

Puzzel cache

Route 60 - Captain Cook's Birthday Cache

about 30min Internet-Recherche, short forest-walk about 15min

door Lion & Aquaria     België > Prov. Liège > Arr. Verviers

Attentie! Deze cache is "Gearchiveerd"! Er bevind zich geen behuizing op de aangegeven (of uitgerekende) coördinaten. Het is dan ook raadzaam om deze cache niet te gaan zoeken!

N 50° 41.882' E 006° 06.169' (WGS84)

 andere coördinaatstelsel
 Grootte: normaal
Status: Gearchiveerd
 Verborgen op: 05. januari 2006
 Listed since: 08. januari 2006
 Laatste verandering: 17. augustus 2015
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC14F8
Ook gepubliceerd op: geocaching.com 

14 Gevonden
1 Niet gevonden
2 Opmerkingen
1 Maintenance log
1 Watcher
0 Negeerders
191 Bekeken
0 Log pictures
Geokrety verleden

Large map


Beschrijving    Deutsch  ·  English (Engels)

Happy Birthday Captain Cook!

To honor the "Grande Dame" of the Geocaching community of Aachen a cache has been hidden, which is about her ten favourite cars. To find the cache you have to answer one question about each of these cars...

VW Käfer Cabrio (Convertible)
In the year our Capatain was born the 10.000 VW was produced.
Only three years later the first Käfer Cabrio was built. It was a Karman-Design and was called Typ _ _ = AB

Ford Mustang Cabrio (Convertible)
On April 17th 1964 the first Ford Mustang was introduced. It was very cheap at this time and costed only _ _ _ _ $ = C D E F.

VW Corrado
From 1988 until 1995 the Corrado was produced by VW. How many cars were delivered wolrdwide? _ _ _ _ _ = G H I J K

Audi TT
How many HP does the new Special Edition (german: Sonderedition) Audi TT quattro Sport have, which is the strongest TT yet? _ _ _ HP = L M N

The most impressing, because hugest car a normal human can drive on a normal street. Also the tynk cpacity is oversize. How many liters Diesel does the tank of a M998 take? _ _ = O P

Chrysler PT Cruiser
A special PT Cruiser with especially big cubic capacity was only developed for the US. How many liters cubic capacity does this Cruiser have? _,_ l = Q R

Landrover Defender
According to your demand the Defender is available in three sizes shown in the cifers 90, 110 or 130.
What does these numbers stand for??
For the lenght of the loading area, meassured in dm -> S = 6
For the wheelbase, meassured in inches -> S = 0
For the required minimum size of the driver, meassured in his IQ -> S = 9

VW Touareg
Despite to its weight and its bulky appearance the Touareg W12 with it's terrific 450 HP is able to do a rapid sprint from 0 to 100 km/h. How many seconds does it take? _,_ s = T U

Lamborghini Diablo
Due to Lamborghini the Diablo GT and the GTR go for the fastest stadart cars. Which top-speed can these cars reach?? _ _ _ km/h = V W X

Chevy Van
The Chevy Van has a very luxurious equipment. How many seats are especially for the Captain? _ = Y

The Cache is hidden at

N 50° 41. (G - M + V) (O - W + Q) (C + S + N - L)

E 006° 06. (I + Y - D) (B + T - J) (H - R + K)

From here you can see a residence the Captain would like to own for her old age. This building gives the starting coordinates for this cache...

So that you don't have to serach on a wrong place you can check your coordinates with a mail.
Example: If your result is N 50° 41.123 E 006° 06.456 sen a mail to 123456@gmx.net
If your coordinates are correct, you'll recieve an automatical response-mail.

This is a theme-cache. So please only trade cars or things depending to cars!


Zoek caches in de omgeving: alle - zoekbaar - zelfde cache soort
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Logs van Route 60 - Captain Cook's Birthday Cache    Gevonden 14x Niet gevonden 1x Opmerking 2x Maintenance 1x

OC-Team Gearchiveerd 15. juni 2013 Opencaching.de has archived the cache

Dieser Cache ist seit mehr als einem Jahr „momentan nicht verfügbar“; daher wird er automatisch archiviert. Er kann vom Besitzer jederzeit instand gesetzt und reaktiviert werden.

Gevonden 12. december 2012 TEMBO(Ausrufezeichen) heeft de cache gevonden

Als Kfz.-Meister war ich bei vielen Fragen nicht überfordert, gebe aber gerne zu, dass ich das Final ohne Hilfe nicht gefunden hätte.

T4TC und Gruß aus Bonn

Opmerking 14. juni 2012 pirate77 heeft een notitie geschreven

Bitte bei Statusänderungen, die bei geocaching.com durchgeführt werden, auch immer hier den Status ändern. Analog zu GC setze ich den Status für diesen Cache jetzt auf "Momentan nicht verfügbar". Sobald der Cache wieder gesucht werden kann, kann dies durch den Owner selbstständig wieder geändert werden.
Bei Unklarheiten oder Fragen kannst du gerne mich oder das Team kontaktieren.

pirate77 (OC-Support)

Gevonden 06. augustus 2011 MorenS heeft de cache gevonden

Ein schöner Spaziergang.

Vielen Dank!

Gevonden 20. maart 2011 GiRoNiki heeft de cache gevonden

Besser noch als der Cache selbst hat uns die Altersresidenz des Captains gefallen.

Danke fürs Zeigen sagen GiRoNiki