


Forts de Liege - Pontisse

von Lion & Aquaria     Belgien > Prov. Liège > Arr. Liège

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N 50° 41.526' E 005° 38.365' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: klein
Status: archiviert
 Zeitaufwand: 0:15 h 
 Versteckt am: 23. April 2006
 Gelistet seit: 24. April 2006
 Letzte Änderung: 12. Oktober 2007
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC1CA8
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

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42 Aufrufe
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Beschreibung    English

In the 19th century (1887 - 1892) 12 forts were built around Liège (Lüttich / Luik) to protect this important city against attackers from each direction. For WWII 4 more forts were added. This is one of these 12 + 4 forts around Liège: The fort Pontisse

The fort Pontisse is located about 7kms north-eastern from the center of Liège. It's area is about 12 hectare so it is one of the bigger ones. It is formed like a rectangle.

The fort seems to be intact. Today it houses the "Donkey Oasis".

To find the Cache you first have to drive to the entrance at N 50° 41.526 E 005° 38.365
How many domes (tourelles) can you find here? X =
The cache is located at N 50° 41.64X E 005° 38.45(3-X) opposite to a not yet classified part of the fort.

Verschlüsselter Hinweis  

foot of a tree



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