A windsurfing instructor is someone who teaches others how to safely operate a windsurf (a small personal sailing vehicl
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A windsurfing instructor is someone who teaches others how to safely operate a windsurf (a small personal sailing vehicle)
This place is run by Datça Yaz Spor Okulu. https://www.facebook.com/DatcaYazSporOkulu
At this place you can have windsurfing and sailing trainig as well.
Windsurf instructors are an integral part of ensuring the success of these water sport activities. As an instructor you need to be able to teach children and adults how to windsurf, give them pointers about using the board and other equipment, give them safety talks, and provide a fun, secure environment in which they can have a great time.
There are plenty of windsurf instructors around the world, and you will have the opportunity to travel as you work, making this is a very appealing career path. You could be sent to Greece, Spain, Barbados, the Seychelles, or any beachfront location to enjoy the surf doing what you love and still make money at the same time
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Logeinträge für Neocraft Transfer TR # 30 Windsurfing Trainer