Virtueller Geocache

Liechtenstein - Die Nahtstelle der Alpen

About the geological diversity of the Liechtenstein Alps

von GeoMops     Liechtenstein

N 47° 08.335' E 009° 31.366' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 28. Oktober 2009
 Gelistet seit: 03. November 2009
 Letzte Änderung: 07. März 2018
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC96DE
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

75 gefunden
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1593 Aufrufe
29 Logbilder
2 Empfehlungen

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Benötigt Vorarbeit

Beschreibung    Deutsch  ·  English

Geological assembly of the Alps

The Alps are - in comparison to their surroundings - a relatively young range of fold mountains. They originate from the drift of the African against the Northern European tectonic plates since Upper Jurassic (Malm) 150 MBP, that persists until today. Strata of an ancient basin of the Tethys Ocean, that had been deposited here since Perm 250 MBP, were shifted. The southernly strata were shifted upon the northerly ones during this process.

Drawing 1: Schematic drawing of the assembly of the Alps

In the eastern Alps the Austoalpine nappes have almost been shifted to the northern edge of the Alps and cover the other nappes there - therefor the name. In the region of todays Switzerland the Austroalpine nappes have been almost completely eroded. In northern Switzerland the Helvetic nappes are topmost and so made their name. In the southern Switzerland the Penninic nappes is topmost. In the eastern Alps these are displayed in the outcrops as windows (Hohe Tauern) because of tectonic processes. At the northern edge of the Alps between the Austoalpine and small islands of the Helvetic nappes a Flysch zone can be found. It was the trough of the Cretaceous subduction zone. Because of the excessive thrust fault several nappe stacks may be displayed in quite small regions. Therefor the Alps appear very versatile landscaped in geological respect.

Drawing 2: Schematic drawing of the allocation of the main nappe stacks in the Alps

Geology of Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is located on the edge beween western and eastern Alps. This edge proceeds along the Alp Rhine in north-southern direction. The area of Liechtenstein covers notably multiple geological zones, that are introduced in the following.

Drawing 3: Schematic drawing of the main nappes in Liechtenstein


The major part of the Liechtensteiner Alps belongs to the Austroalpine nappes. The innermost stratum is built of bunter and shell limestone. These are covered by slate and lime strata. The steep slopes in the south of the Malbuntal and the Hahnenspiel in the Saminatal are build of lime and dolomite of the Arlberg strata. Between Malbun and Sassfürkle pits build by caved in gypsum with gypsum crystals and 'Marienglas' inside them can be found. Because of the gypsum in the north of Erble a mineral source's water divides milk. The slate and sandstones contain multiple fossils like fern and horsetail. The Ochsenkopf, Zigerberg, Gallinakopf, Drei Schwestern, Kuhgrat and Alpspitz are bult of Dolomite rock. Nearby the Drei Schwestern hand sized plates of Hematite crystals can be found. From the Jurassic 200 MBP over the Cretaceous period to Eocene 40 MBP derived the strata of the Falknisdecke. The Falknis breccia series indicates the biocoenosis of an ancient coastline. There debris of corals, algae, Belemnitae, mussels, worms gear, echinites, snails, punks and water lilies can be found as fossils.


The Fläscher- and Schellenberg stick out the Rhine valley as an apophysis of the Helvetic nappes and build its natural border. Particulary at the Schellenberg this stratum contains a lot of fossils. Most important are the cretaceous Belemnites in the 'Schrattenkalk', fish teeth in the Luitere fossil stratum and Ammonites, mussels and snails in the Lochwald stratum.

Flysch zone

Between the Schellenberg in the north and the Austroalpine the westmost apophysis of the Flysch zone covers Liechtenstein. The Flysch zone is classified into three units: the Vorarlberger Flysch between Maurerberg and Schaan, the Vaduzer Flysch between Wildschloss and Triesen and the Triesner Flysch in the south of Triesen. The Vorarlberger Flysch is exalted up to 1000m with fossil Fukoidae and Helminthoidae inside the Plankner series. Very rich is the microfauna of Couches-rouges, particulary with Globotruncanae from the Upper Cretaceous in the grey and red clay and lime strata. Between Triesenberg and Gapfahl-Obersäss a Sulzfluh stratum is located built of Couches-rouges, slate, Flysch, light grey lime, but granite, too.

Rhine valley

Granite, partially as erratic blocks, may be found together with gneiss and garnet containing 'Stahlstein' slate in the moraine of the quarterny Rhine glacier. The Rhine valley itself is somehow obscure: to date it is not discovered, if the Rhine valley is a geo-technical depression or a result of erosion processes; maybe it is caused by breakage splittings. The geological basics lead to another devolution of the Rhine, but ...

