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Logs van The Rocks of Mr Crahay
10. oktober 2022, 14:44 MirracleFinn heeft de cache gevonden
Heute bei herrlichem Wetter eine Wanderung gemacht.. diesen dabei gut gefunden. Ca 10m weiter rechts
MirracleFinn 78 10. Oktober 2022 14:44
24. februari 2020 broiler heeft de cache gevonden
After visiting the caves of Remouchamps we need a nice trip through the valley of Ninglinspo and back over the rocks of Crahay. Today it was a muddy trip but we enjoyed it very much. We searched a long time for this one. I think, the box is 20 meters away from the spoiler picture.
broiler (heute NBP)
01. mei 2015 Kleinanzeige heeft de cache gevonden
After the Cache near the Ninglingspo we walked back over the Hills and passed the Rocks of Mr. Crahay
01. november 2007 vampirhummel heeft de cache gevonden
On the way to "Une autre vallée" we decided to make a small detour and fetch this one. If Mrs Vampirhummel would have known how much we had to climb for this one, she would have waited on the foot of the hill - but lucky her that she joined for this cache, so that she could find this cache! While she recovered from the climbing, Mr Vampirhummel logged the cache and we proceeded to the highlight of the day...
In: wooden stamp, hippo
Out: %
Thanks for the gorgeous view over the valley!
14. mei 2005, 21:55 harrieklomp heeft de cache gevonden
Ook tijdens het Extreme event deze mee kunnen pikken dankzij de Tuinkabouters waar ik een hele gezellige avond mee heb gehad.
Ni Nu.
Gr harrie