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Dicke Eiche

This Cache is put down in the local relaxing area Broecke.

di Zwillis     Germania > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Borken

Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!

N 52° 01.850' E 007° 01.460' (WGS84)

 Conversione coordinate
 Dimensioni: grande
Stato: archiviata
 Tempo necessario: 1:00 h   Lunghezza percorso: 2.0 km
 Nascosta il: 09. dicembre 2005
 Pubblicata dal: 09. dicembre 2005
 Ultimo aggiornamento: 15. giugno 2011
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1183
Pubblicata anche su: geocaching.com 

21 trovata
1 non trovata
0 Note
0 Osservata
0 Ignorata
134 Pagina visite
1 Immagine di log
Storia Geoketry

Mappa grande


Descrizione    Deutsch  ·  English (Inglese)  ·  Nederlands

This Cache is put down in the local relaxing area Broecke. The Cache is the whole year over available, TIP: In the Advents and christmas time there will be special surprise for you at one waypoint.

Park please at the coordinates indicated above (N 52° 01.850 E 007° 01.460).
From there walk to
N 52° 1.845
E 07° 1.800
here determine in which the tree feld. The year is

a = ____

then go to
N 52° 1,866
E 07° 1,967
here search the reference to the wild animal protection. Count all animals on the reference you will see.

b = ____

when hunt the cache in the right season (in which you have a Christmas tree) here you will have the extra surprise.

Now go to the Cache, computes before this numbers:

c = b - 1 = ____
d = b - 2 = ____
e = a - 1812 = ____
f = a - 1135 = ____

the Cache is appropriate with
N 52° c.e (e consists of three numbers)
E 07° d.f (f consists of three numbers)

Never left the official ways it is only necessary on the last meters to be left!! There walk through the yield green carpet it is not necessary to look under it. Leave the carpet without prejudice to. Look at the most remarkable object in the goal region there you will found it.

Original equipment see photo. The Cache made possible also the exchange of larger parts and is high-quality equipped. Logbook pencil and Finder reference are contained. The euro cent set is the price for the gold hunter.

Back you have different options, same way back or still better you looks at you the small map at the parking place (the map has also be uploaded as photo) and selects a way with suitable length.

Much fun Zwillis

Suggerimenti addizionali   Decripta

Jvgu gur ebbg bs gur gvygrq gerr jvgubhg gehax.



Dicke Eiche / Thickness oak / Dikke eik
Dicke Eiche / Thickness oak / Dikke eik
Die Wanderwegkarte / The walking map / lopen kaart
Die Wanderwegkarte / The walking map / lopen kaart
Erstausstattung / first equipment / eerste materia
Erstausstattung / first equipment / eerste materia


Questa geocache probabilmente è situata in una riserva naturale (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet LSG-Grossflaechiges LSG zwischen Epe_ Heek_ Ahaus_ (Informazioni)

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Log per Dicke Eiche    trovata 21x non trovata 1x Nota 0x

trovata 16. settembre 2010 Slini11 ha trovato la geocache

Habe schon viele Caches bei GC gefunden.

Jetzt werden die Logeinträge bei OC nachgereicht.

Danke für all die schönen Caches.



trovata 03. giugno 2010 Cachfamily ha trovato la geocache

Gute gefunden.Laughing


trovata 03. gennaio 2010 soluma ha trovato la geocache

Vielen Dank für diesen tollen Cache, der erste im neuen Jahr.

Es war ein tolles Erlebnis im Schnee durch die Bröke zu wandern. Vor allem die Kinder auf dem Schlitten haben es sehr genossen .. ;)

Die Parkplätze waren voll und an Station 1 und 2 waren viele Muggels unterwegs.

Den Cache konnten wir dann aber unbeobachtet nach blindem Buddeln im Schnee heben.

trovata 03. marzo 2009 Cobra_51 ha trovato la geocache

Nach einem schönen Spaziergang gut gefunden.

Im Cache ist alles stark verklebt (Harz), sollte man bei Gelegenheit mal nachschauen.

Log: 13:30 Uhr

Out: Schlüsselanhänger

In: 2 Coins


trovata 05. febbraio 2009 Psionisti ha trovato la geocache