Normaler Geocache

1st Gibraltar

On the Gibraltar rock

von mafra     Gibraltar

N 36° 08.046' W 005° 20.911' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: normal
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 28. Oktober 2002
 Gelistet seit: 13. November 2005
 Letzte Änderung: 27. August 2012
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0AFB
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

46 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
1 Beobachter
0 Ignorierer
238 Aufrufe
4 Logbilder

große Karte


Der Weg

Beschreibung    English

On the Gibraltar rock


Beware of apes
Beware of apes


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Logeinträge für 1st Gibraltar    gefunden 46x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x

gefunden 04. Januar 2025, 08:06 Cavabara hat den Geocache gefunden

Per festeggiare il nuovo anno e per fare un bel giro in famiglia quest'anno decidiamo di puntare sulla Spagna e più nello specifico la regione dell'Andalusia!
Quarto giorno di vacanza e quest'oggi decidiamo di dedicarlo al territorio d'oltremare britannico di Gibilterra; partiamo appena dopo colazione e dopo circa 1h30m di viaggio parcheggiamo la macchina a La Línea de la Concepción e ci dirigiamo a piedi verso il confine e verso il centro della città. Una volta saliti sulla cima mi dedico a qualche foto sulla bellissima vista a 360°, da una parte tutto il territorio Europeo dall'altra le coste del Marocco e la città di Tangeri, veramente molto bello, una volta terminate le foto entriamo nel parco vero e proprio e iniziamo a girarlo senza fretta; scendendo sempre di più arriviamo fino al GZ della "cache nonna di Gibilterra" questa vecchia cache è qui da ben 22 anni!!
Il ritrovamento è veloce, devo solo stare attento alle tante persone di passaggio, firmo su un nuovo logbook e ripartiamo.
Un grazie a Mafra per la cache e per il luogo scelto.

To celebrate the new year and to take a nice family trip this year we decide to focus on Spain and more specifically the region of Andalusia!
Fourth day of vacation and today we decide to dedicate it to the British overseas territory of Gibraltar; we leave just after breakfast and after about 1h30m of travel we park the car at La Línea de la Concepción and head on foot towards the border and towards the city center. Once we climb to the top I dedicate myself to some photos of the beautiful 360° view, on one side the whole European territory on the other the coasts of Morocco and the city of Tangier, truly very beautiful, once we have finished the photos we enter the park itself and start to tour it slowly; going down more and more we arrive at the GZ of the "cache grandmother of Gibraltar" this old cache has been here for 22 years!!
The discovery is quick, I just have to be careful of the many people passing by, I sign on a new logbook and we leave again.
Thanks to Mafra for the cache and for the chosen location.

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:

gefunden 17. November 2024, 15:52 MoAnTo hat den Geocache gefunden

Vielen Dank für diesen Cache und viele Grüße von MoAnTo aus Bad Dürrenberg

gefunden 14. September 2024, 13:06 kfamsi hat den Geocache gefunden

We are on vacation for 2 weeks in Andalusia. Today we visit nice locations in Gibraltar. This cache could not hide for a long time. 14. September 2024 13:06, #251
Thank you for hiding, kfamsi 🇩🇪

gefunden 18. März 2024, 15:39 FraSoSi hat den Geocache gefunden

Nice to find this old cache. I did get some funny looks from people when I stood on the ledge above the road. But hey-ho. Many people do stranger things. I took a picture, that was my excuse. 

My third day in Gibraltar. I started the day with the same procedure as yesterday. I walked from my accommodation in La Línea de la Concepción to the border, showed my passport (twice), continued across the airfield and on to the Market Place bus terminal. I took the bus as far as Garrison Gym, where I started my walk/hike at 11am.

18 March 2024 15:39

gefunden 12. Februar 2024, 13:41 Uli001 hat den Geocache gefunden

Hallo mafra,

Mit meinem Kind 2 im Gepäck ging es von Leipzig über Berlin nach Porto wo unsere Tour richtig starten sollte. Von Porto über Up Up Up ging es nach Sevilla, weiter nach Algeciras von wo Gibraltar erreichbar war. Anschließend ging es über Sevilla weiter nach Lisboa. Nach nun einer Woche flogen wir über Madrid nach Teneriffa wo die zweite Woche verbracht wurde. Natürlich ging es auch auf den Tide und das nicht mit der Seilbahn.

