Virtueller Geocache

A Walk to the Past - Virtual Bonus Cache

von cezanne     Österreich > Steiermark > Graz

N 47° 04.200' E 015° 25.800' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 12. September 2003
 Gelistet seit: 26. August 2005
 Letzte Änderung: 31. Oktober 2005
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC0083
Auch gelistet auf: geocaching.com 

11 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
1 Wartungslog
0 Beobachter
1 Ignorierer
131 Aufrufe
0 Logbilder
1 Empfehlungen

große Karte


Beschreibung    English

English description

This virtual cache has been designed as a kind of reward for the cachers who have succesfully completed my cache A Walk to the Past which requires quite some effort. The virtual cache and its non-virtual counterpart deal with the same background theme.

I hope that you will come across further interesting facts about the stages of the non-virtual cache while searching for the answers to the questions below as this is the main idea behind this virtual cache. I hope that you will appreciate the setting of this cache, even if you are, like myself, not a fan of virtual caches in general.

Important information: (Please read this part before you start your hunt!)
  • Before you can start with this cache, you need to have successfully completed the cache A Walk to the Past.
    In particular, you need to remember which places had to be visited for A Walk to the Past and you need the two numbers X and Y obtained at that cache.
  • This is a virtual cache, but you cannot do this cache without leaving your home! Since I do not own a digital camera, I designed the cache in a manner that it is also open to cachers who do not own such a camera either.
  • The starting coordinates given for this cache are again fictive ones and are of no significance.
  • In order to get permission for a found-log, you have to meet the following requirements:
    • Send me the answers to the 8 questions which are posed in Parts 1 and 2 below. (You can contact me via the e-mail service of geocaching.com. In case of technical problems, you might post a note to the cache page.)
    • Carry out the task described in Part 3 below.
    Any found-logs not meeting these requirements will be immediately deleted.
  • Please note that you are entitled for a found-log only after having got my permission by e-mail. This rule holds regardless of whether I reply quickly (should be the usual case) or whether you have to wait a few days.

Part 1:

The questions in Part 1 deal with Stage X of the cache A Walk to the Past and with the building that can be found there.

Question 1:
    Inside the building at Stage X a plaque commemorating two men has been installed in the last century. Let us call them Mr A and Mr B. What are their names?
Question 2:
    Mr A and Mr B were members of an organization to which the building at Stage X belonged in former times. What is the name of this organization? (The organization changed its name, but it will be sufficient for the sake of this cache if you come up with one of its names.)
Question 3:
  • G: The number of the district of Graz in which Stage X is located.
  • H: H=Y+G-5*X+6
    What happened to Mr A and Mr B in the year H?
Question 4:
    Who founded the organization referred to in Question 2 and in which year? Let us call the founder Mr C.
Question 5:
    Which were the two central topics in the work and life of Mr C which have remained to be significant and important until nowadays? (Another topic was important for Mr C and for other socially-engaged people of his time, but became somewhat out of fashion in later years.)

Part 2:

Calculate the iterated cross-foot of the number Y and call the result K.

The questions in Part 2 deal with Stage K of the cache A Walk to the Past and with the building that can be found there.

Question 6:
    In which year has the building referred to above been opened?
Question 7:
    Which event caused enormous damages to the precursor of the building? When did this event take place?
Question 8:
    Not many people protested against the event referred to in Question 7. Among those who did was a native Carinthian who worked as professor at the University of Graz. Let us call him Mr D. What is the name of Mr D and in which fields of study did he own a Ph.D. degree? (By the way, he was also very active in one of the areas which have been central in Mr C's life.)

Part 3:

  • L: The third digit of the number Y.
Rather close to the building at Stage L of the cache A Walk to the Past there exists another spot of interest which plays no role in that cache. Go to that spot. You will find a sign there informing the visitors about the place and about their expected behaviour.

Task 1:
    Send me the text written on the sign as well as the coordinates of the spot measured by your GPS.


Cache-Empfehlungen von Benutzern, die diesen Geocache empfohlen haben: alle
Suche Caches im Umkreis: alle - suchbare - gleiche Cacheart
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Logeinträge für A Walk to the Past - Virtual Bonus Cache    gefunden 11x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x Wartung 1x

gefunden 22. August 2023 chris2286266 hat den Geocache gefunden

Auf den "A Walk to the Past" kam ich eigentlich durch dieses Listing und mein Interesse war sofort geweckt. Freitag Nachmittag/Abend und Samstag Vormittag wurde gerätselt und die Stages besucht. Bei X und L wurden gleich die nötigen Infos für diesen Virtual erhoben, sodaß ein weiterer Besuch nicht nötig war.
Die nachträgliche Recherche zur Beantwortung der Fragen war dann auch noch überaus interessant, wenn auch nicht ganz unaufwändig. Die Logfreigabe kam dann auch flott - danke.


gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 17. Oktober 2022 Zoidberg73 hat den Geocache gefunden

Nachdem Pimi1 und ich den "A Walk to the Past" Cache abgeschlossen hatten, wollten wir unbedingt auch dessen Bonus absolvieren...
Also ging es anhand der beiden Bonuszahlen teilweise wieder zu den einzelnen Stationen zurück, um zusätzliche Informationen zu sammeln. Damit und dank weiterer Rechergen (aus persönlichem Interesse heraus auch sehr tiefgehend...) konnten wir die Antworten zu den Fragen zusammenstellen und der Ownerin schicken.
Die Antwort kam bereits innerhalb von ein paar Stunden (danke!) und erlaubte es uns, einen weiteren Fund zu loggen...

TFTC an cezanne für Idee, Realisierung und Wartung dieses Caches!

gefunden 20. August 2022 bubbles hat den Geocache gefunden

danke für diese belohnung für einen sehr aufwändigen und hochinteressanten mystery. 


es geht mir immer sehr nahe, mich mit solchen themen auseinanderzusetzen. tun wir bitte alle täglich unser bestes, zu verhindern, dass solch tragische zeiten wiederkommen - indem wir NIEMANDEN ausgrenzen und tolerant bleiben.

gefunden Empfohlen 14. Oktober 2019 Euni hat den Geocache gefunden

Heute im Anschluss an den Hauptcache gleich noch die Antworten für den Bonus ermittelt. Ich bedanke mich für die sensationell schnelle Logfreigabe. Für das Zeigen der Denkorte bedanke ich mich mit einer Empfehlung. Wie soll man hier das Passwort erraten?

kann gesucht werden 04. Juni 2016 cezanne hat den Geocache gewartet

Everything ok.

Alles in Ordnung.