A place to rest...
von Darkdackel Deutschland > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Aachen, Kreisfreie Stadt
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Adamshäuschen was first mentioned in 1704 , in connection with the forester Christian Baurmann. At that time this place was still called Abrahamshäuschen. Similar to the term "Linzenshäuschen", which was probably the home of a forester, this ending indicates a smaller house, which stood alone at the respective place .
- What's nearby?
- the old pilgrimage route
The parking lot at Adamshäuschen is the starting point to the pilgrimage route to Moresnet.
When I was a schoolboy, I walked along this route together with the rest of my class on a regular basis.
This well known place of pilgrimage in Moresnet (Belgium, right at the border) was founded in the mid of the 18th century by Peter Arnold, who suffered from epilepsy. He was a worshipper of The Mother Of God. Therefore he asked a friend to bring him a statue of The Mother Of God with the Jesus child from Aachen. To pray on his own, he attached the little statue in 1750 on an oak tree in the Aachen-Belgian forest (near Moresnet Chapelle). Onto this very place the Moresnet Chapel was build. Because of this and his sincere prayers he was cured of epilepsy.
At that time, such miracles quickly spread. Many believers walked to Moresnet to see The Mother Of God with the Jesus child, and asked for help. Many design boards inside the chapel bear witness of this. To this day many people from Aachen do a pilgrimage from Preusweg to Moresnet-Chapelle and visit the Kalvarienberg* (a tour, representing the martyrdom of Jesus at the cloister with figures and motifs).
* http://www.karmantan.de/kreuzwege4.html
- the Kneipp-Society
Since 1894 one can find the Kneipp-Society* on the hill of Preusweg 160. This society cultivates the doctrines of Parson Kneipp, which are based on bodily excercise and herbal treatment.
* http://www.kneippverein-aachen.de/
- The 1st Waldkindergarten (forest kindergarten)
Also on this site the "Erster Aachener Waldkindergarten"* was founded in August 2013. This currently resides (yet) in custom trailers.
* http://www.aachener-nachrichten.de/lokales/aachen/waldkindergarten-startet-im-provisorium-1.630655
- my Bank Of Dreams
While not any more a real exclusive recommendation a little trail can be followed upon the hil besides the parking lot of Preusweg, that leads to a bank, to two banks, to be more precisely.
Here I take a little break from the city's rush, as often as I can. I enjoy the beautiful view over the Aachen West skyline - "the sky is the limit". One can see the tower of the old Villa at Hasselholzer Weg, the Lousberg and the outlines of the Aachen University Hospital.
A fantastic place, where being lonely actually can be fun. I often sit on my "bank of dreams", enjoy the view and philosophize about life...
Take Line 4 (Hanbruch) or 24 (Kelmis) from Bus Station (Bushof).
Get off at "Preusweg".
10min. walk to the parking lot at Preusweg (starting point to the woods).
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
Look for a tree with red-white marks on it on the little hill.
Search at the trees on the opposite site (ground).
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Logeinträge für Tief im Südwesten – die Bank der Träume (Darkdackel Cache 1)
08. Juni 2016 Darkdackel hat den Geocache archiviert
Vielen Dank für's Suchen in den letzten Jahren.
07. November 2015, 12:30 geo-cache-fan hat den Geocache gefunden
Ich war mit meinen Freunden an diesem wunderschönen Ort mit seiner herrlichen Aussicht auf Aachen. Ich habe den Cache nicht gefunden sondern Dirk und das in ziemlich kurzer Zeit Gratuliere Dirk. Und bis bald zum nächsten Cache mit den "Fantastic Four".
06. November 2015, 19:19 stadtlaeufer hat den Geocache gefunden
22. August 2015 Katja104 hat den Geocache gefunden
ENDLICH haben wir diesen Cache gefunden Beim ersten Versuch haben wir hier 1,5 Stunden gesucht bevor wir doch aufgeben mussten. Heute dachten wir zunächst, es wäre einfacher, da die Büsche vor Kurzem geschnitten wurden. Allerdings haben wir auch heute eine ganze Weile gesucht und uns einige Kratzer, aber auch leckere Brombeeren, geholt, bevor wir den Cache dann überraschend vor uns hatten. Das ist die vermutlich längste Suche für eines der vermutlich einfachsten Verstecke gewesen, die wir je hatten! DFDC
06. Juni 2015, 11:10 DoppelPoeppel hat den Geocache gefunden
Bei einer sehr schönen Wanderung haben wir hier gerastet und uns "zum Nachtisch" die Dose gegönnt. Vielen Dank für das Zeigen dieses schönen Ortes! - 11:10 -