Thanks to the CO for your Cache and showing me this place
Greetings from Germany/Sachsen/Leipzig

gefunden 01. Januar 2024, 11:52 mpunkthpunkt hat den Geocache gefunden


Silvester in Andalusien

Nachdem ich letztes Jahr leider bei der Silvesterreise nicht dabei sein konnte, ergab sich für heuer die Gelegenheit. Gemeinsam mit APPC, CN72, PM73 und 13Edi13 geht für mich ohne Begleitung nach Wien🇦🇹, von wo wir nach Malaga 🇪🇸 fliegen. Dort haben wir unsere Unterkunft und unseren Ausgangspunkt für die nächsten Tage.

Am Reiseplan steht ein Besuch in Gibraltar 🇬🇮, worauf ich mich schon sehr freue. Der bekannte Affenfelsen und die Überquerung des Flughafens als Einreise, die Besichtigung der Halbinsel und das Cachen nebenbei versprechen viel Abwechslung und einen stressigen Tag. Auch ein Ausflug nach Marokko 🇲🇦 ist geplant. Hier geht es mit der Fähre nach Tanger, wo wir einen Tag verbringen. 

Im Zuge der Besichtigungen werden so manche Caches besucht, auf die wir uns schon zuhause vorbereitet haben, bevor es nach fünf Tagen in der Wärme wieder zurück nach Österreich und in den alpenländlichen Winter geht.


New Year's Eve in Andalusia

After I unfortunately couldn't take part in the New Year's Eve trip last year, the opportunity arose this year. Together with APPC, CN72, PM73 and 13Edi13 I go unaccompanied to Vienna🇦🇹, from where we fly to Malaga🇪🇸. There we have our accommodation and our starting point for the next few days.

The itinerary includes a visit to Gibraltar🇬🇮, which I'm really looking forward to. The well-known monkey rock and crossing the airport as entry, visiting the peninsula and caching on the side promise a lot of variety and a stressful day. A trip to Morocco🇲🇦 is also planned. Here we take the ferry to Tangier, where we spend a day.

During the tour we visit some of the caches that we have already prepared for at home, before we head back to Austria and into the Alpine winter after five days in the warmth.


Nochevieja en Andalucía

Después de que el año pasado lamentablemente no pude participar en el viaje de Nochevieja, este año surgió la oportunidad. Junto con APPC, CN72, PM73 y 13Edi13 viajo solo a Viena🇦🇹, desde donde volamos a Málaga🇪🇸. Allí tenemos nuestro alojamiento y nuestro punto de partida para los próximos días.

El itinerario incluye una visita a Gibraltar🇬🇮, que tengo muchas ganas. La conocida roca de los monos, cruzar el aeropuerto como entrada, visitar la península y hacer cachés al lado prometen mucha variedad y un día estresante. También está previsto un viaje a Marruecos🇲🇦. Aquí tomamos el ferry hacia Tánger, donde pasaremos un día.

Durante el recorrido visitamos algunos de los escondites que ya hemos preparado en casa, antes de regresar a Austria y al invierno alpino después de cinco días en el calor.


*Vielleicht sieht man sich ja bald im Wald.
Dort war ich schon:*
🇦🇹 🇩🇪 🇸🇮 🇭🇷 🇨🇿 🇲🇪 🇬🇷 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 🇭🇺 🇪🇸 🇨🇭 🇱🇮 🇱🇺 🇫🇷 🇧🇪 🇳🇱 🇵🇱 🇷🇴 🇧🇬 🇲🇺 🇸🇰 🇸🇳 🇬🇲 🇵🇹 🇺🇦 🇷🇸 🇦🇱 🇽🇰 🇲🇰 🇧🇦 🇲🇹 🇧🇯 🇹🇬 🇬🇭 🇬🇮 tbc...


Noch ein Hinweise in eigener Sache:

Da manche Logbücher zu klein für meinen Nick sind, ich im Rudel unterwegs bin, es schnell gehen muss oder mal einen Aussetzer habe, logge ich auch schon mal mit M.H. (alternativ mit H.M. 🤣) !


