T-5 Diving-Cache in Memory of the old Mill (Luutschmillen)
von Tieftaucher Luxemburg
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It was in 1959 .........
The miller of Luutschmillen sitting in his favorite spot and looked at what was left of his beloved mill.
Unfortunately, only a ruin.
The mill had to make way for a reservoir.
The miller was now old and sick and had to move to relatives in Luxembourg.
Over the years he had saved up a great treasure.
This treasure he hid at his favorite place where he had always enjoyed the sunset.
To retrieve the treasure later, he brought three notes on the bridges of the mill.
Unfortunately, the lake was dammed in 1960 and the bridge together with the notes sank beneath the waves.
Your task:
Find the 3 silver coins with the instructions to the treasure of the
miller. (All references are in the immediate vicinity of the bridges)
Parke-purpose vehicle at your starting point.
-There you can also assemble your equipment.
-Issued you to start at Stage 1
-Submerge, along the Abyss (270 degrees) until you meet the old road in about 12-14m.
Diver's across the street, then hold you right.
Diver go down until you almost reach the ground in about 16-19m on the wall.
-You should reach the first bridge after a short time.
Search there for the first hint of the miller (silver coin)
Diver at the bridge turn toward 270 degrees and you'll reach after a short time the second bridge.
-There you'll find two more notes (silver coins)
Diver to the left (ca.350Grad) on the old wall along.
The rotating-wall a few meters to the left.
-There you reach after a short time a very narrow old channel output.
-There you can take a photo of you and end your dive after the learned rules slowly.
-With the obtained evidence can you find the favorite place of the miller and lift his treasure.
Search this treasure only if you have more than the necessary training,
equipment and experience in cold water. Everything is at your own risk.
Never go alone. Never dive into cavities. Observe the rules of diving.
Beware of the "Flying Dutchman, there should propel the loose ........
Final and:
Favorite place of the miller; Count:N49 54 (A+1) (14-B) (C-3); E 005 52 (4-A) ((1+14)/3) (C-7)
Only honorable Logs. I´ll delete the Rest!
Zusätzliche Wegpunkte andere Koordinatensysteme
N 49° 54.364' E 005° 52.273' |
Perkplatz und Start | ||
N 49° 54.359' E 005° 52.246' |
Einstieg in die Tiefe Point de départ en profondeur Entry into the deep |
N 49° 54.373' E 005° 52.216' |
Hier befinden sich die Überreste der alten Mühle von Bavigne sowie die Steinbrücken des Müllers Ici se trouvent les vestiges de l'ancien moulin de Bavigne et les ponts de pierre du meunier Here are the remains of the old mill of Bavigne and the millers´s stone bridges Hier zijn de overblijfselen van de oude molen en de stenen bruggen van Bavigne de molenaar |
Verschlüsselter Hinweis
Schöne Aussicht / belle vue / beautiful view / prachtig uitzicht
Pleas only honorable Logs. I´ll delete the Rest!
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Logeinträge für Der Schatz des Müllers
02. August 2013 häipy hat den Geocache gefunden
Zesummen mam Geofo-lu, der Geo-Zatz, dem Team DAR an fir t'éischte Kéier mam Doughall um Tour