Achtung! Dieser Geocache ist „archiviert“! Es befindet sich kein Behälter an den angegebenen (oder zu ermittelnden) Koordinaten. Im Interesse des Ortes sollte von einer Suche unbedingt abgesehen werden!
Beschreibung Deutsch · English
In order to lift this treasure, you need:
Duration: min. 2 hours
Distance: 50 km for the whole cache (maybe better take a
Go to
N1 48°17.720
E1 14°17.076
Opposite you can see an information board. In
which year one started with the reconstruction after the
How many letters are there in the 6th word of the text
G = (E - 752) / F
H = ((E / 2) - 292) / 2
Devotion and refreshment you shall find,
a part of your name shall guide your mind.
Go to Point A
N 48°.15.G
E 14°.11.H
The shrine is surrounded by a flowerbed.
Is the shape of the flowerbed more or less
a) squarish or
b) round?
If a) then I = 236
If b) then I = 8
J = ((E - F^3) / I - 1) * 10
K = ((E -I ) / F) * 5 + 80
Stage 1 may help indeed,
man?s use today is major and daedal.
Go to Point B
N 48°16.J
E 14°18.K
The building at this stage has got which
name? (2 words.)
For each letter of the name put A=1, B=2,...., Z=26 and sum up the
L = sum for the 1st word
M = sum for the 2nd word
N = 2 * M + F - 2
O = E - K - L - M - 7
Here, seldom heroes have been given,
if so, the money might have driven.
Go to Point C
N 48°18.N
E 14°16.O
Near to the above coordinates, you'll see a
building with a strong context to the hint. Next to its main
entrance you will find an information plate.
On this plate, there are 4 or 8 numbers (depending on the way you
Calculate the one-digit (=iterative) cross sum of these numbers. Let the result be P.
Now, it?s time to use your math and
geometrical knowledge. If you tend to solve this geometrically, you
should better find yourself a table in a café nearby.
Take the topo map of Linz and put in the
coordinates of the points A, B and C.
These 3 spots form a triangle. Now you can either construct
geometrically or calculate mathematically:
If P = 2: Calculate the centre of gravity of
the triangle ABC.
If P = 4: Calculate
the center of the vincinity circle of the triangle ABC.
If P = 6: Calculate the centre of the
innercircle of the triangle ABC.
If P
= 8: Calculate the intersection of the hightlines of the triangle
Write down the coordinates of the corresponding point.
Still, so much hunting stages left -
a major animal might bear your heft.
Move to the coordinates you just calculated.
Have a look around. You should see a sign
which mentions a far smaller animal, which can be eaten.
Take the writing on the sign. For each letter of the name put A=1,
B=2,...., Z=26 and sum up the letters. Let the sum be Q.
R = M + Q - P / 2
S = Q + R - ((Q - 1) / 2)
Looking-glass, looking-glass, on the wall,
which sign I will recall?
Go to
N 48°15.R
E 14°17.S
If you look in the direction W from the above
coordinates, you should find a sign in a distance of about 20
What is the max. height for cars to pass?
a) 3,50m
b) 3,20m
c) 2,90m.
If a) then T = 167
If b) then T = 215
If c) then T = 349
U = R + S + T
V = 2 * T - 19
Your next destination a town will be,
there, darkness you shall seldom see.
Go to
N 48°15.U
E 14°21.V
Here you'll find a sign with 3 numbers on
Write down the second number, it will help you to open the
X = E - 2 * T - I - M - Q - 1
Y = (I - P) / P
N 48°15.X
E 14°22.Y
you will find athe cache.
cache container is locked with a bolt. Now the code of stage 7 will
be useful to open the cache container.
Initially, the cache contained:
Happy hunting!
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
Under the root of a huge tree.
Suche Caches im Umkreis:
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suchbare -
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Logeinträge für Breiti's birthday cache
01. Mai 2008 howc hat den Geocache gefunden
found somewhen on
18. Februar 2006 forever_chris hat den Geocache gefunden
Viele Mittagspausen mußten dran glauben bis ich die einzelnen Stationen abgeargeitet habe.
Bei Etappe 5 habe ich die Hilfe von team_cellar angefordert und bekommen.
Die Schlussetappe #8 habe ich mit meiner Familie gehoben, diese hat uns gleich zum Ziel geführt ( den Micro haben wir nicht entdeckt )
der Cache war etwas durchnässt ( war doch zuviel Schnee in den letzten Wochen ).
in: Raddierer
out: Stempel
Sandra Ursula Florian Christian