On the summit of Monte Cocuzzo (1540m) in the province of Cosenza.
di rizzi Italia > Calabria > Cosenza
Attenzione! Questa geocache è "archiviata"! Non c'è un contenitore fisico alle coordinate specificate (o a quelle che devono essere determinate). L'interesse del luogo non è necessariamente la ricercare!
The cache is on the highest peak of the southern Catena Costiera, which separates the Crati valley from the Tyrrhenian sea. On clear days you can see Stromboli and the other Aeolian islands as well as Etna on Sicily, in the other direction you get a great view over the Crati valley, the Sila plateau, and the Pollino massif in the north.
There is a lot of telecommunication equipment on the summit, some of it clearly no longer in use. Geologically, the peak is karst, with several dolines and bizarre rock formations.
From Cosenza, you go towards Mendicino or Cerisano, and then continue towards Fiumefreddo Bruzio. Be careful, the signposting is not very well done (but sometimes you will even find indications to Monte Cocuzzo). As a rule of thumb, going uphill should be OK. From Mendicino, you go towards the small village of Rizzuto first and continue on this road. Eventually the roads from Mendicino and Cerisano unite, continue on for some kilometer, then there is a turnoff to the left, going towards Monte Cocuzzo. After some 200 meters, turn right towards the "Ritrovo". Coming from the tyrrhenian coast, you should go to Fiumefreddo and continue upwards until you find the abovementioned turnoff.
Theoretically you could drive up to 200m (or even less) from the cache. However, the road is rather bad and it is also environmentally questionable to go there by car (even if it is apparently not forbidden). Normally, you would stop at the "Ritrovo" and hike up either on a forest path (marked red-white-red) or the abovementioned road, which is "in principle" paved, but the paving already broke up especially on the steeper and more exposed sections.
The cache itself is a 2 liter plastic box hidden some fifty meters south of the peak. Be careful, it starts getting steep there and some loose rocks are lying around. Also note that there are often strong winds on the peak and also clouds/fog may suddenly form.
The difficulty/terrain rating was done using http://www.clayjar.com/gcrs/.
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Ybbx haqre gur ynetrfg ebpx.
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Log per Monte Cocuzzo (CS)
10. agosto 2022 Schatzforscher ha archiviato la cache
Wie zuvor angekündigt erfolgt hier nun die Archivierung. Sollten sich später neue Aspekte ergeben, so kann dieses Listing durch den Owner selbstständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.Schatzforscher (OC-Support)
10. luglio 2022 Schatzforscher ha disabilitato la cache
Bitte bei Statusänderungen, die bei geocaching.com durchgeführt werden, auch immer hier den Status ändern.
Analog zu GC setze ich den Status für diesen Cache jetzt auf "Momentan nicht verfügbar". Sobald der Cache wieder gesucht werden kann, so kann dieses Listing durch den Owner selbständig über ein "kann gesucht werden"-Log reaktiviert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.
Schatzforscher (OC-Support)
Quando si cambia lo stato su geocaching.com, si prega di cambiare sempre lo stato anche qui.
Analogamente a GC, ora ho impostato lo stato di questa cache su "Attualmente non disponibile". Non appena la cache può essere cercata di nuovo, l'elenco può essere riattivato dal proprietario tramite un registro "può essere cercato".
Se avete domande, non esitate a contattare me o il team.
Schatzforscher (OC-Support)
When changing the status at geocaching.com, please always change the status here as well.
Analogous to GC, I now set the status for this cache to "Currently not available". As soon as the cache can be searched again, this listing can be reactivated by the owner via a "can be searched" log.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or the team.
Schatzforscher (OC Support)