Mystery cache that requires you to visit one or two caches in France (not too far away)
by sTeamTraen
Germany > Baden-Württemberg > Ortenaukreis
Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!
This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): FFH-Gebiet Rheinniederung von Wittenweier bis Kehl (Info), Vogelschutzgebiet Rheinniederung Nonnenweiher - Kehl (Info)
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Log entries for International Cache of Mystery
14 December 2007
Lion & Aquaria
wrote a note
Der Geocache ist offensichtlich nicht mehr vorhanden und wird demnächst archiviert.
Sollte der Geocache noch oder wieder vorhanden sein, bitte den Geocache wieder aktivieren und eine Bemerkung schreiben damit es alle Benutzer die sich für den Geocache interessieren mitbekommen. Diesen Logeintrag bitte danach löschen.
Falls noch Teile des Geocaches versteckt sind, wird der Owner gebeten diese zu entfernen.
10 December 2006
found the geocache
I found the hints in the two other caches in France some weeks ago. And I found the "high-tech tool". But I worked with it in a wrong way. I got coordinates in the middle of the rhine river close to the pedestian bridge in Kehl. Why not, I thought. But at this bridge nothing was to find except some waste.
Now today I decided to complete this cache and went again to the magic place. Fortunately I printed out the description again and so I got the information about the new location.
By the way this place is quite better to hide the "high-tech equipment" and guarded very well by a woodyghost (not a woodyjoe )
Today by the first trial I managed to use the tool correctly and the final was not very hard to find. When I reached the location I understood the hint .
Thans Nick for this beautiful idea and the nice location.
No trade
03 May 2006
found the geocache
We made this cache a bit harder as it should had to be because our print was stretched and we not until recognized it after try to handling the tool.
Last but not least after some arithmetic exercises we found the cache!
Thanks for this great cache!
Sunny *dh1vwr* :o)
03 May 2006
found the geocache
Whew. After an odyssey through France and the woods here (as we had no time to check the rectangle size this morning and had to recalculate) we could finally hold the box in our hands shortly after 9pm. Finally another interesting cache to erase from my todo list. [:)]
Thanks to sTeamTraen for the cache, gagaa
18 September 2004
found the geocache
Nice place with many caches ... but only one with a logbook in it.
It could be a drive-in cache.
nick: we took the high tec decryption tool .... and we will analyse it
in: Bubbles
out: Pin