
Meister meets Master

A short walk around the buildings of the Lower Austrian Economic Chamber in St. Pölten.

von f1nn     Österreich > Niederösterreich > Sankt Pölten

N 48° 11.059' E 015° 37.275' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: mikro
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Zeitaufwand: 0:20 h   Strecke: 1.0 km
 Versteckt am: 14. Juli 2009
 Gelistet seit: 16. Juli 2009
 Letzte Änderung: 24. August 2016
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC8A04
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

5 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
1 Hinweis
1 Wartungslog
0 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
191 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder

große Karte



Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English

Getting there

public.png Bus 1, 5 or 8 (stop at Schwaighof) or Bus 7 (stop at Landsbergerstraße)
parking.png There's plenty of parking space around the cache area.


Stage 1 - The Old

N48° 11.059 E15° 37.275

The so-called "Schwaighof" is the oldest building in the whole neighborhood. Built in the 12th century, it was remodeled in the 1600s by St. Pölten's famous baroque architect Jakob Prandtauer. At the end of the 20th century it was acquired by the Economic Chamber and turned it into a venue for conferences and corporate events.

Look at the building. How many figure groups made of stone (depicting humans or animals) can you see on top of pillars? => A

Before continuing on your journey, have a short look at the center of the roundabout. The monument by Dutch sculptor Hein Mader symbolizes war and reconstruction.


Stage 2 - The New

N48° 11.213 E15° 37.272

Old is followed by new: You are now in front of the headquarters of the Lower Austrian Economic Chamber. Built in the years 2003-2005 by architect Rüdiger Lainer, the unusual office complex features a striking red facade with randomly placed orange balconies, and irregularly arranged windows seemingly floating on top of it. Also the inside is worth seeing.

Look at the building. How many of the windows on the top floor have the narrow part to their left? => B


Stage 3 - The Lost Tower

N48° 11.230 E15° 37.147

This concrete building featuring expressive blocks and pillars was built in the 60s by the famous Austrian architect Karl Schwanzer. It houses the 'WIFI', an institution for (adult) education run by the Economic Chamber, as well as a special school for tourism. Behind you there once was the so-called 'WIFI Tower', which provided accomodation for pupils and course attendants. This 18-storey building was the vertical counterpart to the flat structure of the WIFI. It was a fine example of post-war modernist architecture, and also a significant landmark in the southern district of St. Pölten. In recent times however there was little demand for its tiny and old-fashioned rooms, and modifications to the concrete structure would have been very expensive. Therefore the building was torn down around the turn of centuries.

How many female persons can't wait to enter the old building? Take their number => C.

Stage 4 - Meister meets Master

N48° 11.246 E15° 37.157

Now enter the inner courtyard of the new building behind you, the "centre of technology and design". Its special character is mostly defined by its distinctive columns; a skin of glass provides for maximal transparency, while concrete as the primary structural costruction material responds to the neighboring WIFI building. It was opened in 2014 using the slogan "Meister meets Master" - a pun on the fact that it houses both the New Design University, a private university offering bachelor an master degree programs in the fields of technology and design, as well as some workshops for WIFI's skilled trade classes.

Look around. How many huge concrete copies of the letter "V" surround you? Take their number => D.

Next to the entrance, there is a green information board. How many black SEMI-circles can you see on one side of this board? Take their number => E.

The Cache

The Cache is a film canister. You can find it at the following coordinates:

N48° 11.nnn
E15° 37.eee
nnn = A*B + C*D - A - D
eee = B + C + E

Please re-hide the cache at the same spot from where you have retrieved it, moving it a few meters inwards. Have fun!

Zusätzliche Wegpunkte   andere Koordinatensysteme

Station oder Referenzpunkt
N 48° 11.059'
E 015° 37.275'
Station 1 - Das Alte
Station oder Referenzpunkt
N 48° 11.213'
E 015° 37.272'
Station 2 - Das Neue
Station oder Referenzpunkt
N 48° 11.230'
E 015° 37.147'
Station 3 - Der verlorene Turm
Station oder Referenzpunkt
N 48° 11.246'
E 015° 37.157'
Station 4 - Meister meets Master
Info Die zusätzlichen Wegpunkte werden bei Auswahl des Caches auf der Karte angezeigt, sind in heruntergeladenen GPX-Dateien enthalten und werden an das GPS-Gerät gesendet.

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Logeinträge für Meister meets Master    gefunden 5x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 1x Wartung 1x

gefunden 27. Mai 2018, 18:36 trekkiefreak76 hat den Geocache gefunden

Nachlog wegen Einstieg auf Opencaching.de, gefunden wurde der Cache laut Found-Datum über die Geocaching-Plattform. DfdC 😎🔎🔏🔩📜🔦

kann gesucht werden 24. August 2016 f1nn hat den Geocache gewartet

Listing aktualisiert, der Cache kann gesucht werden!

Hinweis Die Cachebeschreibung ist veraltet. 11. Juni 2016 following hat eine Bemerkung geschrieben

Auf einer anderen Website gibt es noch einen weiteren Rechenweg für Berechnung von B, für den Fall dass die Fenster nicht erkennbar sind: rotes Wort auf grüner Tafel am Spielplatz finden; B = Buchstabensumme (a=1) zweiter Wortteil minus Buchstabensumme des ersten Wortteils minus Buchstabenanzahl der allgemeinen Bezeichnung des Tiers.

gefunden 25. Oktober 2015 kaob27 hat den Geocache gefunden

Na endlich! Was hat mich dieser Multi Nerven gekostet. Bei einer Runde vor Monaten alle Daten gesammelt und gerechnet. Danach hab ich sämtliche Verstecke in der Umgebung abgesucht, aber nix gefunden. Dann hab ich immer wieder 3 Variablen überprüft und diverse Ergebnisse ermittelt, aber immer noch nix gefunden. Dann keimte in mir der Verdacht auf, dass vllt doch die 4. Variable nicht passt. Heute hab ich dann diese Variable noch einmal überprüft und siehe da: Heureka!! Das wars. Die Dose war dann auch schnell gefunden. Eeeendlich!!



gefunden 10. September 2014 napsi2004 hat den Geocache gefunden

Gemeinsam mit neuhuber.patrick, sandreffio und fox!.! Diese kurze Runde absolviert
Napsi2004 ☺