Werte/r mafra, danke fürs Legen, Hegen und Pflegen des Caches "1st Gibraltar", den ich als #11 gefunden habe, sagt mpunkthpunkt!!

gefunden 14. Oktober 2023 URilomeo hat den Geocache gefunden

The oldest cache of Gibraltar I very gladly wanted to visit. Today our group "MaGiSpa23" come to Gibraltar. On the way down the rock I made a detour here. The box was good to be found. Thank you for the cache and for the conservation of this oldie.

gefunden 26. September 2023 j-he hat den Geocache gefunden

3 weeks of holidays together with TedRedhair. Day 11 of 22 was our first day in Gibraltar and fully decidated to exploring the upper rock.
Of course the oldest cache of Gibraltar was also on the must visit list and thanks to the spoiler photo it was quickly found.
Thanks for hiding this cache and keeping it alive for such a long time!
As far as OpenCaching Caches are concerned, this was the 3rd and final OC cache we did in Gibraltar. 3/3 done! :)

gefunden 17. Juli 2023 wuffy hat den Geocache gefunden

Schöner Ausflug heute nach Gibraltar und dabei alle 3 OC-Caches gemacht!

Liebe Grüße aus Nürnberg!


gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 23. April 2023 Stbd hat den Geocache gefunden

On my sunday caching Tour with the cable car up and down on Mediterranean Steps I stopped here and could find the Cache Thanks for the Cache! Stbd from Augsburg, Germany

gefunden 12. November 2021 LouisCifer hat den Geocache gefunden

As the weather was getting wetter and colder in Germany, biotonne88 and I decided that we could live with some more vitamin D and set our course to the Costa del Sol to digest as much sunshine as possible.

After arriving at Malaga on Wednesday, we spent the first day around Ronda. Today, we decided to go further South and claim a new country point by visiting Gibraltar. So we parked in Spain and walked over to Great Britain, where we spent the whole day caching, sight-seeing and attending two events.

Our first target was to climb the rock, so we immediately made our way upwards. On the way down again, we of course had to find Gibraltar's oldest cache, so we did a small detour. TFTC!

gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 13. Juli 2021 Klotzi hat den Geocache gefunden

On my way back from the great sige tunnels, I found this cache and took a TB.
I'll bring the TB to germany.
TFTC Klotzi.

gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 25. Januar 2020 DL3BZZ hat den Geocache gefunden

Kurzurlaub in/bei Marbella, heute war Gibraltar dran. Gut 15km hier gewandert, viel gesehen und einige Caches.
Schnell gefunden und einen Reisenden da gelassen.

Vielen Dank an mafra für den Cache "GCA227, 1st Gibraltar"

Bis denne
Lutz, DL3BZZ

gefunden 10. Dezember 2019, 17:22 Skotom hat den Geocache gefunden

On our way down with the cable car I got out at the middle station to search this historic cache. I went up the impressively steep stairs. A sign about aggressive macaques made me a bit nervous but none of them was on the stairs and the others were far enough away not to feel confined.
The cache itself was a fast find. The most time was taken by getting it closed again because there's a big TB inside that I couldn't take with me.
Back to the cache I passed close to a macaque. I ignored him. He ignored me. After the stairs it took a bit of running to reach the next (and second last) cable car down. Mission accomplished.
Thanks for maintaining this old cache.

gefunden 16. November 2019 wombatmann hat den Geocache gefunden

Dieses Wochenende ging es mit Cacherreisen nach Marokko, Spanien und Gibraltar.
Mit einer Supergruppe konnten tolle Landschaften, schöne Caches, interessante Earthcaches, und vieles mehr entdeckt und bewundert werden.
Auch diesen Cache haben wir gesucht und gefunden und uns platzsparend als MaGiSpa2019 eintragen.
Vielen Dank für diesen Cache.

This weekend Cacher-Reisen from Germany made a trip to Marokko, Gibraltar and Spain. I was a member of this group called MaGiSpa2019 and together we had a great time and found many geocaches .
The answer to Earthcaches were sent for the group to cacheowners.

gefunden 28. August 2019 6Bonnie und Clyde6 hat den Geocache gefunden

TB in TB out. Log folgt.

