Virtueller Geocache

Ein Römer in Hévíz (SSVC)

Romans in Hévíz - a skeleton in the vineyard

von TeamMB     Ungarn > Nyugat-Dunántúl > Zala

N 46° 48.210' E 017° 11.387' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Zeitaufwand: 0:10 h   Strecke: 0.1 km
 Versteckt am: 07. August 2024
 Veröffentlicht am: 07. August 2024
 Letzte Änderung: 07. August 2024
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC180B8

0 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
0 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
2 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder

große Karte


Der Weg

Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English  ·  Magyar

About the location

The Romans brought many things that are still used today with them to the areas they conquered, including knowledge of balneology (healing baths). When they conquered the area of ​​present-day Hungary around 2000 years ago, where Illyrians, Thracians, Pannonians and Dacians lived alongside Celts, they began to use the warm, mineral-rich, slightly radioactive springs of Lake Hévíz. The daily bath is said to have even helped the later Emperor Flavius ​​to fully recover from polio. They also built a thermal bath that became a socio-cultural center and was used for commercial and therapeutic purposes - and is still used today (in a more modern version). As archaeological finds have shown, there were even settlements that mainly provided the infrastructure for the associated logistics. In addition to bathing, the Romans also loved wine. So it is not surprising that in 1925 archaeologists discovered an almost completely preserved skeleton in a vineyard in Egregy of all places. Who was the unfortunate man and how did he die? To this day there are only speculations.


About the cache

At the given coordinates you will find the skeleton on display and an information board. At the end of the text there is a year. This is the log password. In addition, attach a photo of yourself or an object you have brought with you of something from the open-air "Roman exhibition" that you particularly like to your log. 

Have fun! :)

Zusätzliche Wegpunkte   andere Koordinatensysteme

N 46° 48.168'
E 017° 11.312'
Info Die zusätzlichen Wegpunkte werden bei Auswahl des Caches auf der Karte angezeigt, sind in heruntergeladenen GPX-Dateien enthalten und werden an das GPS-Gerät gesendet.


Foto 1
Foto 1
Foto 2
Foto 2
Foto 3
Foto 3


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