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This cache invites you for a walk leading to waterfowl biotopes. Do not forget to bring a binocular with you.

by alice     Germany > Hessen > Marburg-Biedenkopf

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 50° 48.475' E 008° 54.598' (WGS84)

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 Size: normal
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 06 November 2003
 Listed since: 04 December 2005
 Last update: 04 December 2005
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC10DF
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

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1 Note
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38 Page visits
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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

This cache invites you for a walk leading to waterfowl biotopes. Do not forget to bring a binocular with you.

Stage 1 E 8°54.598', N 50°48.475'
Next to the picture of a little gull (Zwergmöwe in German) you will find
a telephone number. The name of the owner of this number contains a typo
(one letter is missing). Let A be the number which results from the
telephone number by omitting the area code.
The three digits behind the comma of the longitude of the final cache
location are given by A minus 337.

Stage 2 E 8°53.715', N 50°49.025'
Let B be the number associated with the mark for the highest water level (i.e., the highest number on the gauge).
The three digits of the latitude of the final cache location are
obtained by multiplying B by 3 and then subtracting 49.

Stage 3 (Final) N 50° 49.___ E 8° 54.___

Additional hint   Decrypt

Gerr fghzc



This geocache is probably placed within the following protected areas (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet Auenverbund Lahn-Ohm (Info), Vogelschutzgebiet Amöneburger Becken (Info)

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Note 02 November 2005 alice wrote a note

Bei der heutigen Cachekontrolle und TB-Befreiungsaktion stellte ich fest, dass keine 20 Schritte vom Final entfernt eine Art improvisierter Kinderspielplatz entstanden ist. Zum Glück blieb der Cache bisher unentdeckt, aber das ist auf die Dauer doch zu gefährlich.
Da es in der Vergangenheit Gemecker gab, weil die Wanderung "zu weit" sei (dabei ganz ohne Höhenunterschied, ich verstehe das echt nicht), werde ich mir die Mühe ersparen, einen neuen Platz für den Final zu suchen

Found 28 December 2003 cezanne found the geocache

As the weather improved in the afternoon and the rain had stopped, I was eager to have a walk. This cache was on my to-do list for my stage in Marburg. Alice was so kind to act as my driver. Alice's daughter was in the meantime taking care of the delicisious plum cake Alice had prepared before we left for the cache .

It took me some minutes to find the right sign at Stage 1. Thereafter it was, however, very easy to find the owner of the telephone number although I am not a local person and have never heard that name before. There is also no knowledge of German required to solve the task at Stage 1. (What probably is true is only that locals can solve the task faster.)

The way to Stage 2 was a little bit more difficult than indicated by 1.5* terrain because the river had too much water to cross it, and we did not want to undertake a big detour since the cake was waiting at home . It took me some time to find the gauge. Once found, it was easy to obtain the number B. In my opinion, there is no translation mistake in the English version. It is true that it is not a word by word translation, but as the marks above the largest number are not labeled by a number, it is evident what number should be taken for B.

I found the cache box very quickly. It was the easiest stage of this cache for me. The GPS reception was magnificent during the whole tour. The only time I experienced a reception of comparable quality was in Denmark, at some caches in the greater Copenhagen area.

The cache is in good condition - it was, however, badly covered. We rehid it well again. The next finders are kindly requested to take care that the cache box is not visible without removing some camouflage material.

Thanks, Alice, for another wonderful cache and a very pleasant afternoon walk through a beautiful landscape so much different from the landscape in my home region. I have not encountered so many water birds for quite some time. The watch towers reminded me of a school outing to Lake Neusiedl more than 20 years ago.

The locations of all stages are well-chosen. The tasks at the intermediate stages are nicely set up - not too trivial, but not too hard either.

In: turtle figurine
Out: marbles