Vielen Dank an mafra für die Arbeit mit dem Cache 1st Gibraltar und natürlich fürs Herführen und Verstecken.

Happy hunting und bis bald im Wald, sagen 6Bonnie und Clyde6.

gefunden 27. August 2019, 12:17 fcarioca hat den Geocache gefunden

#2. Found while doing geocaching.

Thank you mafra

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
1st Gibraltar1st Gibraltar

gefunden 06. April 2019 Saarfuchs hat den Geocache gefunden

# Found! #

Together with saarzwerg, tower27, FLF, marky_de, and linus2170, I have visited Andalusien and Gibraltar. We have done sightseeing mainly. On our way, we have visited this geocache also!

Thank you very much for maintaining this old geocache - by the way - the box was full of water, as we found it.

At 16:22:49 found and logged! [;)]

Thanks for the cache to the owner! [:)]

**[Follow my blog!](http://www.saarfuchs.com/)**
**Are you interested in mysteries? Just have a look to my [mystery-helper-link-list](http://www.saarfuchs.com/mysteryhilfen/mysteryhilfen-meine-grosse-linkliste)!**

PS: This cache is cache #9181 and I have used my iPhone and Looking4Cache to find it ...

gefunden 18. März 2019, 17:08 Surfschulti hat den Geocache gefunden

Auf dem Rückweg schnell gefunden.
TFTC from Surfschulti

gefunden 07. Februar 2019, 08:41 NevermindMe hat den Geocache gefunden

During our trip through Andalus we made a stop in Gibraltar as long as it's still in the European union. We were quiet glad for having left the crowded city. While I was looking the container itself one of the monkeys joined us. Thank you very much for this OC!

gefunden 03. Februar 2019, 21:48 Katja104 hat den Geocache gefunden

We managed to find this one as number 300. Truly a great choice as the rock of Gibraltar is one amazing place to see. Many thanks for guiding us here and tftc.

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
Group picture with travelersGroup picture with travelers

gefunden 28. Oktober 2018 nh82 hat den Geocache gefunden

On a geotour with Xearanth. After a flight from Barcelona to Malaga and a well slept night in Malaga, we took the bus from Malaga to La Línea de la Concepción in order to visit Gibraltar. After crossing the border, we left our luggage at the hotel, ate our lunch, visited a traditional cache near the restaurant and then took the cable car up. On our way down we stopped here, as the oldest cache of the area is always a special place to visit. This was a quick and easy find. The views were amazing. TFTC!


gefunden 16. Mai 2018 Findewolf hat den Geocache gefunden

Den ersten Cache von Gibraltar musste ich natürlich suchen und finden. Bei meiner Wanderung vom Felsen herunter in die Stadt kam ich hier vorbei und fand den Cache.
Für das lange Erhalten des Caches lasse ich noch einen Favoritenpunkt hier.
Of course, I had to search for and find the first cache of Gibraltar. On my walk down the rock into town, I passed by and found the cache.
For the long preservation of the cache, I still leave a favorite here.

gefunden 28. April 2018 LadySaratius hat den Geocache gefunden

We did a crazy trip. Together with AgentSchmidt, Mkuutomasi, The_Tom, Veke68 , Katsukka and me we drove from Malaga to Tarifa, Gibraltar and Tangar. 3 Countries in 4 days. We saw a lot and have had a great time in Spain, Gibraltar and Marocco.
We enjoyed the geocaches we could do during our stay. It was a nice journey and I have taklen a lot of pictures.... Hope we'll come back some day.
Thank you for this geocache.
Thanks for our group for this crazy trip.
Many greetings from Hamburg, Germany
Hamburger Piraterie

Hicimos un viaje loco. Junto con AgentSchmidt, Mkuutomasi, The_Tom, Veke68, Katsukka y yo, manejamos desde Málaga a Tarifa, Gibraltar y Tangar. 3 países en 4 días. Vimos mucho y lo pasamos muy bien en España, Gibraltar y Marruecos.
Disfrutamos de los geocachés que podíamos hacer durante nuestra estancia. Fue un viaje agradable y he tomado muchas fotos ... Espero que volvamos algún día.
Gracias por este geocaché.
Gracias por nuestro grupo por este viaje loco.
Muchos saludos desde Hamburgo, Alemania
Hamburger Piraterie

gefunden 29. März 2018, 18:40 greennex hat den Geocache gefunden

It was a nice day at Gibraltar. Collecting some caches is a must do.

gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 25. Februar 2018, 10:40 Dr.Acula hat den Geocache gefunden


from 23th to 25th of february a group of 37 geocachers from Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg undertook a journey to Morocco, Spain and Gibraltar. To save paper we mostly signed the logbooks with "MaGiSpa 2018".

