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Dear geocachers!
We have used the Municipality of Flaurling's cultural guide as a starting point to lead you through this attractive town near Telfs, in the Inntal valley in Tirol. The town was originally settled by the Bavarii and was first mentioned in the 7th century AD. Our tour through Flaurling will lead us past historical structures such as the Risschloss castle.
The walking tour will last approx. 1 to 1.5 hours.
Parking is available at:
N 47°17.433
E 011°07.257
Erbhof beim Müller
The building was first mentioned in the early 17th century. In 1894 the master miller who lived there was appointed to run the post and telegraph office.
N 47°17.436
E 011°07.338
How many round windows adorn the facade of the house?
Village well
The village well is decorated with a statue of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers.
N 47°17.445
E 011°07.408
What colour are the statue's knee socks?
Green (B=7)
White (B=8)
Blue (B=5)
A former transit point for salt and an important corn storehouse
The building and its outbuildings played an important role as a salt transit point and corn storehouse. It also previously included a horse-changing station for couriers.
N 47°17.433
E 011°07.515
Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the year in the fresco on the building and add 2.
Medieval defensive tower
The "beim Schlössler" building was originally constructed as a defensive tower in the 13th century. Beginning in 1398, the Monastery of Stams extended the tower to the North. For 170 years, various tenants administered the property for the monastery.
N 47°17.485
E 011°07.450
Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the highest year on the wall of the house.
Before the bridge you will find a sign giving you your next clue. Then take the bridge over the stream and find the next waypoint.
N 47°17.597
E 011°07.204
How many large 1s do you see on the yellow sign?
Here you will find the penultimate clue to the treasure.
N 47°17.352
E 011°07.047
Which famous pilgrimage route is mentioned here? Count the letters of the name (without Tirol) and write the number down.
There is a memorial commemorating a particular jubilee directly in front of the Risschloss castle. The Risschloss castle was constructed as a hunting lodge for Archduke Sigmund, nicknamed "Rich in Coin", and overlooks Flaurling like a fortress. In 1496 his court chaplain, Pfarrherr (Reverend) Sigmund Ris, received the castle as a gift.
N 47°17.408
E 011°07.198
On the occasion of which jubilee was the memorial erected? Take the one-digit sum of the digits.
The gardens of the Risschloss castle are worth a visit. Simply follow the signs for the library to find your way into the beautiful and freely-accessible interior courtyard.
N 47°DC.(B-G)(F-A)(A+D+E)
E 011°(C-E-A)(F-A).(B+D)(G+E-1)B
Zusätzliche Wegpunkte andere Koordinatensysteme
N 47° 17.433' E 011° 07.257' |
N 47° 17.436' E 011° 07.338' |
Wie viele runde Fenster zieren die Hausfront? A= How many round windows adorn the facade of the house? A= |
N 47° 17.445' E 011° 07.408' |
Welche Farbe haben die Kniestrümpfe der Statue? Grün (B=7) Weiß (B=8) Blau (B=5) B= What colour are the statue's knee socks? Green (B=7) White (B=8) Blue (B=5) B= |
N 47° 17.433' E 011° 07.515' |
Bilde die einstellige Ziffernsumme der Jahreszahl im Fresko auf dem Gebäude und addiere 2. C= Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the year in the fresco on the building and add 2. C= |
N 47° 17.485' E 011° 07.450' |
Bilde die einstellige Ziffernsumme der höchsten Jahreszahl am Haus D= Take the single-digit sum of the digits of the highest year on the wall of the house D= |
N 47° 17.597' E 011° 07.204' |
Wie viele große 1 siehst du am gelben Schild? E= How many large 1s do you see on the yellow sign? E= |
N 47° 17.352' E 011° 07.047' |
Welcher bekannte Pilgerweg wird hier erwähnt? Zähle die Buchstaben des Namens (ohne Tirol) und notiere dir die Zahl. F= Which famous pilgrimage route is mentioned here? Count the letters of the name (without Tirol) and write the number down. F= |
N 47° 17.408' E 011° 07.198' |
Anlässlich welchen Regierungsjubiläums wurde der Gedenkstein errichtet? Bilde die einstellige Ziffernsumme. G= On the occasion of which jubilee was the memorial erected? Take the single-digit sum of the digits. G= |
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
[Deutsch] In einer kleinen Höhle; unter Steinen
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Logeinträge für Spaziergang durch Flaurling
20. Oktober 2019 binerle07 hat den Geocache gefunden
was macht das Team BP (binerle07 samt Hasen und pfeilgift123) an einem verföhntem Tag....es flüchtet vor der Naturgewalt in ein absolut windarmes Oberland....
unser Weg führte uns über Hatting, Polling, Flaurling, Oberhofen, um schlussendlich in Pfaffenhofen zu landen....
wir durchwanderten sehr interessante Naturabschnitte, besuchten Kapellen, Statuen, Brunnen und Denkmäler, hatten sensationelle Ausblicke, um schlussendlich unser high-light zu besuchen...die Ruine....
auch konnten wir den einzigen Mystery auf unserem Weg, nach langer Recherche lösen und natürlich loggen....
summa summarum wurden wir bei Allen fündig und konnten uns grinsend und föhnfrei in die Logbücher eintragen....
wir bitten die owner für den Einheitslog um Verzeihung....
binerle07 und ihr Hase
23. April 2019, 08:46 Ladona hat den Geocache gefunden
Endlich habe ich meinen selbstgewählten Wohnort besser kennen lernen können TFTC
14. Juli 2012 Columbus. hat den Geocache gefunden
Schöner kleiner Spaziergang durch Flaurling.
Danke und Gruß.
06. Mai 2012 Skorzak hat den Geocache gefunden
Als GC gefunden, als OC nun dankenswerterweise nachgelogged.
Spatnachts noch einmal eine Runde gedreht und siehe da, nach ein paar Verzählungen und ungefundenen 1en wars dann plötzlich da