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This multi-cache with untypical tasks leads you, among others, to a legendary stone, the Weckemilch stone.

por alice     Alemania > Hessen > Marburg-Biedenkopf

¡Atención! Este geocache es "archivado"! No es un contenedor físico a las coordenadas especificadas (o los que tienen que determinar). ¡El interés del lugar no es necesariamente la búsqueda!

N 50° 47.212' E 008° 47.840' (WGS84)

 Convertir coordenadas
 Tamaño: normal
Estado: archivado
 Ocultos en: 18. octubre 2003
 Publicado desde: 03. diciembre 2005
 Última actualización: 26. julio 2011
 Listado: https://opencaching.de/OC10A6
También en la categoría de: geocaching.com 

9 encuentran
1 no encontrado
0 Notas
1 Watcher
2 Ignorado
84 Visitas
0 Los de imagenes
Historia Geokrety
1 Recomendaciones

Large map


Descripción    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglés)

The final cache was located at the coordinates N 50°4A.BCD' E 08°4E.FGH'
As the cachebox has been stolen, the (new) stash moved 390 m / 300° from the original position!

To obtain the digits A up to H, you need to go to three auxiliary stages and answer a couple of questions there.

The coordinates of the auxiliary stages (in no special order) are:
N 50°47.212' E 08°47.840'
N 50°47.187' E 08°47.655'

N 50°46.777' E 08°48.525'

Which of the questions listed below corresponds to which auxiliary stage, will become evident right at the spot.


Here you will find yourself close to a refuge (hut). Search for a place for having a rest within a radius of 40 meters around the refuge. There you will find a sign.
Of how many words does the text on the sign consist of? Let zy denote this number.
Determine the row of the text on the sign with the smallest number of words. How many words occur in this line? Let x denote this number.
Determine the row of the text on the sign with the largest number of words. How many words occur in this line? Let w denote this number divided by 2.

Here you find two low boulders.
How large is the distance between them? (The tolerance for the accuracy of the measurement is assumed to be 10 cm.) Let vu0 cm denote the distance in demand.

Here you will come across a stone with hollows the shape of which looks like a bowl.
Fill the "bowl" which is indicated on the photograph with the liquid you brought with you.
Suppose you use a spoon with a volumetric capacity of 25 ml for scooping and for pouring the liquid into the bowl.
How many spoonsful (the spoon has to be filled completely each time) can you pour into the bowl without creating an overflow? Let this number be ts.

Calculation of the digits required for obtaining the coordinates of the final cache
A = y
B = s-2
C = v+1
D = w
E = z

F = t
G = u
H = x

Trading rules:
You are kindly asked to bring only trading items that are made out of natural materials.
Plastic is feasible only as packaging material!
Please refrain from TNLN logs. Keep in mind that TBs are not regarded as regular trading items.

Prerequisites for the cache hunt

You will need devices for measuring distances and for measuring the volumetric capacity of the "bowl" mentioned above.

We wish you a successful cache hunt!

Ayuda adicional   Descripción

N yvtugavat unf fgebxra ....



Das Volumen dieser Schale muss gemessen werden. You have to measure the volumetric capacity of this bowl.
Das Volumen dieser Schale muss gemessen werden. You have to measure the volumetric capacity of this bowl.


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Log de entrada por Weckemilch    encuentran 9x no encontrado 1x Nota 0x

encuentran 23. agosto 2009 Storkas ha encontrado el geocache

Auf neuem Opencaching-Account nachgeloggt!

encuentran 26. julio 2009 MonsterS4R ha encontrado el geocache

Im zweiten Anlauf mit Gastcacherin Britta und Gastcacher Noah problemlos an den nach Blick auf die Topo-Karte "höchstwahrscheinlich richtigen" Koordinaten gefunden. Ja, ja, wir hatten beim "Auslitern" etwas geschlabbert, aber das war nicht wirklich dramatisch.
Sehr schöne Runde, wobei uns der namengebende Stein besonders faszinierte. Besten Dank und viele Grüße,

no encontrado 06. julio 2008 rabe62 no han encontrado el geocaching

Drei Pauker waren unterwegs zum teilweise ersten Cache.

Die Aufgaben hörten sich gut an, es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht.

leider ist die Tafel am Ruheplatz ziemlich verwittert, so dass das Wörterzählen zum Lottospiel wurde.

Nach dem ersten Hilfs-Stage mussten wir leider zurück, den die Racker warteten. 

Sicher ist allmal, wir versuchen es wieder mit etwas mehr Zeit im Gepäck! 

encuentran 18. mayo 2008 twin trapper ha encontrado el geocache



twin trapper

encuentran 13. mayo 2008 delete_119718 ha encontrado el geocache

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last modified on 17. mayo 2020