° 53.962' E 009° 45.730' (WGS84)

 Convert coordinates
 Size: normal
Status: Archived
 Time required: 1:00 h   Route: 1.3 km
 Hidden on: 18 May 2005
 Listed since: 12 November 2005
 Last update: 31 July 2015
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0AB3
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

5 Found
0 Not found
0 Notes
1 Maintenance log
2 Watchers
0 Ignorers
52 Page visits
1 Log picture
Geokrety history

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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

Thatone who reaches and has already overcome the “Am roten Rain” track, may suspect the same again.
“Im Nonnenrod” is the old name of the location, where this track will guide you to. According to an old legend, there was an immersed monastary or church, also still the old ghosts shall be around. From the former settlement no tracks have ever been found, but you can still sink until today in this area. As always at our caches, low signals but a lot of nature.
The given coordinate marks the beginning of the trail to the cache, it follows one more station where you will get the coordinates of the final – cache (and where you can make up your mind how to reach it).
Please respect, adequate and waterresistant foodwear is required for this location, also after rain it will become extremly slippy but it is not impossible to reach the cache. Again, your best clothing is not the best choice for this track and tick protection is recommended.
Because of the loaction, the GPS signals are very low, therefore is at the first (the start position) and the second station, in each case, a tree marked with the sign of geocaching.de (a G with a cross in its center, white colored). On the ground around the tree you will find a flat stone, written on the coordinates (decimals) of the next station. The coordinates given at the second station are already the final cache coordinates, but with tolerance. So, with “open eyes” of a cacher you should recognize the cache from a distance of 10m. (But this time is no mark on the tree.)
At all, really easy again.

The cache box contains the cache – log, a pencil, a sharpener and the east – coordinates of the Bonus – Cache “Roter Rain + Nonnenrod“, all this should stay in the box.
- various stuff for trade
- a first finders certificate

Happy hunting


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Log entries for Im Nonnenrod    Found 5x Not found 0x Note 0x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team Archived 31 July 2015 mic@ has archived the cache

Das letzte Funddatum liegt lange zurück und die Logs auf geocaching.com lassen darauf schließen, das der Cache nicht mehr zu finden ist. Aus diesem Grunde archiviere ich ihn auch hier. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben, so kann dieses Listing durch den Owner selbständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.

mic@ (OC-Support)

Found 27 October 2007 Misto found the geocache

Ein schöner Spaziergang mit Gast- und höchstwahrscheinlich Neucacher Venturus. Auch mit Handicap durch Kinderrückentrage gut machbar und fix gefunden.


in: Geschicklichkeitsspiel
out: Ü-Ei-Zinnfigur

Found 23 April 2007 thomasm80 found the geocache

Hier Stonecache getroffen...
Geloggt um 10.30 Uhr.

Out: Nothing
In: "Glücks-Cent"


Pictures for this log entry:
Wunderschöne Natur!Wunderschöne Natur!

Found 12 August 2006 Igelschnäuzchen found the geocache

zusammen mit dem Bahnhofvostand bei kleiner MTB-Runde gefunden.

Was für eine Sauerei. Die Fahrräder haben wir dann irgendwann mal stehen gelassen.

Sehr schöner, anstrengender Cache.




Found 12 August 2006 Bahnhofsvorstand found the geocache

Bei MTB-Tour mit Igelschnäuzchen um 16.15 Uhr gefunden.
Die einzelnen Stages waren gut zu finden. Aber dann, der Final - naße Füße, Dreck, über den Bach springen - hin und her. Und dann doch noch gefunden. Er war bewacht von einem Salamander! So ein Tier habe ich in unseren Wäldern noch nie gesehen.
In: Schlüsselband
Out: nix

Danke für den Cache sagt der dreckige und naße Bahnhofsvorstand.