Sources (sorry, in German language only)

  1. Stabsstelle für Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit - Postfach 684 - 9490 Vaduz. http://www.liechtenstein.li/
  2. Alpen-Info / Liechtenstein http://alpen-info.at/html/liechtenstein.html
  3. C. Kuhn: Einführung in die geologischen Zonen Österreichs. http://www.8ung.at/geologie/geinfueh.htm
  4. Institut für Geographie der Universität Stuttgart: http://www.geographie.uni-stuttgart.de/links/
  5. Wikipedia: Alpidische Orogenese: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpidische_Orogenese

All drawings have been composed by the owner using the mentioned sources. The photo has been taken during a visit at September 30, 2009.

About this cache

This cache tries to give you an approximate overview about the geological basics of the Liechtensteiner Alps. The whole Principality is mentioned, so it is not easy to give this cache an appropriate location. Substitutional the Tourist office of Vaduz was chosen, because all information required to solve the questions of this cache can be retrieved here - most easily these of the Stabsstelle für Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. The team of the Tourist office proved very friendly and helpful, especially to solve any questions around Liechtenstein!

An addition to this cache I suggest excursions into the multifarious landscapes of the Principality of Liechtenstein to every interested visitor. There you may explore for example the Geology of this region in situ.


  1. Which route should the river Rhine take in respect to the geological basics?

  2. What overlying strata cover the western hillsides of the Fläscher- and Schellenberg?

  3. Of which bedrock is the Ellhorn as a prominent extension of the Fläscherberg built and from which period does it originate?

Log validation

  1. To claim this cache as found you have to write an email containing as subject the GC-code of this cache, a valid return address and as body text the answers to the questions to GeoMops@web.de. You will receive an answer with the permission to log if your answers are correct within a few days.

  2. Attach a picture of you in the foreground and the Vaduz Castle in the background to your log.

Logs without permission and / or picture will be deleted.

I hope you will enjoy this cache - it is the first Earthcache in Liechtenstein - have fun!


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Logeinträge für Liechtenstein - Die Nahtstelle der Alpen    gefunden 75x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x

gefunden 15. Mai 2024, 15:30 luckykaefer hat den Geocache gefunden

Bei einer Radtour vom Stadion in Schaan aus nach Vaduz, besuchten wir auch diesen EC.

Vielen Dank für den schönen Ausflug, fürs Herlocken & Zeigen

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Luckykaefer on tourLuckykaefer on tour

gefunden 31. Oktober 2023, 13:39 DD_LL hat den Geocache gefunden


👍 auf unserer heutigen Dienstags - Cache Tour konnten wir diesen Virtual-Cache bei Schwierigkeit 3.0 mit dem Namen: Liechtenstein - Die Nahtstelle der Alpen gut finden.

Wir sagen DANKE fürs Legen und Pflegen an GeoMops

DD_LL  🇩🇪 - Sachsen - Waldheim

31. Oktober 2023

Unser Cache Nummer: 387 ✅



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gefunden 28. August 2023, 20:19 md73 hat den Geocache gefunden

😀 Yabbadabbadoo 😀 Ey Caramba 😀 Tschakkaaa 😀 Gefunden! 😀

Der Earth Cache "Liechtenstein - Die Nahtstelle der Alpen" konnte heute bei gruseligem Regenwetter recherchiert, fotografiert und geloggt werden.

Dank an den Owner GeoMops für das legen 🥚, hegen 🧑‍🌾, und pflegen 🛁 dieses Earth-Cache, sowie den fröhlichen Smilie 😀 auf der Karte 🗺. Der nächste Schatzsucher 🏴‍☠️ kann kommen.

Gruss und Thanks for the Cache (T4T€)
md73 😀 👍 🐸

😀 # 143, 📅 28. August 2023, ⏰️ 20:19

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:

gefunden 29. September 2022, 10:59 Surfschulti hat den Geocache gefunden

Auf unserer Vaduz Erkundung  kamen wir auch hier vorbei. Leider war hier Dauerregen und das Schloss im Nebel verschwunden.
DFDEC an GeoMops

gefunden 10. April 2022 Le Ma hat den Geocache gefunden

Le und Silke36 sind mal wieder übers (lange)WE zusammen unterwegs. Heute standen die Länderpunkte Schweiz, Lichtenstein und Österreich inklusive Earth Cache auf dem Plan. Hier musste im Nachgang noch einiges nachgelesen werden.
Danke für den informativen Earth Cache.