Sylter 🐥Hühnergott (Adder Stone)🐥 - Rantum
von team_GRLP Deutschland > Schleswig-Holstein > Nordfriesland
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In this mystery cache the task is the following for a successful log:
Logs without a photo will be deleted. Stones without a hole
or e.g. shells with a hole do not qualify for a log release! We have
published several chicken gods caches on Sylt, for each cache you need
one chicken god found there with a corresponding location proof photo.
We have made the best finding experiences in the morning with the
beginning flood. We gave a slightly higher D-rating, because it is not
so easy to find an appropriate "chicken god" at first go.
What is
a chicken god? The chicken god (adder stone/witch stone) is called in
the vernacular a stone with a natural hole. Such stones are often flint
stones with chalk deposits that are weathered. On Sylt you will often
find flints in different colours on the beach. The most dominant colour
is black. There are also more rarely grey and brown tones, see picture.
The "real" chicken god has a pinhead-sized hole up to several
centimetres in diameter, often the remains of a once embedded fossil sea
lily stalk. In Germany, chicken gods can be found on the Baltic and
North Sea coasts and are a popular souvenir for tourists as a lucky
For details see Wikipedia: and
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
Attach photo and WGS84 coordinates
Dieser Geocache liegt vermutlich in den folgenden Schutzgebieten (Info): Landschaftsschutzgebiet Rantum (Sylt) (Info), Vogelschutzgebiet Ramsar-Gebiet S-H Wattenmeer und angrenzende Küstengebiete (Info)
Suche Caches im Umkreis:
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suchbare -
gleiche Cacheart
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Logeinträge für Sylter 🐥Hühnergott🐥 - Rantum
27. August 2024, 13:37 Woody Woodpin hat den Geocache gefunden
Ein weiterer Hühnergott auf Sylt, diesmal in Rantum. Der Stein konnte realtiv schnell bei den Dünenpflanzen bei N54 52.358 E008 17.331 gefunden werden.
Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:06. Juni 2022, 16:57 ZatopekEmil hat den Geocache gefunden
31. Mai 2021, 10:27 1ct hat den Geocache gefunden