Virtueller Geocache

Warsaw Uprising 1944

Find a place commemorating Warsaw Uprising 1944, that wasn't logged before.

von GeoLog81     Polen > Mazowieckie > Miasto Warszawa

N 52° 14.954' E 021° 00.573' (WGS84)

 andere Koordinatensysteme
 Größe: kein Behälter
Status: kann gesucht werden
 Versteckt am: 14. Juli 2015
 Veröffentlicht am: 15. Juli 2015
 Letzte Änderung: 15. Juli 2015
 Listing: https://opencaching.de/OC12296

6 gefunden
0 nicht gefunden
0 Bemerkungen
1 Beobachter
2 Ignorierer
135 Aufrufe
9 Logbilder



Beschreibung    English

This is safari hunt, that is commemorating the Warsaw Uprising. The Warsaw Uprising has started on 1st August 1944, and has continued for 63 days, although poorly armed uprisers, mostly youngs without proper military training, have faced heavily armed German army.

The Armia Krajowa has hoped for Ally intervention and the major offensive of Soviet troops. The uprising should liberate Warsaw before the Red Army would do that, which would put Poland into Soviet zone of influence, which eventually happened. However, those expectations were unrealistic. The Allies has neither enough resources nor political will to give Warsaw substantial support, and the Soviets were not intrested in Poland liberating itself and becoming independent. and they have stopped their offensive. Under such circumstances, the Germans could launch a major offensive. After the uprising, the Warsaw was about to be completely destroyed on the personal Hitler's order. In January 1945, when the Red Army has taken over Warsaw, almost every building on the west side of Vistula was in ruins. 

You dont' have to visit the listing coordinates in order to log the cache, but if you do that, you'll see a monument of Little Upriser. The monument is commemorating the fact, that many younglings have fought and ceased in the uprising, although in reality, most of them had only hand-made weapons.

Find any place commemorating Warsaw Uprising 1944 in any way, as a monument, commemorating table, a mural or anything similar, that wasn't logged before, and put in your log the exact GPS coordinates of it, together with brief description and at least one picture taken by you.


This is a virtual Safari-Cache. It isn't placed on any predefined location, but can be logged anywhere. The given coordinates are only an example
You can find other caches with the attribute "Safari-Cache" here.
Safari-Caches and their logs are shown here: Safari-Cache-Karte
The cache and its logs are shown here.

Please give the logs in the format "N/S DD MM.MMM E/W DDD MM.MMM" (z.B. "N 48 00.000 E 008 00.000"), so that the locations can be shown correctly on the Safari-Cache-Map


The Little Upriser
The Little Upriser


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Logeinträge für Warsaw Uprising 1944    gefunden 6x nicht gefunden 0x Hinweis 0x

gefunden 04. Mai 2023, 15:19 malin20 hat den Geocache gefunden

Found it!

gefunden 18. Juni 2022 Miki05 hat den Geocache gefunden

Tablica na jednym z budynków przy placu Zamkowym w Warszawie upamiętniająca poległych Polaków.


N 52 14.878 E 021 00.811


Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:

gefunden Der Cache ist in gutem oder akzeptablem Zustand. 12. Juli 2018 Elvis7 hat den Geocache gefunden

Reduta Banku Polskiego na ul. Bielańskiej w Warszawie

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:

gefunden 02. Dezember 2017 KrystianT hat den Geocache gefunden

Dwa pomniki na jednym skrzyżowaniu... Więcej informacji po odczytaniu QR-code.

Współrzędne jednego z pomników to N52 10,795 E20 58,659

Bilder für diesen Logeintrag:
Pomnik - zbliżeniePomnik - zbliżenie
Pomnik - QR-codePomnik - QR-code
Kapliczka - QR-codeKapliczka - QR-code

gefunden 29. August 2017, 19:27 Tungmar hat den Geocache gefunden

While walking trough the Warsaw old town I saw several, probably temporary, memorial sites about the uprising. On of them where several pictures of people who fought in the uprise and they're story written on the back. It is/was located at

N 52 14.556 E 021 00.890

Thank you for this interesting safari cache!

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