On the third day we started in Spain again. Afterwards we went for our second trip to Gibraltar. Today we finally entered the rock itself. In the afternoon it was sadly time to say good-bye and return to our homeland.

In the morning we undertook a little tour with big taxis. It was the best way to reach the wanted locations, since we had only time until one o'clock. Of course this was one of the caches we wanted to do anyway. The 1st Gibraltar was definitely worth a visit with many coins and TBs in it.

Team: den Hasen & Dr.Acula - together with "MaGiSpa 2018"

Found at 25.02.2018 / 10:40 am

in: TB
out: TB

Many thanks for the cache to mafra.

Greetings from Germany,
OC #226
( Σ #2397 )

gefunden 02. November 2016, 16:00 westprignitz hat den Geocache gefunden

15.06 Uhr
Eigentlich ist das Besteigen des Affenfelsen nicht so anstrengend, wie ich es befürchtet hatte. Der Abstieg ist auch recht angenehm, zumal die Wege gut sind und einige Cache es kurzweiliger werden lassen.
out: TB

gefunden 26. Oktober 2016, 20:59 Knocky737 hat den Geocache gefunden

**Knocky`s & Cachedog Mondi`s WCT #007**
*Day 9: The Tanger & Gibraltar day*

After the long walk within the Sierra Nevada and the long drive to La línea today was a relaxing day starting with the ferry trip over to Tanger. Even though it was a bit bumpy, the cachedog took the boattrip easier than expected ... looks like our regular "ferry training" at home has taken effect [:o)][:D] After visiting the event with HHnilsHH and the only "Tanger cache", I had a late breakfast at the "Jardin des Nations Unies" and a nice walk to the "Eglise Francaise" we took the ferry back.

When returning back at Gibraltar it was the first time that someone wanted to see the animal passport of my cache dog ... good that I had it with me [B)]. The first stop was the cache "North bastion wall" from which we followed the stairway up the "Upper rock" passing the "Moops Road" cache and the "Lime Kiln" where I had a DNF [:(]. When entering the National park area where I paid the "Walkers only" fee, the guard warned me about the monkeys that "really don't like" dogs. Since I didn't want to take the risk of an attack, I only stayed within the lower part visiting the "1st Gibraltar", the "Ghost battery", "Devils Gap", the "St.Michals Cave", the mystery "The Gib monkeys Puzzle cache" and the "First Pillar of Herades" before we headed down to the city again.

On the way to the camper I then visited the cache "La verja" and "Playa de Levante" before we left to Sevilla. When we reached the camper stop within the city, it was 21:30 ... again a long day - much longer than expected but a great excursion [:D]

TFTC, mafra and your contribution to a great holiday tour with this hide!

1x TB drop

gefunden 27. März 2016 FerrariGirlNr1 hat den Geocache gefunden

Easter is an annual event that gives us two bonus leave days due to its holidays - this year Christyan and I decided to travel to Andalusia to take advantage of them [8D]. While the weather at home was cold (10°C) and rainy, southern Spain pleased us with sun and about 23°C [^].
On Sunday, we decided to visit Gibraltar: next to the geocache-finds in a "new" country, we wanted to visit The Rock, the Barbary macaques (apes), historical military relics and the southernmost point of Gibraltar [;)]. We decided to cross the border by foot because we're told that when passing the border by car or also by bike there's only one lane and therefore often a long queue. By foot we just need to pass one immigration officer and we were in [8D].
We took the cable car up to the top and went down (and up and down and up...) The Rock, but that made the walk just a little less exhausting, i think [:o)]. Of course, we wanted to find the first cache in Gibraltar, too! On this street there weren't any muggles (I think they were all "playing" with the monkeys...) so we could search, find and log the cache without being noticed. Nice view from here, but no monkeys today [;)].
This was my geocache find no. 8216 [|)]. Thanks for hiding and greetings from Lübeck, Germany,

gefunden 25. März 2016 irrwisch1 hat den Geocache gefunden

Quickly found this one during our walk round the rock. TFTC!

