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Traditional Geocache

Vier Tore Stadt - Stargarder Tor

by delta4     Germany > Mecklenburg-Vorpommern > Neubrandenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt

Attention! This Geocache is "Archived"! There is no physical container at the specified (or to be determined) coordinates. In the interest of the place it should not be necessarily to search!

N 53° 33.248' E 013° 15.671' (WGS84)

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 Size: micro
Status: Archived
 Hidden on: 18 April 2006
 Listed since: 20 April 2006
 Last update: 13 August 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1C5B
Also listed at: geocaching.com 

47 Found
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228 Page visits
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Description    Deutsch  ·  English

Vier Tore Stadt - Stargarder Tor

Neubrandenburg die Stadt der vier Tore, mit einer der am besten erhaltenen Wehranlagen aus dem Mittelalter. www.wikipedia.de

----- English version (as far as possible) -----
The city gate 'Stargarder Tor' is located at the south side of the neubrandenburg city wall. It consists of small gate (Vortor) and a big gate (Haupttor) which are connected by a wall (Zwinger). On the opposing side, the noth side of the city wall, have never been a city gate in ancient times, because there was a broad swamp located.

The Cache is placed between the small and the big gate.

Enjoy the hunt


Filmpalast am Stargarder Tor
Filmpalast am Stargarder Tor
Spoiler - 1.5m nach links
Spoiler - 1.5m nach links
Stargarder Tor
Stargarder Tor


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Log entries for Vier Tore Stadt - Stargarder Tor    Found 47x Not found 1x Note 0x

Found 13 November 2010 Fraggle.o4 found the geocache

Sehr einfallsreich versteckt. Kompliment!

Wink DfdC

Found 06 November 2010 Muskratmarie found the geocache

This was my fourth gate of the day, and the last of our caching tour in NB before Golgafinch and I headed back to Berlin. It's hard to say which gate I liked best, they all have their impressive merits. Thank you for the infos and for the caches.
[5:11 p.m.]

Found 17 October 2010 eisbär2010 found the geocache

Das war der 3. Streich und der 4. folgt zugleich. Sehr schönes Versteck, schnell gefunden und geloggt. TFTC

Found 22 August 2010 Turb0 found the geocache

sehr gut vesteckt

Found 28 July 2010 SaLyDa found the geocache

Nach dem Besuch der Burg Stargad sind wir noch nach Neubrandenburg gefahren.
Obwohl wir keinerlei Spoilerbilder mit hatten, konnte sich der Cache nicht ewig vor dem geübten Auge verstecken. Die Tarnung hat uns gut gefallen.

Vielen Dank fürs Zeigen sagt


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