gefunden 17. März 2016 hmpfgnrrr hat den Geocache gefunden

While slowly walking down from top to bottom of the rock we passed this very old cache. Too bad that it is only a mirco container now.


gefunden 11. Februar 2015 sparadrap + tibecom hat den Geocache gefunden

Gefunden bei unserem Besuch an diesem kleines Land

gefunden 20. Oktober 2014 Blinky Bill hat den Geocache gefunden

Of course Gib's first was a must during our hike up and down the rock.

Thanks for maintaining it for a long time already and for a big box

In: 4x trackable


gefunden 01. August 2014 gabba53 hat den Geocache gefunden

Found it during our trip to gibraltar.
In: TB

gefunden 09. Mai 2013 berniegt hat den Geocache gefunden

Our trip to Gibraltar startet with a lot of waitingtime at the border. After that we climbed at the Rock and found some boxes, this box to be one of it.

gefunden 26. Oktober 2012 tottos hat den Geocache gefunden

On our way back to the city easy found.
Thanks - Family tottos

gefunden 31. Juli 2012 blackboots hat den Geocache gefunden

what a hot day but a nice trip. The place where the catch is hidden looks still like on the poictures.


TFTC blackboots

gefunden 26. Juni 2011 ockham hat den Geocache gefunden

Auf der kleinen Tour durch Gibraltar gefunden. Der FElsen ist wirklich einen BEsuch wert. wir hatten geplant auch einige andere Caches in Gib zu erledigen, nur mussten wir feststellen, dass wir einen Teile der Unterlagen vergessen hatten.

Tolle Runde! Vielen Dank


gefunden 25. September 2009 Los golfos de Berlin hat den Geocache gefunden

it was a bit complicated arrive there by bike, but i made it ;-) thanks for the nice view

in: tb minnie mouse

(3 estrellas en [url=http://dosensuche.de/GCVote/index_en.php]GCVote[/url])

[This entry was edited by Los golfos de Berlin on Wednesday, October 07, 2009 at 8:04:04 AM.]

gefunden 11. September 2009 Phoonzang hat den Geocache gefunden

There weren't many muggels around today, so it wasn't any problem to search, find and log the cache.

Out: TB

TFTC Phoonzang

gefunden 01. Juni 2009 Team Peilnase hat den Geocache gefunden

Our first day in Gibraltar and a very wonderful day. Many thanks for placing the cache and greetings from Team Peilnase from Germany.

gefunden 30. Juli 2008 sk_willich hat den Geocache gefunden

Nice place fast found.

TFTC sk_willich

gefunden 22. August 2007 woodyjoe hat den Geocache gefunden

Found During may vacation in Spain. My found Nr. 400 by GC.

Thanks for the cache and regards


gefunden 02. April 2006 TEAM Nick hat den Geocache gefunden

Found it on our trip in Spain during our holiday.
Recuerdos de Alemania.
Eva & Jens
IN: TB Major Tom
OUT: TB Bella Bug

gefunden 19. Oktober 2005 Homer Jay hat den Geocache gefunden

What a great adventure to visit the rock in Gibraltar.
Never seen free living monkey before.
Many thanks for this cache and greetings from Cologne
Gisela & Jürgen

in : Simpson-sticker
out : coin #195, TB

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
monkey looking for foodmonkey looking for food

gefunden 22. Juli 2004 JFSebastian hat den Geocache gefunden

Took out the TB 'What a croc' so I am wondering about 'Cases Dolpin'???. Anyway.. It is a cache with very good contents and well worth visiting it.

In: Sunglasses, German Geocaching Sticker
Out: TB 'What a croc', Wooden coin, something else ;)

/edit: Now i remember.. last item was a great Tintin card. Sorry.. normally i am not that greedy but that one was great ;)